The Recycle beast is requesting new items!

Arid Kanis Beanbag
Eyeball on a Toothpick
Camo Tank Top
Qito Plushie
Twilight Montre Beanbag
Star Gazer Meter Reader
Item not found: hipposaru beanbag
Graveyard Ocarina
Red Bonbon
Broken Dusk Light Bulb
Sausage Pizza
Field Plastic Flamingo
Slice of Bloodred Bread
Donadak Chair

Item not found: yellow paint
Miso Soup
Cheap Tombstone
Festively Plump Piggie
Brown Tank Top
White Puffy Hat
Slots Spork
User Avatar: 1

Posted by Keith


<img src= border=0> Or maybe some of these avalanching Plain Pumpkins? *hopeful* lol


Hmmm... How about a Subetique Clothing Recycling Drive for a day? Wooooo. lol XD


I really like the changes, both having more items and changing more often. But I agree that there are some higher rarity things that have a really deflated value and it would be nice to throw a few of those in the mix. I'm thinking specifically of all the elixirs that are 1000sp and under.


Oh yeah, he has asked for Slots Cards before. Oofa fruits too. It's just been a loooooong time.


I don't see why they wouldn't be using the slots cards and oofa fruits. They both come from the same place as the sporks, so there is no reason not to use them.


Oh and the items he asks for now do deflate some but soon as the news comes out, people run to buy them out so fast that you don't see that they had deflated.


I don't know why people complain about half the things they complain about, it gets rather monotonous after a while. I actually like how the recycle beast is now. The only thing I'd like to see change is the rarities.. he should ask for a few from each rarity group (really common, common, mundane, normal, rare and really rare) This would hopefully get rid of some of the 'rarer' junk that piles up due to the vending machines and sells for under 100 sp's and give the lower rarities a chance to deflate back to normal for a while. People would still complain though. I guarantee it.


Why are some people complaining about spending lots of sPs? Sporks are easy to get if youre willing to put in some time to play the slots!


*loves* the Recycle Beast!!! <img src= border=0>


I do not think the beast asks for slot cards, never has, and never will. The whole time I've been on this site I do not recall him ever asking for them. But don't trust my memory too thoroughly. I'm only 84% positive


I have to agree with Malabui. This is defeating the whole point of the Recycle Beast now. Wasn't he supposed to take items that were flooding the site? But when he asks for the same things over and over again, and something different every day, it's only going to lead to the inflation of worthless junk *cough sporks*. And ahem. SLOTS CARDS, BEAST. SLOTS CARDS.

User not found:

Ugh, Sporks again? Thats the one slots item i dont have a hoard for at the moment T_T. He needs to ask for the Slots Trading Card soon. Ive got over 400 id rather like to get rid of x.X


They aren't deflating quickly at the moment as what the recycle beast asks for is changing really frequently and he keeps asking for mostly the same things.

I wish that they would make him change the items hes asking for once a week and decrease the amount of items hes asking for by a 1/7 and get the items hes asking for too be based on the current user shop prices and not rarity.


At this rate the items with rarity 1 will be worth far more than some rarity 80 items.

Once items are no longer available to be recycled they deflate pretty quickly.


I wish the slots trading card would come up I've a bunch in my vault


This batch actually really sucked =

I only managed to get 18 UNDER 5k with most of the items being over 10k straight away.

Not to mention the Spork is already inflated.

Stupid script <img src= border=0>


PLEASE PUT SOME WORTHLESS RARE ITEMS IN FOR THE RECYCLE BEAST TO TAKE!!! At this rate the items with rarity 1 will be worth far more than some rarity 80 items.


Yay! Spork!


i thought the same but sporks again<img src= border=0>


*continues playing Slots* Thank god for that spork...

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