Oops! There was a bug in Adopting a new pet that allowed you to use names that already existed, if you put a space before or after the name you'd like.

We have fixed this bug, and are asking that those of you who've used it to send a sMail to one of the User Administrators as soon as you can with three (3) names you wouldn't mind your pets name changed to. (Please do not contact multiple members of staff about this as it can cause complications and mix-ups.)

In a week, we will be running a script that will automatically rename all of these pets into really ugly combinations of letters and numbers, so please sMail the user admins ASAP!

(This fish gives me nightmares by the way.)
User Avatar: 1

Posted by Keith


Hm this was disappointing to find out about, since for some bizarre reason many of the names I want are taken by lvl 1 common ruffies XD<br />
But I just messaged an admin and they corrected the pets who had the glitch so meh it's taken care of at least.

User not found:

Keith, I can understand that fixes don't happen overnight. But you know, if you would just let the users know what is going on, we would be a lot more understanding. If at the time the "glitch" happened you said, "hey guys, there's a naming glitch, please don't use spaces before or after your pet's name, we're working on fixing this problem" we would be a lot more understanding :/ <br />
<br />
It's when something has gone on for as long as this did, AND was sanctioned by staff, and then you come along and tell us "oh, so sorry, actually we're not going to allow that after all", that people get angry.

User not found:

Okay. So I mailed an UA, but it's been a day and nothing's happened. I really hope I can get Taco's name fixed, because I'll seriously have murderous intent at Subeta if the script renames her, considering I /did/ ask nicely for her name to be fixed <img src="http://images.subeta.org/smilies/smiley_xface.gif" border="0" />


"You are telling me that it took you well over a week to figure this out, when it was being talked about all over the site? I don't buy that. At all. How about giving us the opportunity to just be given back the potions we used on these pets, and delete them."<br />
<br />
Yes - Bug fixes [and the way to handle them] doesn't come in an instant, or a minute. We have thousands of users, and have to think of the best way to approach a situation like this (as well as find out what in the coding is allowing this to happen)


*sighs* I sMailed a UA immediately after the news came out last night, and of course they would've just gotten off. The UA I picked came on once for just a few minutes, and has been gone since. Almost 24 hours, and still no pet changes. I sincerely hope my new pet names aren't taken.<br />
<br />
Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining about the UA, I'm complaining about my lousy luck of, of course, picking the busy one. The UA's here are awesome, I wish they were as friendly and prompt on other sites.

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"Basically, it's a glitch that I've fixed. If someone told you it was allowed, it's because this wasn't discussed globally by the staff until tonight, when I decided that it isn't allowed, and to put a stop to it."<br />
<br />
You are telling me that it took you well over a week to figure this out, when it was being talked about all over the site? I don't buy that. At all. How about giving us the opportunity to just be given back the potions we used on these pets, and delete them.

User not found:

Keith - "We are letting you know that it's not allowed." <br />
<br />
What kind of BS is that? At the time we named them, we were told it WAS allowed. Now you are telling us AFTER THE FACT that it's not allowed, after we have spent huge amounts of sP on potions and pounded our original pets, some of which were expensive, in order to get one of these names?<br />
<br />
Thank God I spent my $50 on another pet site this month, or I'd be even more seriously angry than I already am.


Kim Kim is fine. They mean pets like my Glacier Montre, " Hitsugaya". There's a space at the beginning of his name, and that isn't allowed.


I put kim kim, not kimkim...<br />
<br />
Does that count? DX


Wow, everybody's acting like their pets are getting deleted altogether, or something.<br />
<br />
Anyway, I was personally bugged by all those names in the pound. I found several names that I know Coffee has, with spaces before their names. It's probably a good thing you're doing this, and, as I said, I would be glad to be able to change the names.


What about double spaces within names?


Sorry.<br />
Nevermind. |D


HOLD ON.<br />
Does this apply to pets with a space in between? <br />
For example a pet named Merry Christmas, or something?<br />

User not found:

I adopt pets with good names...<br />
<br />
I don't think of my own.<br />
<br />
So there goes... about 10k <br />
It may not seem like a big deal but it is.<br />
-throws pets out- <br />
<br />


This really sucks. But, hopefully I'll be able to come up with some new names. Thanks for the warning.


okay, I looked them up in the search with a % after their names and I found only them, does it mean I am safe? or maybe they were created with a space but there was no pet with the same name and without the space?<br />
<br />
I am so confused...


does this mean that almost all my pets are going to have ugly names


how can I see if my pets have spaces in their names? I adopted most of them...


What about all the pets in the pound with the space before or after the name? What shall be done with them? oxo; I don't want to look for well-named pets in the pound and come up with something like "h32jh23523j32" all the time.


Spaces IN the name are okay - as long as they aren't at the beginning or end. <br />
<br />
I had created a pet with a space at the beginning - the new name I chose has a space in the middle Audrey II - it was accepted and changed without any problems.<br />
<br />


Thanks for letting us know I haven't adopted any pets from there so I'm ok. Good to hear there will be a fix soon for this too. Keep up the good work you guys do a good job around here <img src="http://images.subeta.org/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" />


Hooray for staff working thier booties off, and for giving those with spaces in thier pet's names the chance to re-name... <br />
<br />
Such a sticky mess... Then again, Subeta's still gettin' the kinks out, eh? ;D Yay Subeta! Keep it goin'!


just done searching my pets name<br />
im so glad i dont have to change their name ;D


So um. What about pets that you adopted from the pound because they have a cool name? And they don't realize there is a space. And then, next thing you know, its a jumbled up mess?<br />
<br />
Or people that are away for the week or something. Will they have a chance to fix that?


Uhh, how can i change my Archmage Raistlin Majere? He has spaces in his name and i thought it was still okay


Or perhaps, instead of deleting the name and making it instead an ugly row of numbers and letters, they could, I dunno, just add the number 1 to the end of all the names, making them slightly better, or end off the name with 'theSecond'. So my Rune, if he were in there, would become RunetheSecond.<br />
<br />
Not great, but better then LKI29Jn3


<b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;"><br />
I think the subeta staff should also go through the pound and create new names for those in the pound with the glitch. If not their names will be awful and they would remain in the pound for eternity. Poor, poor pets.</blockquote>I wonder how many pets in the pound will have that ugly number/letter combination next week. Instead of the staff going through and naming them all, it might be easier to just delete the pets and send them to that great big pound in the sky.


*sighs* When I restarted Subeta, I decided to adopt most of my pet and paint them myself. The first pet I adopted was Talon, and I was thrilled, as that was the name of my mage in an RP. Sadly, my first pet that I painted angelic and am training is a glitch pet, as are three other of my pets.<br />
<br />
It'll be weird seeing her as something other then Talon.

User not found:

I think the subeta staff should also go through the pound and create new names for those in the pound with the glitch. If not their names will be awful and they would remain in the pound for eternity. Poor, poor pets.<img src="http://images.subeta.org/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif" border="0" />


I still dont see the difference between Strawberry Sundae and StrawberrySundae (sorry for the horrible example). It stays the same, the space it not really changing anything just make it look nicer if you ask me.


Guys, take a second to read the post. It's saying that you accidentally created a name that already existed by putting a space before or after the name. Pets created with spaces in their names should be fine, because they don't have the same name as any other pet. o.o

User not found:

And I was so excited about my Pherret, Cocoa<br />
.. and I just potioned Mint. *cries*

User not found:

But how would we know if we used any names that were already used? Would they like send us a message if we did?


My pets are renamed now.<br />
<br />
Thank you to the staff for responding so quickly, even though I'm not happy about the whole situation.


Im glad they give us the chance to think of names we want them to change to but Id even prefered it if I knew befor I created the pets. But well, names have been changed and as long as they dont have numbers Im fine (and I even was able to come up with sorta matching names)


I so want a nitemare Feli....^.^;


Although I avoided adopting these kinds of pets, I'd personally be glad to be allowed to change the names. :/


Well then the fish is doing its job! <img src="http://images.subeta.org/smilies/6398_emoticon_wink.gif" border="0" />


I think this is a really creative way to solve a problem. I appreciate you guys taking the time and hassle to go through changing every pets name that needs to be fixed. <br />
<br />
Yay Staff! <img src="http://images.subeta.org/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" />


Oh I saw the other comment now..I don't think any of my pets have spaces <img src="http://images.subeta.org/smilies/smiley_xface.gif" border="0" /> I hope not since it took me so long to find names I liked


The pet name I was able to use hadn't been on for 6 months. Not really aware was a clitch.<br />
I pick 3 others instead of getting random numbers and letters.(scary)


That was a glitch?! Well there goes renaming my pet, I'm glad I didn't buy that wand yet. I always thought the spaces were allowed. The periods and quotation marks are aren't they? I have two pets with these in there name


Ken - the same thing happened with my boyfriend<br />
He had 7/10 pets with spaces in their names - and to come up with 3 for each one...<br />
I only have two, and I don't even want to bother coming up with new names. :/<br />
<br />
I agree, they should just make it from now on. But.. I know that won't happen.


There go ALL of my petnames.<br />
<br />
As far as I'm concerned, if you're going to make 'spaces' a glitch, you should do it for everyone. There was no rule at the time I created my pets, and a lot of the names I chose, haven't been seen in 6 months or more.<br />
<br />
You should have made it so those names could NO longer be created. Not punish people who did it in the past when it was 'ok'. Now I have to think up names on a whim or else you'll turn them into crap?<br />
<br />
Shame.<br />
<br />

User not found:

Twixy: Here's the post warning you that it wasn't allowed. At least you get a chance to change things - they could easily have gone "Whoops, we just got together and realized as a group that this has been happening but it shouldn't have! Let's change all the pet names immediately without warning the owners in any way, that will be so much faster."<br />
But yes, your pet should be fine. The issue is with spaces at the beginning and/or end, not in the middle.


I've just had my pet renamed and the new name is better than the glitched one - so I'm happy about this now. <img src="http://images.subeta.org/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" />


Well golly gee, what a great way to get greeted once my internet comes back up. :/<br />
<br />
<br />
My boyfriend had made almost all his pets with spaces in them - he's just full out quitting I guess.<br />
<br />
I'm just upset that this happened<br />
If it wasn't allowed there should have been a post.<br />
<br />
And I'm lucky I got my internet back - if it had been another week that would have been highly... <br />
Well I'm just getting quite frankly a little irritated here. <br />
So my 'Criss Angel' will be fine then?


Well golly gee, what a great way to get greeted once my internet comes back up. :/<br />
<br />
<br />
My boyfriend had made almost all his pets with spaces in them - he's just full out quitting I guess.<br />
<br />
I'm just upset that this happened<br />
If it wasn't allowed there should have been a post.<br />
<br />
And I'm lucky I got my internet back - if it had been another week that would have been highly... <br />
Well I'm just getting quite frankly a little irritated here. <br />
So my 'Criss Angel' will be fine then?


<img src="http://images.subeta.org/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif" border="0" /> I think pets with ugly names and numbers that have no hope to be adopted should be put down ;_;


Oh.. I'm so happy you're doing this. <img src="http://images.subeta.org/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif" border="0" /> When I never got a reply from the admin I mailed concerning this, I was worried maybe you were going to ignore it. <br />
It would be one thing if it had been allowed from the start, but it was frustrating to suddenly see other people with two names that I had waited a while for or paid to have changed. And it made me sad that people couldn't respect the fact that someone else had gotten it before them.<br />
<br />
Also, for those of you who adopted your pets, you can see if it has a space before it by going to Search and putting a % sign after the name. Example: Envy%<br />
It will bring up all the results for that name. So if you see something like:<br />
Envy<br />
A.Envy<br />
<br />
and the first one links to your pet, then you'll know it needs to be changed. <img src="http://images.subeta.org/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" />


on live journal a year or more ago they had a similar problem with usernames that ended with a hyphen at the end, the url of that sort of name was unsecure so they let people change the username free


What is the character length limit for names?

User not found:

-gasp- Random letters and numbers...-shudders- there's nothing scarier XD I would hate to have any of my pets names in that form (they'd go straight to the adoption center if that happened). Luckily it doesn't concern me. But I would kill to have a chance to change some of my pets names without having to pay.


That fish is so damn fine, you're just jealous. Sexy fish.


<b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">Right now, we are only doing this for pets with spaces before or after the name. If your pet uses other characters or has spaces elsewhere in the name, there's nothing to be concerned about at this juncture.</blockquote><br />
<br />
Thank you so much Mbif. That's all I wanted to know. ^^

User not found:

Guys. This ONLY affects pets with a space /before/ and/or /after/ their name. No other characters. No spaces in the middle.


Yes, you will still have to choose out new names even if the owner of the original name is frozen. It's still unfair to users who have been legitimately waiting for those names to clear, and if the user successfully contests their freezing and gets unfrozen, then there are all sorts of problems. Besides which, the pets with fore and aft spaces don't show up properly in search. <br />
<br />
Right now, we are only doing this for pets with spaces before or after the name. If your pet uses other characters or has spaces elsewhere in the name, there's nothing to be concerned about at this juncture. <img src="http://images.subeta.org/smilies/6398_emoticon_happy.gif" border="0" />


Is this just for pets with spaces in their names? Or will you eventually be changing those with special characters too? (For example Kisarag¡ and K¡tty).<br />
The last 'I' in Kisar's name is ALT code 0161. (Ditto for the 'I' in Kitty's name.)<br />
<br />
They both show up if you search for them. I'm just curious if I need to start thinking up some new names or not though. ^^; <br />
<br />
And thanks for the forewarning. Its awesome you guys decided to give everyone a chance to fix their pet names, rather than just changing them. =3


And I was so excited over owning Popcorn. You know what you lot should do? Fix up those damned dead accounts from the whol cat fiasco. e.e


I would so kill to be able to change one of my pets names, but sadly I can not. ;_; I am neither rich nor poor and nor am I affected by said glitch.

User not found:

does this effect characters like "!" ?


You can search the name, with the space or not, to see if your pet comes up in the search. If it does not, it has a space before it.

User not found:

What if I adopted most my pets from Veta Lake and it doesn't show if they have a space or not? <img src="http://images.subeta.org/smilies/smiley_sadface.gif" border="0" /> Then what? What if I don't know about the space and I get an ugly name?


Envies - I know, really. :/

User not found:

<b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">So even if the user is frozen we still have to change it? :/</blockquote><br />
<br />
That's what I wanna know. <img src="http://images.subeta.org/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif" border="0" /> Most of the owners of the pets I have are frozen, I don't wanna get rid of them.

User not found:

Glad I adopted Radical instead of the (space)Barcode I almost adopted. =x


Good. x_x<br />
<br />
That had been bothering me for a while..<br />
And for those of you who are complaining that they should have told you earlier, if you've been playing Subeta for any amount of time at all, it should've been obvious. That's why you see lists like <br />
Sasuke<br />
.Sasuke.<br />
..Sasuke..<br />
<br />
In any case, be happy they're giving you an option. I understand it got your hopes up, but if the glitch hadn't occurred, you wouldn't have been able to have those names in the first place.


So even if the user is frozen we still have to change it? :/

User not found:

I'd still like to know how to check to see if names of pets adopted from the pound have spaces in their names.


You aren't causing trouble <img src="http://images.subeta.org/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" /> I can understand how they are important to you - pets are one of the central parts of the site. <br />
<br />
However, we are trying to respect the people who had those names first.


Okay, I'm sorry, I'm not trying to cause trouble. The names of my pets are just HUGELY important to me, so this is just making me upset. *shuts up now*


We are doing everything we can to make sure that the staff members are all on the same page with all issues. However, sometimes, things like this slip by. However, we have corrected the issue [You expect us to have everything perfect, all the time? And if we do mess up, to not correct it?] <img src="http://images.subeta.org/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" />


Will (space)L(space) be affected also?


Well, I just got my Mallarchy renamed, and I'm grateful I got to change for no cost rather than having to pay for it myself or end up with a terribly-named pet.<img src="http://images.subeta.org/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif" border="0" />


wow...never even thought of this one as a possibility...


"we will be running a script that will automatically rename all of these pets into really ugly combinations of letters and numbers"<br />
<br />
Am I the only one that likes this quote alot? XD


This isn't the first time you guys haven't gotten rules straight before telling us what is and isn't allowed. Why does this keep happening?


I'm not *freaking* out, I'm just saying that if we didnt know it was a glitch, and some people were even told it was allowed, then we shouldnt have to change our pets names; it should just be fixed so no more can be made like this... That's all.


Alewiina - that's just so that if another chooses that name, a pet gets adopted, etc, by the time that the UA gets to your request - we have a backup name that you'd like.


So...if i just pound my "Nightmare", will the poor person who adopts him get screwed in a week when it changes??<br />
Not that I plan on doing that, but was just thinking about what would happen.


Okkies, my pets are fine.<br />
<p /><br />
I just feared I would have to change Communism's name


Staff can never win. O.o; If they'd just changed the names people would have freaked out. They give you fair warning and people still freak out. Ah well, glad I don't have to worry about it. <img src="http://images.subeta.org/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" />


Ok, that's good that they're allowed in the middle. I'm safe. But I really feel for the rest of you guys. <img src="http://images.subeta.org/smilies/smiley_angryface.gif" border="0" />

User not found:

Alewiina: It's a lot more fair that you have to choose 3 names than it would be if you woke up tomorrow to find your pet's new name was hr3uuw8p1bybl or something like that.


Ah. D : I bought an Enchanted Hypnosis Wand and changed my Angelic Malticorn's name to one with spaces. <br />
Guess I gotta think of some new names now.


I just think its not fair that we have to choose three names. This is such a waste of sP for me, I bought that chibi potion because I thought it suited the name. I dont know what to name the two pets I had like that now. *bangs head on desk*


Spaces are allowed in the middle. <img src="http://images.subeta.org/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" />


So.. are spaces in the middle allowed... (Example: Black Sand)? Or is it a glitch too? o.o;

User not found:

Well, darn. A friend told me of the site, and was very excited to see this being 'allowed'. Though, now thinking on it, I can see how it was a 'too good to be true' type of thing. Shall attempt to think of other names for my pets - or be fine with the random ones given. Thank you for letting us know. I would simply hate waking up to find the names changed.


I think you can just look up your pet's name with the search option, and if the result is your pet, then yours doesn't have a space, since spaces can't be looked up. <img src="http://images.subeta.org/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" /><br />
<br />
Hope that wasn't too confusing. ^^;


Nobody will have to buy a wand; we can do the rename for you. Please check to make sure the three names you select are not currently in use.<br />
<br />
Spaces elsewhere in the name are okay - it's just the ones at the beginning and end which will have to be changed.<br />
<br />
We apologize for the inconvenience. <img src="http://images.subeta.org/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif" border="0" />

User not found:

<b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">How seriously lame, several admins said this was okay.</blockquote><br />
<br />
I know.. -__-


David = Davis*<br />
<br />
Basically, it's a glitch that I've fixed. If someone told you it was allowed, it's because this wasn't discussed globally by the staff until tonight, when I decided that it isn't allowed, and to put a stop to it.


I'm glad that my Torrent scares you, keith. XD


Because there are people who got the real name first.<br />
<br />
We're giving you a chance to correct the problem, instead of taking the [easier] route of changing your pet names.<br />
<br />
And - Yes. David, we could have told you in the first place, were we aware of a glitch, or had some users reported the glitch in the time when it could have been solved. <br />
<br />
We have fixed the problem that allowed these pets to be adopted, and now we are fixing the problems they cause. (for example, searching, admin panel searching on pets, and multiple other area's of the site <img src="http://images.subeta.org/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" />)


When did this glitch start happening? Because I don't want to have my pets name changed when I didn't even know...so yea...when?


How seriously lame, several admins said this was okay.


Darnit. Now I need another name for Rainbow. I found Rainbow in the pound and despite having space in front of it I really liked it. I thought it was just allowed and not a glitch. What a waste of Spectrum Potion ;-;


o_0............. i was wondering y my pet had the same name another pet had.

User not found:

Do we have to buy the wands our shelves? Some of us never knew that it was a glitch. mbif said "Well, I'm not gonna stop you from naming your pet " Freak" but think of the real owner of Freak would feel".

User not found:

Or you could have told us that it was a glitch in the damn first place to avoid this.


Not technically changing them to our liking though, if we have to choose THREE names... that's a lot, and who knows if we can find another to suit our pets. Why don't you allow these people to keep theirs and just make it impossible after that? I had no idea it was a glitch, I thought it was on purpose that you could put a space.


I'm also wondering about the pets with spaces in the middle of their names, by the way.


<img src="http://images.subeta.org/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif" border="0" /> I didn't no it was a glitch...-shrug- I will find other names though


Just like birds! <img src="http://images.subeta.org/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif" border="0" /> (just jokes, nothing serious! ;P)


We are giving you a chance to have your pets names changed, instead of changing them for you.


I am SO glad you guys decided to do this. It was infuriating to see people abuse this glitch and get names that other people worked and waited for, and have them look identical to the real name. x-x A friend of mine had two or three of her pet names copied this way...

User not found:

If we adopted a pet off the pound, how can we tell if they were named using this glitch or not?


I wouldn't call it cheating the system. It's not like they KNEW they were abusing a glitch, for crying out loud.


Oh dear. I hope none of the pets I adopted from the pound recently were created this way. <img src="http://images.subeta.org/smilies/smiley_sadface.gif" border="0" /><br />
I suppose we'll see. xD

User not found:

*sigh* no my dream names!


Yeah this isnt fair... if it wasnt allowed, I wouldnt have done it, and now I cant just... think of new names, because my pets are designed after their names.


lol all the those new pets give me nightmares *shudders* not just the fish.

User not found:

The fish freaks me out, too. XD


No, unfair would be not telling you before the correction was made, so that you just woke up and had your pet names changed without warning.


Well, poop. My Aeanoid - Audrey - is going to be weird with another name. *puts thinking cap on* Never even realised it was a glitch.


Well, at least we get to change the names.^^ *runs off to look for names*

User not found:

I'm wondering the same thing, Crystal_Raikou...


One would assume that anything trying to 'cheat the system' would realise.


Noise - I wouldn't think it was allowed anyway, but if you didn't know - Heck, you do now. xD


We are letting you know that it's not allowed.


I'm pretty sure they're just at the start - Because my friend, who I will be hurrying to get her on messenger, used this on two of her pets, I think, oh, and I like the idea of changing it to a combination of numbers and letters. xDD


I don't see why it's such a big problem, anyway. o.o

User not found:

In that case, I suppose the colour is aptly named!<br />
I hope everyone who abused the bug gets on within a week, otherwise there will be a lot of complaining.

User not found:

This isn't fair. They should have let us know that it wasn't allowed.


Do pets with spaces in the middle of the names count..?

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