
First off - I hate to say it but if you are missing items, you probably won't be able to get them back. Sending a message to a User Admin might help, but we restored all the items we could with the logs that we had, so if your items don't show up .. :(

On another note, there were a few item glitches this morning (BROKENHEART KAT WILL NEVER BE WEARABLE >:O!) including oofa fruits and other items. If you found this glitch please delete the items from it, as we will be searching for people.

Hopefully today we can get good-news news posts too!
User Avatar: 1

Posted by Keith


hi there glad we are back but as to what im missing me wont know as i had loads as i hoard like 17 pages in one gallery note to self might copy all my moves in here from now on as im not loosing my account as a silly glitch no way...im grateful its back up sorry to all those people who lost alot ok..just one other thing how come they dont post on subeta h/q about things why another site.


Chaos: I think items are arranged by item number/release date or something similar now, as all my koi are together.

Are red balls supposed to be useable? Just trying to mention things that seem unusual to have that ability.

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Lucky me, I didn't loose or gain anything.


Is there any way to make it so my gallery is in alphabetical order again? The items are arranged all randomly now. You should give out Happy Nuggets as a free gift again, because it seems almost everyone, including me, had them deleted, and now there are hardly any left on the site.


I guess sometimes we just have to move forward, nothing is perfect. And I believe the team has done its best to make due with everything. Subeta has really grown over the time I joined and it has to be h-e-double hockey sticks on the servers and site traffic in general. I've lost some rare items but we can make up for it over time by saving and playing again.

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Thank you, I did get the one item I could remember missing back *hugs*
As far as the oofa fruit...For like 10 seconds I had Keiths Bottled Angst. It broke my heart to delete it...


Thank you.


thank you to the staff for really working to resolve these issues for us quickly and to the best end possible.


Hmmm, lost a spectrum potion but got the tokens back. Meh, thats fine with me since the sites back =)


kitty follwing, ice blue diadem, sebastians phoenix toy, black rose summit scrol...gone....i'm pissed.

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Hey... I'm trying to plant in the Subeta Public Gardens and it says "that seed type does not exist". I've tried with different ones, and some I had already planted before, so the gardens are probably with some error/problem.

By the way, I'm already getting recovering from my items loss trauma. LoL.


o.o'' I'd just like to say even though i lost a couple of expensive items from this "rollback"...i'm glad the server is back on...and i guess im gonna have to get everything out of my vault that was in my shop. x-X


What was the glitch?
I wasn't aware there was one.


I've lost well oner 110mil worth in items, several of which have been with me for months as I hoard a bit, I'm really annoyed. x.x;

Especially since both her donation items.


I can't say I'm happy about Cash Shop items missing for good. I know of at least one item I had for sale that I spent real money on is gone for good.
I don't know if this is possible, but when we use PayPal, we get an e-mail receipt. If we forward those with our user names, any chance of some sort of reimbursement?
The problem with that though is that not everything is missing. I bought a Christmas Present, and one item from it went to my wardrobe (Dark Matter Staff) and the other into my shop (Wine Flamenco Dress, already had one) and so I've still got the staff, but the dress has disappeared forever. Getting another Christmas Present would mean getting three items, and that doesn't seem right either.
On the other hand, that would go a long way to making things up to people who have spent real money for items and will continue to spend money in the the Cash Shop if we know our investment will be reasonably safe.


I'm missing a Spring Equinox (which I find interesting considering that the token shop should have records), but as I was accidently refunded some other items, I'm not too worried about it.


My Hayt turned into an Abominaminabible!
No, I didn't zap my pet with the V2 Zapper.
It was just like that when I just logged on today <img src="http://www.subeta.org/images/smilies/smiley_sadface.gif" border="0" />


Hey if you're all mad at the Subeta people think about how hard it must be for them to get through all the glitches that this site has, then they have to go through a bunch of people yelling at them, Come on.
Anyway I think the team did a pretty good job at fixing all the bugs on this site, and I'm missing a few items myself, but I can get 'em back eventually. =D


I am never buying from the cash shop...Ever again! I don't like to be robbed =(


Thanks for nothing subeta. I'm missing stuff I'll never get back? And you call this FAIR????


I'll admit that I'm missing two items, but they weren't worth too much and I honestly don't care. I'm just glad that Subeta's back ^__^ Thank you all so much for all the hard work you put into getting the site back! I've been going through withdrawal and so I'm very very glad to be able to get my daily fix of Subeta again. XD This site is like a drug, but in a good way. <3

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I'm really sorry to all those who lost items.
I feel really bad for you, honestly. There's no items that I can see I'm missing, but I do feel really bad.

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A LOT of itens of my gallery has disappeared, they're not even in my vault. All the new itens of the last ten days I bought from Icy Goods and Holiday Shop and so on... all gone! The itens I bought from Subeautique too! LOST! <img src="http://www.subeta.org/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif" border="0" />

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Thank you so much, everyone. I don't think I'm missing many things, found a bunch of stuff in my vault. I'm just happy I got it all back. Lots of sP. I'll go do some digging and see what I'm missing.


My Demonic Hearts are gone from my shop...I'm glad Subeta is back though <img src="http://www.subeta.org/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" />


I got a letter from you guys but I am still missing one Item The oringal one I have been missing? But thank you for putting the site up and working hard


I have lost over the 400 minions where i worked so hard for, but i'm happy that i can play again. Thanks.


My main sale didn't get affected.. I am so very very happy about that!! Not sure if I am missing anything.. will do some digging.. just so happy about my sale staying in tact!


I'm missing a ton of stuff, but most notably my Pranahera. x.x 20 mil, ugh.

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I had bought 2 Mysterious Costume Trunks from <strong>Gernine</strong> between those 10 days and now, after the rollback, they are gone. My 10mill was paid and didn't refund. Forget about the gold, I just want the trunks back, please. Aren't there any log for trade, too. I don't know if this will be enough to prove, but in <strong>my profile comment</strong> and <strong>Gernine profile comment</strong> have a conversation about trading those 2 trunk..


I hope you can please help me, thank you so much in advance and thank you so much for all you have done for us. I'm glad Subeta is back. It was so boring while Subeta was down. <3~

I will smail this to some UA, I hope their mailbox not already full. T^T


THATS NOT FAIR. I want my items back. Now I'm out 6 Mill. thanks for NOTHING.


Thanks for getting it back up. I am missing one thing that I know of. Im missing my Spring Equinox that I got from the token shop right after it came out. That makes me a little sad. I hope I can get it back. I am very happy the SB is back though!


oooh.. i miss my cash shop items... T.T but subeta is back, thats fine ^^ thank you Keith and Subeta Team


So are the oofa fruits every going to go back to giving the insects it used to give out?


My Chemicals are gone, but whatever, I'm glad that at least the site is back.

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I've lost some expensive itens I had got from Wizard and from the Donation Corner, such as an Arid Feli Plushie and some rare pants I forgot the name...
Also, my gallery is totally disorganized, my favorite category is empty, some itens are in the other categories, others are in the vault and so on.
I haven't check everything that can be missed yet, but it is really sux...
I hope my GA will be extended, considering theses days we had off.


I don't really miss my tokens, but I'm not sure how my Tactical Tome Of Phoenix disappeared. <img src="http://www.subeta.org/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sigh.gif" border="0" /> It was really pretty item.


Oh that is so not good news for me. I'm missing over 8 million dollars worth of items from trades (items were put in my Holding Cell Gallery)...But I'm holding out hope I will get them back. I have proof they were sent to me via mail <img src="http://www.subeta.org/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" /> Any nice UA is more than welcome to rummage through my mail from LadyKai and deposit those items back in my vault. Thanks for getting a majority of our items back and for all your hard work thus far staff!


And I'm missing my 2 Lovable Rainbow Beanbags! Nuuuu....


Nuu....I'm still missing one Spectrum Potion ._. I don't really NEED it, but I bought it from the Token Shop the day before the crash...


i'm not really sure which items were glitched. i only have 3 oofa fruits in my inventory, but i'm pretty sure they were mine. what other items are glitched? i'm not really sure what i'm missing or not. i don't keep track.


My CS items have reappeared in my vault. <img src="http://www.subeta.org/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" />


You can always still try contacting the UA if you know what you're missing and how you got it. I'm waiting for a response for my smails, but I figure their mailboxes are probably close to overflowing already. ^.^;


I had 5 or so Bookmark minions in my Tri gallery. Gone.
Dozens of Pink, Gray and regular Beach Balls. Gone
Drama Lama. Gone. Sinister Flopit. Gone. Gatekeeper Collar of Slavery. Gone. This is a lot to be just gone. I appreciate what was recovered, but why is so much just gone?


I got a lot of stuff back, but I'm also missing things =( mostly things that were just released within the last 10 days like new token shop items and such.


Actually, the Onqindishnal is flagging as a nonexistent item in the search. o.o Did it not get reentered into the site? Come to think of it, I do have a phantom item in my gallery when I view it.


OMG Greydancer, thank you for mentioning that! I didn't even think to check to see if I still had my Onqindishnal! I'm missing it, too. ;.;


I spent $50 on Christmas Presents. I"m missing 4 items that I got from them. If I don't get replacements, needless to say, I will be very upset. <img src="http://www.subeta.org/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif" border="0" />


I didn't read all the posts since I have to make lunch and what not but Keith I mailed you and figured I'd post here too for good measure.
I am missing an item that I noticed right away. Missing it isn't my issue as I would suck it up and buy another but the Onqindishnal doesn't exist anymore it seems <img src="http://www.subeta.org/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif" border="0" />


I never knew about any glitches o_o I was on holiday for a week, and the three days before I just came on to check my shop and play some games for my Kiteli fund x3.

But anyway..

Sorry for the caps, but I'm just so happy that I can look at profiles again ^^


Um, are you supposed to be able to use an Aeon plushie? I tested and didn't get anything from it when I did, so I'm assuming it's another glitched item. Hope it helps, regardless of plushie loss. XP


whats wrong with the oofa fruit?


Missing 34 items from my gallery. >K


I stuck my brokenkat from my gallery in my wardrobe to see what it looked like wearable when i saw one advertised in trades as wearable...and now it's nowhere to be found <img src="http://www.subeta.org/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif" border="0" />


I sMailed a UA in regard to the items I knew were missing from my gallery and my shop. I refuse to accept that 5 Christmas Presents worth of DPs is lost forever, especially since I bought them in the Cash Shop, I really hope I either get 5 CPs or I get my items back, or I'm going to be very upset.


oooh, lost my complete potion gallery. <img src="http://www.subeta.org/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif" border="0" /> and about 20.000tokens and some of my best battledome items like the deluxe death shard...

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Yikes! The prices in the main shops have shot up like crazy! Guess they're still ironing things out...


Aw, I'm going to miss my mIRC egg ><


Obetu cash shop items are returned since they have the logs from paypal.


What joy for all those who spent real money to buy things from the Donation shop only to have them deleted by the site. And items from the Token shop that will quite possibly not be stocked again for a very long time. Kudos.


No i wanted a wearable kitty ;_;
Plase make a toy for the cat and make that wearable!


The Gardens are not working, and the day has not rolled over.


Well, thanks for the info anyway. : I didn't lose near as much as some others, but I'll still miss my I-Love-You Rainbow. :c I'm just glad it wasn't much worse and most of the items lost were recovered.

Also, on a different note, could there be an item where at least the Brokenhearted Kitty's hearts at the bottom of the avatar are wearable? ;D


Sorry to all who have lost items,sp To date I have lost a total of 104 Million 300k in items


What did the glitches do to the items, like the oofa fruit?


Well, I'm VERY glad I didn't go ahead and purchase the costume Trunks I had wanted to get. o-o';


the kat is so awesome, please make an item look alike that kat

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wait. The items I got from the christmas presents are gone. I KNOW alienated lizard was one of the items that I put in my gallery. And I honestly don't remember the rest (only kept 2 things for my gallery) the other 5 things went in my user shop. Sold ONE thing and then the killer bunnie booties I gave to my best friend. Sooooo...I just spent that REAL money and they're just GONE?


I missed many many Items that i had won from the Wizard ore from Free Food!


oops forgot to add...the garden isn't working again my plant died cause couldn't water it so went to put new one in ,it just says the seed does not exist...<img src="http://www.subeta.org/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif" border="0" />


I lost cash shops items and trivia prizes and one token shop item. It would not be so difficult to see if I answered correct to the past trivias. I want them back *sigh* I lost millions *cry*
1 Runaway Eyeliner,
1 Grey Bunni Mini,
1 Black Lacey Corset,
1 magic angelic sneakers
1 Alien Summoning Tablet,
1 Cyborg Soldier Dog Tags,
1 Sugar Cube
Help me pls , I don't mind for all the others items but pls give them back to me

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No you dun have to delet them he talking bout the people who wre stupid enough -aka me- to "use itme' it gave you xi think 5 R99 items...



what is the glitch with the oufa fruit


Oofa Fruit?? I have been saving them in my vault for the Recycle beast....do I have to delete them?? I hope not


Yay! I had screenies of all my birthday presents, so I have prooves of their existance, so I will get them back, right? :3


I am looking in my vault to see if some of the items I've lost are in there while looking I have just remembered another high price item I've lost its Message in a Bottle


I can put up with missing items and my shop being striped but I am not happy about my Cash Shop items being missing and... by your statement in todays news it sounds like they will not be replaced. I think you really need to look into your paypal records and compensate us with either our real money back or with the items we purchased. This looks like a site wide problem so compensating us would not put anybody at an advantage as we are all out.


I didn't lose anything from what I can see. And if I did, it's not really a big deal. Thanks for working so hard guys!


*mourns frost headpiece and real money lost*
I have contacted a UA, but the cash shop items should be at least looked into. Also, I don't understand why items from longer than 10 days ago are disappearing. I have had that headpiece for weeks and weeks.


I went head and smailed a UA, but the only other option I can think of is to contact the people who you got the items from and see if they were repopulated in -their- inventories and see if they'll ask for them back. Things purchased from the token shop and other site stores, though, I'm not sure what to do.

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None of my Cash Shop items went away. I'm just worried about the Oofa fruit glitch-I'm trying to get rid of the tainted merchandise in any way I can.


Ok how about you fix teh boxes so we can open them they are Birthday presents but how am I to see them or even know what's in them if I can not open them!!

User not found:

did you check your vaults for your cash shop items.. my dp's were there


so I have definitly lost 50mil? fantastic..


oh thanks for the info on the scrolls. i went to battle and my scrolls are there to use. they just dont show up at edit spells.


My CS items were bought by me so there for, I think I should get them back yeah? I have receipts for them all and I will definately be mailing a UA about it. Again, thank you for all your hard work.


I put it in weardrobe. I just bought it, cause it seems to be wearable now. Why it isn´t? It looks so good.
But its gone... <img src="http://www.subeta.org/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif" border="0" /> Not in my inventory, not in my wardrobe... <img src="http://www.subeta.org/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sigh.gif" border="0" />


What about those of us who had an Onqindishnal and got back a "1 of " in our sMail?


So are past trivia items just a loss then? I am missing two of the last several... <img src="http://www.subeta.org/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif" border="0" />

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Why does the Ooffa Fruite have to be a "glitch"
Why cant it be said that this was a way for you to say sorry that servers whent down, not that its your fault, and thanks for sticking by, not that we could ever leave<img src="http://www.subeta.org/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif" border="0" />

-feels bad for everyone else-
-hates the glitch-


Wow, some of the items I am missing were rather expensive and kind of sentimental. :/ I think I might need a break from Subeta for a while.


The scrolls are still attached you just can't see them. Same for any scrolls people made today that can't be seen in the inventory. Try fighting in the BC and the scroll should be there.


so does that mean that we wont get our scrolls back that were attached to our battle pets. one of them i paid alot for.


the cash shop items are the most important to me. The other things, I can deal with missing though I did lose some token shop things. The last two* Minion and beanbag* but the real life money is not something I can afford to let go with nothing in return.

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Cash Shop items had better be restored. :/ I'm missing five costume trunks. And I really hope I can get back those past two trivia prizes I had.


Ok, now I'm a little angry: all my birthday presents are GONE. Sadly, I want them back.


Hmm... and what about those of us who got some of o_oMuMbBlEo_o's donated items without hearing of this glitch, and said items have been added to plushie collections? :S
Oh no <img src="http://www.subeta.org/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif" border="0" />

User not found:

NOOOO! I already donated some of the items that I found from the Oofa Fruit glitch *pleasedontkillme* I'm the same... -is saddend- Im going to frozed arnt I?? -diesoffright-

I donatted most if not all the items i got from the few oofas i used.. i didnt realise im am young and nieve and stuppid


If that's the only glitch to worry about then I'm relieved. That seems like something you could have guessed was a glitch since the fruit didn't do anything like that before.


ummm. Casj shop items need to be restored. I paid 50 bucks and didn't even open the trunks completly <img src="http://www.subeta.org/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif" border="0" />


Posted by o_oMuMbBlEo_o

NOOOO! I already donated some of the items that I found from the Oofa Fruit glitch *pleasedontkillme* I'm the same... -is saddend- Im going to frozed arnt I?? -diesoffright-

You should have known it was a glitch


<b>Quote By laserpotato:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">There was a glitch that the Oofa Fruit was a seable item-it would give you about 5 random R99 items. Most of them were trading cards or plushies.</blockquote>

Haha! That's a brilliant glitch! I think all Oofa Fruit should do that <img src="http://www.subeta.org/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif" border="0" /> I can't see how anyone could have participated and not realise it was glitch abuse...

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i took off the brokenhearted kitty but now its gone and i just paid millions for it.. now what?

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I have recived -the day of the brokedown I think- a Blue giftbox, but I can't see the option to open it. I know what it was for (it's a present of the cult) and...so...I would like to open it é.è How should I do?


Hmmm i hope i didn't get anything bad.. runs and hides. I'm a good girl honest. But am glad site is up

User not found:

NOOOO! I already donated some of the items that I found from the Oofa Fruit glitch *pleasedontkillme*

I'm the same... -is saddend- Im going to frozed arnt I?? -diesoffright-


..I'm missing a minion that was attached to my Dawn Montre. If you look into his profile, there's only the word 'the.' ;_;

I want it back~ <img src="http://www.subeta.org/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_broken_heart.gif" border="0" />

User not found:

so do we have to delete the oofa fruits we have?


I lost many items from my shop, but I don't care about them. The only item I lost and want back is the Lovable Rainbow Beanbag... So if you can't check, if I had one, could you restock it in the token shop? I would buy it a secont time.
Oh and I'm so glad, that subeta is back that soon!


<b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">The glitch is fixed If you didn't specificially USE the items, you'll be fine.</blockquote>

I had 2 MCTs in my shop for sale (my last two) and I'm not sure which purchase they are attributed to, I did a few w/in the 10 day period. They are not in my shop, inventory or vault... so I will contact a UA.

Thanks for getting most of back almost to where we were though. I'm sure it wasn't easy. <img src="http://www.subeta.org/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" />


Is quick stock been fixed yet as I lost some tokens I tried to put in my shop

User not found:

There was a glitch that the Oofa Fruit was a seable item-it would give you about 5 random R99 items. Most of them were trading cards or plushies.


I guess I was missing things. I got items put into my vault. Can't tell what I'm missing though. XD


Can you be clearer about what the abusable glitch was now that it is fixed? Was it something really obvious you had to activate or is it something you could have done and not know about it? I'm going to worry about everything I did this morning till you make this a bit clearer.

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i'm not missing anything that i can see i got quite a few items back too i'm jus glad i didn't lose my spectrum potion coz i've been waiting for that to go in the token shop for ages

Also my profile is fixed woooo thankyou keith and the subeta team<img src="http://www.subeta.org/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" /><img src="http://www.subeta.org/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" /><img src="http://www.subeta.org/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" />

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Didn't use them, but I added them to my wardrobe and sold them.
...I'm doomed aren't I.
As is just about everyone else who discovered that glitch, no doubt (which is...let's see...well over half the users.)


I lost a Nuclear Potion that I'd put into my shop. I knew I should've used it. =/ Glad to see Subeta back though!


I miss few things from my shop, but I can live without them <img src="http://www.subeta.org/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif" border="0" /> as for the items from DC, I got some, but I have no idea if they (or which of them) are the result of a glitch... well... if some of them are, please delete them for me (as you did the last time <img src="http://www.subeta.org/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_wink.gif" border="0" />)


Keith, what about Token shop items? I'd bought a Lovable Rainbow Beanbag and a Spectrum Potion when the two were released for my gallery and they're both gone... <img src="http://www.subeta.org/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif" border="0" />

User not found:

I lost 20 million SP in things I just bought recently <img src="http://www.subeta.org/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif" border="0" />


The glitch is fixed <img src="http://www.subeta.org/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" /> If you didn't specificially USE the items, you'll be fine.


<b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">Yes, if you are missing ANY cash shop item, please message a UA.</blockquote>

Thanks Keith. Is there going to be a penalty if I wait till tomorrow so the UA's dealing with "OMGZ my xxxxx is GONE!" can catch their breath a little?

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I have no clue if I am missing items or not. I Am just happy that I still have my Lilly Companion Doll *cuddles*


I might be missing hundreds of items, heck. But because of all the stuff already in my vault, it's so hard to keep track and be sure of that. I do know I'm missing 2 pages of items from my gallery, but thankfully some of those items were returned to my vault. Also, glitch? What should I do? I have probably 50k+ items... I can't sort through all that and try to find glitched items! I don't wanna get in trouble either...


Ok, so... i've read in the SB that the cat was wearable, and i put it in my wardrobe just because i wanted to see the preview. then i forgot to put it back, and now it's disappeared!! ...So?
I agree that he shouldn't be wearable, but at least i want it back for my kitty gallery... i spent 10 mill months and months ago to buy it.


I don't seem to be missing anything, items wise. It all looks good here. ^^ Thank for all the hard work everybody! (Now... if I could get my profile back? *poke poke nudge nudge* tee hee!) <img src="http://www.subeta.org/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" />


I lost a few items untill now, almost everything worthless...
If I lost anything valuable, I will let you know.
Thanks for having the site back. :3


I don't know if I'm missing something... I haven't noticed it yet..

User not found:

I also added a few of the plushies to my collection *whimper*

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I'll miss my Bunbonny but atleast I have subeta back.
Thanks for all the works staff! Your doing an awesome job!

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NOOOO! I already donated some of the items that I found from the Oofa Fruit glitch *pleasedontkillme*


i have lost items that were worth millions,Xentrilis to name one plus 86 (15 point tokens)I want the Xentrilis back as I am not too bothered about the other things I lost


I don't think I lost anything, And from what I've noticed I haven't got anything I'm not ment to have either.


grrrrr... my spectrum potion is missing. Just bought it from the token shop too. I'm not too upset about anything else though. I just wish that something could be done to finally fix it so that we don't have rollbacks anymore.


the items i am missing you should have been able to log, mine was in a gallery until shut that one down and , it was mostly potions,, but thank you for getting subeta up and running, Kieth


I'm missing a handfull of items that I can think of. I only care about my minions, especially since some of them were gifts. I have a list, and screengrabs of the presents I opened containing those that were.

User not found:

Awww. xD I'm not missing anything but I had my fingers crossed that you guys had finally bowed to the pressure and made Brokenhearted Kitty wearable. Alas.

User not found:

Thanks for letting us know<img src="http://www.subeta.org/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif" border="0" />
It's funny, my profile's back the way it was a week ago. I actually like it better that way.


I'm missing way too many things (easily over 100 items) Sorry if I'm not happy that the site is back up when I havent been playing long and all the work I did put into it is all gone. <img src="http://www.subeta.org/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif" border="0" />


Why can't the cat just be made a toy?
The wearable version is already drawn and uploaded and A V BIG TEASE.


Yes, if you are missing ANY cash shop item, please message a UA.


Thank you for the update, and we know you guys are working as hard as you can. Hang in there!

User not found:

Thanks For Letting Us Know But What About The User Profiles I Can't Get On Them To Look At Others Wishlists Or Smail Or Email Them I Can't Send Anyone An Error Report On The Help Page Because I Can't Get To No Ones Profile To Send One.. I Am Not Sure If It's Just Me But I Wanted To Let Someone Know! Thanks & I Am Glad Subeta Is Back Up!! <img src="http://www.subeta.org/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" />


Good news... like the clock resetting and registering that it is a new day? <img src="http://www.subeta.org/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif" border="0" />

Can't hurt to ask


Blast, ah well, they were only small items, I can live without them <img src="http://www.subeta.org/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" />

Are you working to restore rarities and shop prices to what they used to be, or will most of them be left as they are? I've noticed the odd extreme change that I've reported, and am curious as to whether I'll be abusing it to buy them as they are now if they're gonna be changed later.. if you get my meaning.


Keith, if we are missing cash shop items or GA time, do we contact a UA?

User not found:

Oh,and I am also missing some things,but that's fine,just fine that subeta is back.Thanks Keith and the Subeta Team!~*<img src="http://www.subeta.org/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif" border="0" />

User not found:

Ok,well thanks for letting us know.


I am missing 19 Aeanoid Seeds from my gallery. These were in my gallery long before the past 10 days. I have smailed an Admin, and I would appreciate this matter being researched. Again, they have been in my gallery long before the past 10 days. Thank you.

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