[Paypal Stuff]

Now that we no longer have Becca on our staff, it's all of your jobs to handle the paypal. It's much easier now, so it shouldn't be a problem (she had to sort through email, you don't :D)

[Step 1]

User sMail's you saying they've paid for an item, and haven't received it. You click on [Paypal Logs] and type in the username, and the name of the item they purchased. I don't recommend filling in either of the other fields.

[Step 2]

If the status is [complete] that means they have got the items. Double-check just to make sure.

[Step 3]

If there is no email, and the status is [incomplete] or the status is just [incomplete], ask them what method of payment the used. If it was e-check, tell them to wait a few days from the purchase, and check again.

[Step 4]

If not - that means it was a failure on our end, and you can give them the items again. For your convince, there is a link on their username that takes you directly to the donation item page for giving items :)
User Avatar: 1

Posted by Keith


Thank you for the step-by-step, Keith. This is a HUGE help. To the UAs, be SURE you check the user's logs and such to make certain they're not just hiding the items, haven't sold them, etc.

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