The Recycle beast is requesting new items!

Cream Lasirus Plushie
Brown Puffy Hat
Item not found: lasirus plushie
Dusk Fester Hand Puppet
Sagittarius Pendant
Average Razor

Blackcurrant Jelly Kumos Lollipop
Item not found: lilac dragon plushie
Field Torrey Beanbag
Blue Atebus Locker
Item not found: bovyne beanbagItem not found: dark matter lasirus plushie
Blue Eraser

The Hustler Trading Card
Angelic Piggy Bank
Yellow Lei
Canned Mushroom
Item not found: cadogre beanbag
Slots Spork
User Avatar: 1

Posted by Keith


BlueGreenGrey, I couldn't have explained it better myself. I hope this stops the people who are complaining about all the frequent changes because it makes SO much sense now!


He used to only ask for 3 items and change once a week (though there was a time he stayed the same for *months* and was never changed). But then they put in fancy, expensive clothes to feed HA addictions, and the 40k Ametsuchi, and 3k new minions. It would take YEARS to get 40k points, turning in 3 items and it only changing weekly or less. So not only does this keep all of us Recyclers from getting discouraged, it keeps the economy flowing nicely - these low-rarity items are being used up, instead of flooding the market - and there are no more "useless" Slots Items cluttering up the DC like they used to. Being able to turn in 21 different (previously) useless and borderline useless items and changing often is helping the economy - while it's helping us save for things we want. I think it's brilliant <img src= border=0>


What happened to when he only wanted, like, three items Oo;;;;;;

Not that I"m complaining, it's just an insane leap there xD


I absolutely LOVE that it updates so fast. Of course the prices will soar on these items, so why should we watch helplessly for days on end till the next round, only to be too late for that? This is the first time I actually managed to play: 237 points, collected by shopping, as should be! Thank you Subeta =D


You have 2500 Slots Trading Cards - when is he going to ask for these? *is buried*


200 point =]] yay


Still hoping for Slots Trading Cards and Oofa fruits. Only had 6 sporks this time around, not enough time to save up for them again after the last round.


yeah, fruit and fish items could be nice...


<img src= border=0> I was hoping he would ask for the slots trading cards -goes to play slots-


I love you recycle beast! 700 more points until I can finally buy my Scavenger. Thank you, thank you <img src= border=0> If only he would ask for fruits or fishing items.


I LOVE that it shows all items, why not???

I also LOVE that it has been getting updated this often, it should because of the extremely high cost of items in his shop.

Its fun!

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It never ceases to amaze me how quickly the prices shoot up on these items. :/


and why does it have to show all items... just saying that he ask for new items should be enought... well I think!

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To stop inflation i think and give evrybody a chance to get the weapon in there ^^

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why does the recycle beast gets updates so often?

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