This is my happy face.

After extensive grooming, the new Mortikings are now ready to go to a loving home. They're even available in the stunning Nuclear and Marsh varieties! While they are house broken, a large back yard is recommended and contrary to popular belief, they will get along with your Bovynes and Devonties every bit as well as they'll get along with your Velosotors.

...which is to say, not at all, but the stuffy people at the Mortiking Society wouldn't let us tell you that. :x Oh, my gracious! Was that out loud? My lawyer's going to have fun trying to get me out of this mess...
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Posted by Luxe

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I actually designed the Mortiking to be a shy dino pet, but hey whatever works. Love the snarl. ;D


as a piece of art, it looks alright.. as a mortiking, i just don't really like it.

the muscle on the underside of the tail, right at the base, looks kinda like the belly flab that male cats get after they've been neutered and gain weight. i can imagine it wobbling back and forth when the mortiking walks.

the claws look dull and not at all intimidating, and i'm a bit surprised that they weren't changed at all in the re-revamp. also, the spike on the back of the neck looks a bit misplaced and random.

i'm not, and never have been, a fan of the blotchy shading technique.. while i suppose that it could give the illusions of scales.. it makes the mortiking look more gelatinous than rough-hided.

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I'd think I'd probably like this more if the head was completely different. The snarl and shape of the head just look bad to me. But of course that might just be because of how the mouth is drawn.

The beginning of the tail looks so massive... and then it has this little tiny curl at the end of it. To me it seems like it should have been longer. The end just seems too thin to be at the end of that tail.

I know its already over and done with but I wasn't here when the original revamp was being polled. I know this won't change a thing but I just feel like I needed to say something.

It seems like lately we're just going through revamps so quickly. I suppose the staff would think it was ridiculous to keep redrawing and redrawing but I don't think I like how some of the revamps are going so quickly. It's like its more about getting revamps done.


I admit I wasn't crazy for the revamp at first and infact voted for the older version (but that was also before they made updates to it), but the way some people are reacting to the revamp is just incredibly rude and immature. The artists work their asses off for us and all people can say is "Oh my god, it looks TERRIBLE!" I'd like to see you guys try and pull off the beautiful artwork our artists put their sweat and effort into, and then listen to your art get slammed by people and see how you feel. Yes, apart of an artist's job is being able to take critique, but they also shouldn't have to listen to their art being called garbage.

That said, the revamp is beautiful and I love it. Almost makes me want to go out and get myself a Mortiking.


I agree to an extent, Oi, but art teachers actually have credentials to call other people's work 'crap'. And it's only 'crap' because the teacher thinks he's better than everyone else, which he usually is anyway. I've never been in an art class where a fellow student has called my work 'stupid' or 'ugly'. art is like music in a way. everyone has different tastes, and so it cannot be judged simply by one person. Everyone has their own opinions, but opinions arent facts. <br /><br /> Also, i've never had an art instructor say anything but positive and helpful critiques to get me on the right track.. and even then, he told us we did not have to take his advice, because it's OUR art, not his. <br /> I think truthfully, the only person who can truly influence the artist to change, is Keith, or the Artists themselves, as a choice. And i'm sure the only reason an artist would modify their own works of art is to please everyone here. I respect them for that. If people told me to constantly change everything or tell me my beautiful artowrk was utter crap, i'd probably be done with this by now. x_x


Keith, it's a waste of time though to try and protect artists from every bad comment they might recieve. My art professors in college don't word their critiques half as nicely as the people here do. Students often hear, 'You're doing this wrong, poor shading, terrible effort, you aren't looking closely enough, etc etc' which is way more harsh in person from someone you respect as a teacher. If you put your art out their into the world for thousands of people to view it, there are going to be the bad comments. Even people in the real art world aren't quite so nice with their comments - employers can be especially horrible when it comes to talking about your art. If it's not what they want 'it's trash, do it over'. Subeta's staff artists are pretty lucky that they have so many users who take the time to word their posts thoughtfully. One crucial part of being an artist is learning to let those comments slide because its silly to fight with everyone who disagrees and its silly to get bent up over it.

My point is, the real world is harsh and part of being a successful artist is learning to deal with people being disrespectful to your art. I think it would be more beneficial for your artists to teach them how to hear the rude comments and not let it bother them so much. If they're getting upset from those few angry users then it's possible they shouldn't be putting their art for display on a huge site viewed by hundreds. If you think about it, the amount of positive, grateful comments are tremendously more frequent so there is little reason for such protectiveness over the art. They should focus more on those comments then spending their energy fighting with the negative ones.

I say this because I remember what its like up there and how tough it is. Fighting with the users never helped when it came to feeling hurt that someone was bashing our art. After hearing criticism from people in college and learning to be stronger when taking critiques did I feel more confidant as an artist. I can take critiques so much better now and I don't get upset over the rude ones. I know Subeta is not a normal business and I know how you love your staff and want to protect them, but they can't grow if they're protected from everything either. Just wanted to give you some food for thought because I feel Subeta is the kind of place that can benefit from these things, artists and users alike.


one again, nice art. the details are great,
and it looks well worked on.

but, since it's the mortking and not random art, i have to say,
i liked the old pose better. =[
now it looks mean and chubby, before it was intimidating and lonely.
bahh. ="[ we need a lonely reptilian pet.
like the montre, only scaley.

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I just wanted to say that I really love the improvements you made to this and I think with just those few small changes it looks awesome now. Thank you for your work! Thank you for all you do.

I especially love the snarl.


I love it 100%!


So I go to the college of my dreams and speak with a professional professor, one who owns his own graphic design company as well, and come to find out he's frightened and scared, and even made artists CRY over their work.. but they eventually learn to respect that his opinion could be that of several other people, and learn to take what they are given, till they themselves actually improve their art AND... AND relationship with him.

Subeta became an official organization/company within the past year or so? Guessing here, Im pretty sure I saw a legal age limit thrown up there. Anyways.. that would mean, that you artists and staff are "professionals". Its just... in your best interest to take it sometimes.. hurt feelings are part of life, and the more you honestly try and fight them, the more people are going to come after you, its JUST the way it is. ^^;

When I was let go, I honestly felt like I was being slapped in the face, and told my art was crap. Yes yes, I threw a tantrum for like.. a month. But I dont really come here and wail on the art in spite or anything because I will agree now that some of my old stuff was flat out poop. However, beyond staff I really dont recall a time when I would fight with a user about the way something looked or the way they addressed me.. I felt like I was pretty discreet myself.

So what Im trying to say, is as a peaceful comment from a formerly violent and outrageous staff member, you guys should try and tone it down just a little bit, because from the eyes of people on the outside, who never take part in anything here, this is a little bit scary of a place to be.

As for the Morti, I myself was a massive fan of th species, and certainly uh.. dont find it my bag of tea, but I am rather pleased to see that a lot of crits were taken into account (especially in the beast's face). Other than that, Id preffer to withold crits.


Oh, and looking at both versions of the new mking, I noticed that, to me, the arm and the angle made the most difference; as the arm was slimmed down and muscled it revealed the mking's back muscles, and the very slight re-positioning and toning of the chest and left (our right) side seemed to give it a more natural stance. I also love how the eye got a bit bigger, and the new snarl. <img src="" border="0" /> <br /><br /> And about the whole critique thing. I really, really agree with the artists here. And everyone for the artists. art is art, no matter if it's on a petsite, or in a gallery. NO artists wants their work to be called 'crappy'. That is your own opinion, it is NOT a fact- and do you know how much of a putdown that is?. Please think about what you say before slinging insults around. I know personally that insults do affect work. Sometimes i'll say I personally don't like the style, or a revamp, but i dont ever think i've told someone it is stupid, it sucks, or it's crap. I try my best to explain what I dont like about the picture, and sometimes, even if i dont like it, i point out all the nice things i see rather than just bash down the artists in question. <br /> Just be thankful all the artists here on Subeta tolerate you guys. Just remember that they are people too. =/


I see he's had a visit to Weight Watchers. Nice work. <img src="" border="0" />

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Luxe, you make good points and I agree that users should have enough respect to give their opinion in a polite way even if they really, really don't like the art. Especially then. But on the flip side of that, there are certain staff members who react with comments just as bad as the rude user's and that doesn't help anything. Both sound petty and it's difficult to respect any other comments that staff member makes later--just like it's hard to respect any user's comments after they start with something insulting.

As you said, you get what you give and that should go for the staff, too. They should be setting an example, not hurling back insults at everyone who disagrees with them just because a couple people were rude early on.

And there're some staff members who DO jump all over you if you don't tell them what they want to hear even when you ARE polite about it. Over time it breeds animosity and that sometimes gets put on all staff members rather than just those who are causing it. It's unfair, but I honestly think that's a lot of what's happening here.


Personally, I'm really impressed that the artist took our criticisms from the last news post about this revamp and used them to create this version. And I think it looks fantastic.


No one has said that staff is allowed to belittle users and not vice versa. I think what Keith is trying to say is you get what you give on Subeta. Part of what makes this site special is the connection staff has to its users, and that includes all aspects. Sites like Neopets don't have any interaction with their user base that I recall, good or bad. We could go that route, but I think you guys appreciate our presence.

Unfortunately, we can't be present only for the good situations and not stand up for ourselves when users get ugly. The relationship cannot be a one way street. I, for my part, attempt to be diplomatic and maintain a sense of professionalism when I reply to rude comments, but I will not bite my tongue if I see a member of the Subeta Team getting berated to the point of not wanting to work. I know my team members are worth more than that.

I don't think you guys realize how often <a href="/users/Keith" id="userinfo_Keith_1"><img src="" border="0">Keith</a><script type="text/javascript">toolTip('userinfo_Keith_1', '<center><img src=""><br /><img src=""><strong>Keith</strong><br />Administrator<br /><strong>Name</strong>: Nicole Richie<br /><strong>Posts:</strong>: 19,416<br /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br />', 'User Information');</script>, <a href="/users/DNA" id="userinfo_DNA_1"><img src="" border="0">DNA</a><script type="text/javascript">toolTip('userinfo_DNA_1', '<center><img src=""><br /><img src=""><strong>DNA</strong><br />Assitant Admin<br /><strong>Name</strong>: Deo Helix<br /><strong>Posts:</strong>: 3,338<br /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br />', 'User Information');</script> and I have to build artists, and sometimes each other, back up to the point of wanting to work again after a revamp. We can take critique. We can take well worded criticism, even. But when you insult an artist and call their work crap, garbage, or make other rude remarks, it does real damage.

Sure, they need to grow a spine, and I encourage them to on a daily basis. Part of the reason I got this job in 2005 was because I was vocal enough to tell artists they needed to learn to accept critique and realize that their work wasn't always going to be perfect on the first try. Even after 50 tries, it might not be perfect. Right now, they all realize this. I get the impression sometimes that some people think they're doing the artist a favor by telling them their work sucks; tough love, teaching them a life lesson. You're not.

<a href="/users/DNA" id="userinfo_DNA_2"><img src="" border="0">DNA</a><script type="text/javascript">toolTip('userinfo_DNA_2', '<center><img src=""><br /><img src=""><strong>DNA</strong><br />Assitant Admin<br /><strong>Name</strong>: Deo Helix<br /><strong>Posts:</strong>: 3,338<br /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br />', 'User Information');</script> and I dog at this team backstage relentlessly trying to cover every error, so that the user base has little to no reason to complain at them en masse. And most of our work is met with a favorable reaction when you, the users, see it. However, if there is something we've missed, we're more than glad to hear feedback on it, especially if it is something we can fix. (For example, <a href="/users/Keshi" id="userinfo_Keshi_1"><img src="" border="0">Keshi</a><script type="text/javascript">toolTip('userinfo_Keshi_1', '<center><img src=""><br /><img src=""><strong>Keshi</strong><br />Artist<br /><strong>Name</strong>: Keshipancakes~ <br /><strong>Posts:</strong>: 877<br /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br />', 'User Information');</script> fixed a shading error on the glacier ontra within a day or two of its release.) Even if we can't fix it, we still read critique for our future projects.

But I can't state it enough. You're all welcome to an opinion, no matter how strong it may be, but do not expect us to be in a position to respect said opinion if it comes out rudely or if we can't walk away from with with anything more than an insult. We can't learn from that, and speaking from a personal viewpoint, frankly, it's disappointing that you dislike something to the point of hating it, but it doesn't mean enough to you to articulate why so that we can do better. Staff, as a unit, is here to serve you, and unless you tell us what is making you unhappy, we can't do it.


I actually really like the small changes. Both versions were good, but this improvision makes the mking a bit more fierce. Very nice work, Artists. Kudos for doing your best, as always.


Okay, assuming that being a paid, practically professional artist is the same as being a store clerk, you'd all be right.
Unfortunately for you, being a paid, professional artist is nothing like being a store clerk.
If a paid artist, commissioned to do some sort of artwork, is met with comments such as "horrible", "ugly", and "I'd never want something like that" and no critique as to why, that artist will most likely drop the commission, and tell fellow artists to steer clear of that particular client because they are not the type of person you want to work for.
Point is, if you have an artist doing something for you, you of course have the right to tell them what you think is wrong, and what you think needs to be fixed. Just because they're making art for you, however, doesn't mean you can make snide remarks about the art or belittle the amount of work that went into it.
There's a thin line between being critical and being just plain rude, and a lot of people on here lately seem to be blind to it.

And remember: the artist is trying to capture the feel that MOST of the people on the site want. Unfortunately, they cannot do what everyone wants. There is absolutely no way to please all the people all the time, especially when it comes to art, since nearly every person has their own vision as to what a certain something should look like. That, however, is never a reason to put down or totally write off someone's work. There are better ways of critiquing.


Ugh. I hate when I click before I'm finished. I apologize for the double post.

Continuing. I can understand if a user has been overly rude to your staff and they reply in kind. But I have seen several occasions when a well thought out comment, with reasons behind their thoughts, are met with sarcasm and ridicule just because the staff does not agree. I don't think they have the right to be rude in those cases.


Wait. So it's okay for your staff to talk down to people, but not the users? <img src="" border="0" /> I'm sorry, but I don't really see how that makes any sense.


<b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">Little things are changed, but very rarely are they significant enough to appease everyone.</blockquote>

I'm sure you've heard the saying - You can't please everyone. A lot of people said that the few changes made were enough to substantially improve the species.


<a href="/users/Oi" id="userinfo_Oi_1"><img src="" border="0">Oi</a><script type="text/javascript">toolTip('userinfo_Oi_1', '<center><img src=""><br /><img src=""><strong>Oi</strong><br />Member<br /><strong>Name</strong>: The Robot Toy<br /><strong>Posts:</strong>: 1,212<br /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br />', 'User Information');</script>, you're assuming that we run this like a normal business. I've said a thousand times, the customer is <strong>not</strong> always right. I'm not going to allow my staff members to be talked down to, or told that their art is terrible. That results in poor work from the department due to low spirits.

If it means we lose a gold account - I'm willing to take the risk. Hopefully the user will realize that they were being too harsh, or not using tact when speaking, and it will help them in the real world. On the internet, you aren't in danger of someone punching you in the face, the real world is another story.


A negative comment is a negative comment, no matter how well it is written. If you can take one with a grain of salt, why not all of them? The fact is staff members should never stoop to the level of their "customers". If they were working in a store (in real life) and talked to a customer the way they do here at times, no matter how much it was deserved, they would be reprimanded if not fired.

I did not put in my two cents before, because I knew it wouldn't matter. Little things are changed, but very rarely are they significant enough to appease everyone. I do not own a Mortiking and I certainly would never now. I had hopes for this pet when I heard it was being revamped, but I was a little too optimistic.


A level of diplomacy should still be maintained due to the fact that staff members are somewhat figureheads for your 'business', so to speak. Choosing to take the higher route and ignore rude comments doesn't mean you're being walked on. Personally, I think staff should be above stooping to the level of derogatory user comments. It is unbecoming of anyone trying to uphold a level of professionalism. With any business there will be insults taken but in the real world it would be appalling to see any staff members react with such arrogance to its 'users' in return; they would be fired on the spot.

I do believe users should handle themselves with tact but it is unreasonable to think that everyone in the world will respond as such and being in a position of authority should require that you handle your customers with poise. Perhaps tactful replies to those who are disrespectful you will set an example to them aswell. Rude comments only begets more rude comments.


I appreciate your looking at both sides of the situation, Noir.
But--if all we wanted was praise, we wouldn't bother polling at all, and we wouldn't bother attempting to tweak things after comments were given. Hell, it'd be far easier to just post on DA with crits turned off if that was all we wanted. No, we're trying to do a job here, and when we open something up for commentary and criticism, just like any other human being, we're going to feel less inclined to listen to people who go out of their way to be rude as opposed to those who are obviously trying their best to explain an issue.
Frankly, I for one am tired of the "we can say what we please, but you have to be nice to us" mindset, and I'm not going to humor anyone who chooses to believe that's the way we aught to function anymore.
You get what you give, frankly, and I'm 100% fine with the knowledge that, yes, some people will decide to dislike me for standing up for myself and other artists. It's not cool to try and degrade people and their work for a laugh or any other reason. I'm not going to sit around and take it.


So, Noir, what you're saying is we shouldn't attempt to teach people tact or how to give us comments we can use? Because honestly, "EWthisLOOKS like GARBAGE," doesn't teach us anything in terms of how to improve. However, sometime articulate like your bulleted list does help. I contribute much of Subeta's successful art to feedback from users, as much as I contribute it to us doing our jobs well.

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I think that it's hilarious how people think that they are better than the artists here...
I liked the one before the tweaks because of it's big-ness
It had the sort of feel that you want to hug and cuddle it, but It would rip you in half


Rofl. This is my happy face. XD

I like it. I just don't like the fact it's spine spikes are smaller. :C


Reminds me of bowser from mario.. Fat.. and.. almost immobile lookin. ew.


For those who are having trouble spotting the differences: (Yeah I know I'm way late but I'm still going to post)
<img src= border="0">

<strong><u>My two cents: </u>
<img src= border="0"> First the negatives:</strong>
1. You didn't fix the back claws/hand! <img src= border="0"> Minus ten points.
2. The spine spikes look kind of neutered now. <img src= border="0">
3. Something about the eye... It looks a little too big now but it's forgivable. <img src= border="0">
4. <img src= border="0"> I <strong>really</strong> don't like that gold spike puncturing its back like that. There's no reason why it should be there. It's too small to be defensive and stands out like a huge zit.

<img src= border="0"> <strong>Now for the positives:</strong>
1. The snarl has been improved.
2. The head looks a less fat, more defined. <img src= border="0">
3. Tail looks complete/finished. (Albeit, unnatural.)
4. More muscular. <img src= border="0">
5. Better shading helps kill fat. <img src= border="0">

I give the revamp a B. <img src= border="0">

As for this little hissy fit between some of the admin and users... I'm pretty much going to stay out of it. The artists/UA love ganging up on me whenever I oppose them and frankly, I find facebook apps a better use of my time. XP However I will say that this has been one of a few times they've been caught being immature when it comes to negative comments about their art. (If anyone, I'm living proof of what they'll do to ya and no one can really seem to tick them off as well as I. Although I'm sure I'm not the only one this good at it.)

Deny it all you want [artists] but from what I've seen here, it is obvious that all you want <i>is</i> praise. If anyone ever says other wise (and without explanation, something they do not <i>need</i> to give you) you rain down like a Murder* and pick at their response until there's nothing left of it. Grow a spine already. Despite your position in power you can not tell us, the users, how to word things to your liking. Part of accepting critiques from us "commoners" is allowing people tell you what they think in their own words. Not in a way that will bruise your ego the least.

* - The name of a flock of Crows.

Case and point: If someone thinks a certain part of your art is garbage, it's garbage! You can ask why they think so but you can not tell them, <i>"Okay now say it in a way that won't hurt my feelings and then I'll accept your objections."</i>

On the other side of the coin; Those that are outright flaming should consider the time and effort put in to these things. It takes me hours/days to make pixel art and as for stuff like this? Forget it. I'm total crap. Even my little sister can draw better than me and I'm NINE years her senior. (<img src= border="0"> Little brat.)

However, if they [the artists] are anything like me, they grow somewhat attached to their art. Almost to the point where it becomes like children to them. (Due to working on it for so long.) So yeah. To say it's outright garbage with no reason is going to come off as offensive/random as... Oh let's say, snatching and <i>slapping</i> them with their own baby, right out of the stroller. You want to be insulting? Fine but at least do it with some finesse/reasoning. One of the reasons why people flip out is because they don't know what hit them or why. If nothing else, telling them why you think it's crap will usually prevent the tearing and shredding you're gonna get later... Unless of course you're <strong>in to</strong> that sort of thing... I dunno. I try not to judge... <img src= border="0">

(Besides, if you put it in a really nice way, there's little to nothing they can say in return. <img src= border="0">)


Well, actually, Cigarette, Brontosaurs were gigantically massive creatures, but studies of the end-bones of their tail seem to indicate that the tips were extremely flexible, capable of curling and twisting. For Brontosaurs it was a matter of protection; using their tails as whips they could control how and where their tail tip landed on an attacker.
It's all a matter of how the bones in the tail are connected to ligaments and muscles and nerves and just how much control the animal has over them.

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It actually was more correct without the curl at the end of the tail. Were it a real animal of that proportion, its tail wouldn't even be able to do that. Ah well. What's done is done, and anyway, it looks much better than the old one.

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The poor babies. <img src="" border="0" />

I only say this because I absolutely loved them before, not because they look bad. They just have a whole different feel. I think Widow nailed the whole 'different feel' speech though. <img src="" border="0" />


If you dont like a revamp get another pet. I think it looks great.


Gee, I don't know Maranello! Maybe you should take a stab at it! <img src="" border="0" /> If your artistry is as great as your wit, I'm sure you'll do a bang-up job making it horrible!


Yes! Who gets to ruin the Clawsion?!


Alicesuttle, the only people that got "rude" responses from staff were people that said "I hate it" "the so-and-so-part looks too ugly" "It's fat" and "change it". Critique is saying "The fins look a little off, slightly out of proportion" while something like "It's ugly and looks terrible, change it" is NOT.


Love that devilish little tail curl (thanks for the addition!) This guy just oozes coiled menace (sort of what Bruce Willis would look like transmorphed into a reptilian dude). Congrats and a loud and proud yippe kai yay!!! <img src="" border="0" />

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I wonder what they would look like in the old version??? I think he needs to lose some weight... I liked the old version of the Mortiking better...

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I'm not a regular user of Subeta but there happens to be a whole Subeta section at a forum I visit often; ocassionally, I like to have a browse through the topics as I really do enjoy the lovely artwork that Subeta produces.

It is a shame, however, that when I log on to perhaps try and get more involved within the Subeta community, I come face to face with particular members of staff who seem to have an absolutely apalling attitude.

I've always supported the idea that staff should be mature and know when it's best not to say anything at all in response to rude users or comments; reading through them, however, the majority - excluding a few - of comments don't seem to be rude at all and I think it's quite unbelievable that some members of staff are reacting rather over the top to what seem like perfectly reasonable critiques to their art work.
While I might not be a fan of this particular 'revamp', as stated before, I think all of the Subeta artists are fantastic but I find it a huge disappointment that I don't think I'd really be able to enjoy being on this website when all that players recieve from their critiques is a snipey, rude reply. I'm sure that the whole staff team are wonderful people, I really do - but just looking through this comments page has made me realise there's a huge issue that needs addressing here.

It is a shame, perhaps, that I will now probably receive a sarcastic shot from DNA or an rebuttal along the lines of "Well, don't come here then" but I can already tell you now: I won't be visiting here again.

- Alice


...Marsh. I meant Nuclear, but the colours do look nice either way.


I have to say - I'm disappointed this went through. Yeah, I didn't comment didn't comment on the news poll to try and help get it fixed - but that's because I was personally hoping this would be one of those revamps that were completely redrawn.
However seeing the differences between the poll vers. and this one: I think you did a good job making it look better.
Just to let you know: If rist started to write this with the poll version image on accident. Ive gone through it to try and rifle through what HAS been fixed, but if I still missed a few things, sorry. Also note: I don't mean to actually offend the artist too much, this is just my opinion on the Mortiking.

Now then. The mortiking still looks fat like it's been on a cookie-crash-corse since it's previous drawing, however this has been improved quite a bit since pollvers., only this is cookie crash corse plus muscle some weird muscle. Kind of like that guy pulling the fish out of the water in the WallE credits. Yeah. Speaking of his belly - you can hardly see the red marking there. It all mushes together instead of clearly having that lower right hand corner separeted from the rest. Oh but back to it's cookie-corse-diet.
The old mortiking reminded me of some slightly buff but more slick lizard thing. Think of maybe a komodo dragon, slick, but massive and scary as hell. The new one is like one of those pictures wehre the animals are very fat - like the giraffe. Link:
Yeah. Or at least to me. But I guess I'll get off on how fat it looks.

I'm not saying the old art is better than this - but I don't think art is all that should matter in the new pets, however since it does come as a major part: the nose horns llook flat. Very flat. And they're too short too, the old one had nice long skinny ones, now these short ones. The same goes for the claws on its feet. The old ones were not GREAT, but they were better than these. These are blunt, the old mortiking killed Wolverine and taped his claws onto his feet after bending them a bit. The new hands are alright, I think inserting claws there was a good idea, what maybe wasn't okay was shoving bulginess into them. Oh wait, right, I was going to keep off of that. However I will say - I liked the longer arms on the old ones, it worked better for his armwarmer kind of things. Also, why are the one ones shiny? It looks odd. Especially with the dakr lines clearly sepearting it from the rest of the body. The black on the arms are not markings, and if they are, make them more like the stripes and don't have the black ther to separate it. It looks bad.

I miss the fin thing that was ssupposed to be there, on the tail. I like that the tail and fins in general were GREATLY improved, though the tail now looks quite odd, I miss the old tail fin. It was something that definately needed to be improved, but instead it was just taken off all together. Also, I miss the spikeyness of the old backfin, and how many spikes there were. I do like this revamped fin of the poll vers, but not compared to the old mortiking.

[This is bothering me, the new mortiking REALLY reminds me of some villian in an old videogame [minus the fin] but I can't...stick my finger on which one exactly. Like bowser but someone else. Hmm.]

The legs are something that I think really need to be addressed, as well as the posture. Notice the old one had a long neck? It was different. It was neat. And it bent over all hunched down like - this one stands up straight, and everything on it is short and whileit has gained more of a neck from the poll vers. it still has a very short neck. The old ones legs went out away from his body, while strange and could be imporved, it still said how its posture was. It ALSO gave room for more of that fin, which I guess might have been a problem on the new one as room for the fin might have ran out.

The head is just beyond me. The old one was slick and slender, and the new one is blocky and smushed. I'm thinking it was really going for the Trex look but it didn't have to go quite so far. Also the marking under the eye now doesnt look much like a marking and instead it makes the mortiking look tired - even from the poll vers. Was the eye changed at all along with the snarl? Speaking of the snarl, I like the old one's nice and muted look. It wasn't so in your face, but it was still imposing and dangerous. Like it was sitting behind a tree, just waiting quietly, before it attacked Wolverine or something again. Or...brooding. Hahahaha.

Oh yeah, I miss scale texture from the old one. I can see it somewhat on this one, but I'd like to see it more. If I didnt have a pretty good moniter, I don't think I'd see it at all. I also liked the brighter colours. I have to say though: the marsh looks cool. It'd be cool if the armwarmer things changed colours with the colour of the pet though, don't you think? Yeah. It'd be pretty rad.

And...I think I've touched on a lot, especially because it probably isn't going to matter that much, but it was nice stating my opinion. I'm also kind of tired now form going back and looking between poll, old, and Sorry for all my typos that are probably there, this was written in wordpad.

Oh, good lord this is long. I'm posting it anyway though since I took the time to write it. BTW: I'm aware I do not own a Mortiking, but I still like looking at the other pets and I HAD thought about owning a Mortiking recently

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This brings to mind when the older version of the Bloodred Mortiking got a revamp. It seemed like change for the sake of change, not for the sake of real improvement. I see that the goal in revamping all of these pets is to make them more detailed, a bit more realistic, more aesthetically pleasing. I just can;t figure out why, in the pursuit of this, good designs seem to be half-completed.
The new Mortiking has found perfection in a few places; the tail's muscles are perfect. It needed that, and the new colors are all lovely. It also kept its bulky appearance, which is a big part of Mortiking-ness.
Where it falls flat is... Well, pretty much the rest. Its legs make me think of sausages, and its toes look so fat that the claws look awkward. The claws themselves ae so severely bent that they are more like useless little hooks. I'm not entirely sure what's going on with those hands, either...
The previous version of the mortiking had a narrower, almost elegant face. This one is built like a box. Maybe the aim was for a T-rex-like appearance? It's very close... but it could have used a few more days of consideration and tweaking before it replaced the old design.
The fin is another sore spot. It feels like the new Mortiking was drawn, and then the artist looked at it and thought, "Oh dear, I've forgotten the fin. But that's ok, I'll stick it up here and make it really little and it wont interfere with my finless design."
I like to be able to look at pets and think "How would that thing get around?" From slithering or flying or running or whatever. I have a difficult time even giving this thing movement in my head. I can only assume it would swing one side of its body, then swing the other, and try not to... well, roll. Its legs are so improper with the girth of its body that it wouldn't be able to move itself. And with how short its neck is my mental image comes up as a big blob who can't even look UP.
When the Serpenth was revamped, there wasn't even a question of it over the old version. The new version was so far and away superior that the old was just completely unappealing. When a revamp is done so that the new version completely cancels out the old, it is win. Give detail and personality and realism, but don't force it. This feels so forced, like it was the Mortiking's turn so some detail was thrown on and it was decided complete.
As I said before; I know that bulk is one of the Mortiking's staple features but there is a limit to how much bulk one creature can have.
And sausage fingers are still freaking me out.

P.S. sorry for the length of this!


Glad the tail and mouth have been fixed, now it looks stunning!
Now the only pets screaming for a revamp are Malticorn and Clawsion... X3


I only wish the claws were a bit bigger, would help it look more powerfull. Otherwise it's not too bad.

User not found:

Whoa!! Awesome!!! The mouth is fixed... now I want one! I am SO glad that he didn't loose much weight, I like Mortikings to be Massive. <img src="" border="0" />


Well, now they look all right! Thank you, now I might want one <img src="" border="0" />

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best revamo in a w(h)ile


Haha Luxe makes me laugh. Just thought I'd throw that out there. =D Nice Nuclear, even though this isn't my favorite pet, I definitely like the new look. =D


I really like the revamp and all, but I can't help but think of a body builder every time I look at it... Or maybe that's just me? xD

Oh well. Whatever, I guess I'm okay with it. I think I was in a bad mood the day I voted or something. :0


I liked the first revamp's mouth more.. but that doesn't mean I don't like this one. : D Well done.


They looks awesome! I like the nuclear look! =3

User not found:

dude the green one look rad


I just love the skin of this creature. The way it lays over the flesh is really nice and very pleasing for me to admire. The snarl reminds me of Two Face. The Marsh Mortiking looks like an evil chocolate and mint Easter confection.

When I am vaguely reminded of unrelated images and impressions, it means the artist has captured my imagination. <img src="" border="0" />


I never liked Mortikings too much, but I love this revamp. I'm so sick of hearing people just ranting on and on about it being over-shaded and fat and ugly and whatever they're saying. Don't like it, don't get the pet. Don't insult the artist, it makes you sound like a 7 year old. I don't understand why people have to still be so critical about it when every says a thousand times "Only constructive criticism please" Geez, guys. Lighten up and respect the amount of work put into the piece of art. It's beautiful. Just because you don't think it's absolutely perfect for YOU doesn't matter. The world does not and will not ever revolve around you. People are not always going to cater to you. Get used to it.

DNA, I love Mortikings now and am actually considering getting one. I can't compliment you enough on this beautiful work. <img src="" border="0" />

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i like it it looks cool the artists who do these drawing are amazing <img src="" border="0" />


Much better. And while the roundness of the eye marking still irks me, its a great piece. xD

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yay it got revamped X3


I sure am great at hitting buttons by accident.

I think the problem with the snarl is that there's no wrinkles in the face to make it really look like it's pulling back its lips; so instead it kind of looks like its face is always like that regardless. Wrinkles are what make snarls fierce and scary (look at dogs). The shading makes it look shiny and as though it comes from water (unless this is the intention, I'm rather oblivious). I would take out a lot of if not all of the highlights/shininess, because it takes away from any intimidation the Mortiking is supposed to have. Also, the weird fin thing on the back seems out of perspective, although it is a major improvement from the original one.

Other than that (which everyone else seems to be touching on) it's a really nice piece of work. The only problem is that it may not all fit into the Mortiking's "character". The addition of showing the end of the tail helps a lot in completing it. <img src="" border="0" />


MUCH Better. c:


It still looks fat. The shading is too detailed. It's left hand looks broken. It still looks like it's sneezing. And that one spike on the neck seems out of place. I'm not saying the art is bad, I just think the design of the pet needs further tweaking.


why do yall have to change the pets ? though it is nice.

User not found:

Yay! Bigger head, smaller spines!


looks nice so are the mortiking angelic ones gonna change, I looked at mine and doesnt look like it changed any..


o: Kudos, DNA. You fixed everything that everyone was complaining about. If they complain anymore, they obviously have no idea how great this pet now is. x3 And I'm so glad you shaded him a bit differently-- now he doesn't look fat and cuddle-able. o_o; He looks like he wants to nibble on me. XD


I like the eyes much, much better compared to the old one... more vicious <img src="" border="0" /> And all the other tweaks made it all the better as well. :3 The subeta artists are amazing ^^


Well, it's an improvement, and I think it will continue to grow on me. Brava, <a href="/users/DNA" id="userinfo_DNA_1"><img src="" border="0">DNA</a><script type="text/javascript">toolTip('userinfo_DNA_1', '<center><img src=""><br /><img src=""><strong>DNA</strong><br />Assitant Admin<br /><strong>Name</strong>: Deo Helix<br /><strong>Posts:</strong>: 3,338<br /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br />', 'User Information');</script>!

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hi I would like to demand that you design this pet to my (and ONLY mine) exact whims and specifications. If not I'm going to demean the artist for no reason. Is that cool?


I never liked Mortikings. :3 But this is nice.


This thing looks like it's been fed growth hormones! It's just so ... beefy...

I suppose it's a good thing I was never particularly font of the species.

User not found:

Well I've never liked the mortiking personally, but the revamp is very nice. I think the shading is well done, and I see it as very muscular, not fat. I really like how the eye was made bigger and the snarl was made bigger. Very good job.


I love it!


OMG Marsh Mortikings! I gotta get one. ♥

The subtle changes made this revamp look a ton better, too.


The revamp is fine, but now I'm left with two dinosaur pets and nothing that looks remotely like a lizard, or a real raptor. :C
The mortiking is great as a big fat monster (and that wasn't sarcasm), but I wish we had a pet that looked like the way the BR mortiking used to, and velosotors should... *is a debbie downer*


i'm not into Mortikings but i love this revamp. And guys he's not fat, he's big boned LOL!


wow considering how close the results were 3432/2726 I don't see how in the world this thing managed to go through without another poll. Clearly this does not cater to enough of a majority as to justify just going through with it anyway.

Yeah the second version looks better but the rolls of fat on its ankles still bother me (and yes even the shading supports the fact that there are rolls of fat), the snarl is eh and tail looks like it did a 90 degree turn when she ran out of space. The worst problem IMO is that its huge stomach is the focal point of the picture. My eyes are just drawn to its beer belly and red mark.

However, the Spikes and other improvements you did look great, and I like the shading.


cool revamp! from tianiaroo's posting, i can see the changes made and i like the new version!! the revamping of other colors should prove interesting, and i hope to see what the harvester is gonna look like with this new trend!!!


Nice work but I'm still not that happy with the face.


Absolutely incredible, its perfect now! I love it =3

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Excellent work, it looks amazing after a bit of tweaking with the mouth and body structure <img src="" border="0" />


I think it looks great! <img src="" border="0" /> Sometimes I wonder how many of the people who complain actually have or are considering having a basic-colored Mortiking. I wouldn't want to complain about a pet that I was never going to have. I do have a Bloodred Mortiking, though, and he's awesome ^^


The Mortiking has never been a favorite of mine, so honestly, this revamp doesn't concern me too much, but I will say that I actually -really- like the new shading and I'm happy that the artist listened to some of the suggestions. =)
My only two problems with it are that I think the mouth could stand to come back further and that it still seems too bulky. I don't think the Mortiking should be some scrawny little species or anything, but with its current build it seems more like it would end up waddling rather than walking. ^^;


Roarrrrr I'm gonna eatchoo o:
Nice, very nice ^^


It's so beautiful, I love it so much - now there's a decision to make, which one of my guys will be changed? I always liked them but now I MUST have a Mortiking, rawr. Thank you so much, DNA! <img src="" border="0" />


All the changes made to the prior proposal were key! The mouth and eye look great. He's one kick-ass Dino!


I personally think they look great <img src="" border="0" />

Good job.


I mean *arms. Typo.
There's been a lot lately.


i really like it but the morking now looks a bit fat


I agree with the others who have mentioned the extreme overshading in this revamp. The only two recent revamps I can think of that have had this much shading is the Serpenth and Mortiking, both of which received complaints on it. Though the Serpenth wasn't nearly as overdone as this was.

The Lasirus, Ruffie, Feli, etc all have a lovely amount of shading/highlighting and I'd like to see that trend followed as opposed to this.

Anyway, on to the actual Mortiking, I still don't like it. I don't see any weight loss at all except for a little in the neck. Its claws are dull and wouldn't be much use in a fight, if it could even catch its prey with all that extra bulk weighing it down.
Its sneer is better though and I do adore the eyes and tails.


Well, it's probably my least favorite of all the to the new feli. I have to say, the shading's a bit...too much. I dislike the back spine, the one on the old revamp was better. The think about the old revamp, I liked the shading because it wasn't too...bleh.

Anyways, let me point out what I do like. I like the arts, more t-rex like, and the tail. Now I know his tail wasn't chopped off. The eyes are way better and I like the mouth a little more than the old one.


And you can either twist my words or look at any pet you please any way you please to try and continue an argument for the sake of it.
The new ruffie is a drastic change from the old design, and as Keith himself has said, we're moving away from simplicity. Whether you think X or Y pet matches with Z pet is irrelevant, especially in light of the fact that many pets are in the progress of recieving revamps, and many of those pets are drawn by a variety of different artists, not just one.
If there's anything true about Subeta, it's that our artwork changes with the times.


The revamp is a bit better, considering the beast seems to have lost two pounds. An improvement. Along with the eyes. They dont look so... dead. The snarl has been tweaked a bit, and doesnt look as much like a leer. Better muscle definition, for now it doesnt look as pudgy in the arms. xD

However, the left claw (our right) still seems broken or misshapen somehow... as though it's wrist was snapped and never fully recovered. The shading seems a little intense... A little too much, I think. Could just be me. And the lef foot (to our right) still seems as though it stubbed a toenail and it never grew back just right. The nails on the right foot (our left) look sharp, more vicious. The ones on the other foot, however... Not so much. They dont match.

Once again, could just be me.

<img src="" border="0" />


Really? Because the Ruffie was just recently revamped, and while it does look more like a real dog, it's definitely still cartoony and not overly shaded.


<b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">I'd personally like to see less dramatic shading in the future </blockquote>

Unfortunately, the reverse is true--all of our new pets have been becoming less cartoonish and more detailed, and that is a trend that will be continuing.

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I think it looks incredible! I'm not that much into the Mortikings themselves but I can certainly appreciate good art! <img src="" border="0" />


My only complaint is I still think it looks over-shaded =/ It just doesn't seem to match the rest of Subeta's pet styles (similar with the serpenth). I'd personally like to see less dramatic shading in the future <img src="" border="0" />


This one is really growing on me. I think it was just sort of shell shock seeing it go from essentially 2D to this much higher quality.

I love his little mouth the best.


I do think it's mostly an improvement (especially in actually looking muscular instead of like a chubby, cuddly Barney; I'd put it closer to "sumo wrestler" now), but I'm curious...

Why was one random little spine added to its neck? I'm talking about the one that's the colour of its claws and arm-pokey-things.


Talk about being whiney and childish. Shutup and be glad that the artists took time to revamp a "not so popular" pet. Half of you whiners, can't even draw a smiley face.The Mortiking looks so much better! You did a great job.

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I wasn't a big fan of the Mortiking in the recent poll, but the changes made to the face and tail made a huge difference. Looks great!


Nuclear. OMGYAY!

I love this revamp so damn much. Thank you!


I'm not gonna lie, the more I looked at this revamp, the more it grew on me! I see NOTHING WRONG WITH IT. So screw everyone who's deciding to nit pick every tiny little thing. It still looks frikking awesome. If you don't like the pet. Don't get it.

And Shibari. Shut up. Nothing is every to your liking. We get it. :


Overall, these mortikings look really nice. :3 I haven't been on subeta in a while and didn't get to comment when the revamp was released, but there's just one thing that bothers me a bit for the revamp.

The highlighting is kind of... over done. I mean, I'm all for trying to make it look like it has the kind of scaly reptilian skin, but I believe there's just *too much* highlighting.

Especially on the right foot (left to us). The highlights along the shadows of the skin distract *from* the shading.

Another thing about the highlighting is that it looks like someone got a little "dot-happy" on the... bicep, is it? i haven't taken anatomy and physiology yet so i can't really say for suuuuure x: but, anyway... If you took about three of those dots away and added a couple bigger (not *much* bigger, though) ones, it would look more balanced in my opinion.


Note to those who are worrying about the tail: It's a practice in perspective. If you follow the highlights and shadows, you can see that the tail is not curving up just behind the Mortiking, but in the distance. It's easiest to see on the common Mortiking, but it's not that difficult to see in the other colors.


Hmm, the face still looks a little bulky, but the expression is quite improved. Instead of saying "I'm old and tired... um... rawr...", it actually looks more like you'd expect a fearsome saurian to. Though not perfect, it's close, and I no longer have any issues with it.


I think the highlights could have been more dynamic instead of what seems to be a transparent white layer. It really makes that swamp one there look unnatural.

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Oh no...
The revamp won.

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The tail looks off to me... and I agree with Varicolored, the snarl DOES look half-assed. And the claws are still.. awkward.

But the less-fat look is good. ^^ I have rather mixed feelings for it.


Well I'm so happy ya'll went ahead with this guy. I love him! And I don't know why but the Marsh colors just look good on all the pets!


Great job! It really does look like a Mortiking now. <3

Wow, people. Could you get any ruder? Instead of calling it garbage, why don't you at least try to explain (in a mature manner) why it looks like garbage to you? That is in no way constructive criticism - you're just insulting the artists. Ha ha... dorks. :3


I like most of the changes. Still the high quality expected of all Subeta's pets. The anatomy of the shoulder and arm are much improved, and I didn't even think they needed to be improved on, to give a more muscular instead of fat look. Changes to the neck and jaw give it a much better flow and gets rid of the pin head effect. The little v between the pecks and tuck to the stomach gives it a longer line through the body and again makes it look more muscular instead of pudgy. Spines now going in the same direction makes the fin look much more attached to the body.

On the other hand. I don't get the tail. You have a massive tail coming out of the body but in a very small space it ends it a tiny tip. Before it looked liked it had a whole body length of tail that tapered down to make it proportionate to the big, heavy body. Now it looks like a massive tail has been chopped in half and the tip is glued onto the broken off large section. I know people wanted the tail tip but couldn't it somehow of just peeked out the other side instead? If that wasn't possible maybe redrawing the whole tail would have been better. This is the only time I have seen such a large anatomical problem go through with a finished revamp that couldn't have been played off of the animal not being "real". Every time I see a Mortiking now I will notice the tail being off. Sorry to be harsh, it’s not usually my style to be like this about a revamp, but that tail really bothers me.


Hmm . . . I'm not sure I like the new Mortiking. It looks . . . how can I put this? More fat than muscley.

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Was there really a large enough majority to justify changing it? :<

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Scary x.X


What I don't like about the snarl is that it looks so.. chihuahua/pomeranian.

He doesn't look angry or fierce. And he's a dinosaur, so you'd think his mouth would be bigger.

But I love the coloring.
The detail is really nice~


Thieves. XD

I have a bag with Eeyore on it that says, "This is my happy face."

Nice revamp, regardless. I love how these actually have texture to them.


They look nice... still don't like the snarl... but I still like them XD


Now THAT is a Mortiking revamp! Nice work!

And it's finally in Nuclear, too. Yayness.! <img src="" border="0" />

"This is my happy face." My mom loves that joke. XD


Wow! Those are both awesome! I am seriously going to consider changing one of my pets to one of those!!! <img src="" border="0" />


Shibari, it doesn't work both ways. That's just absurd. If you're completely happy with something and wouldn't change a thing, are you supposed to stay silent? If people DON'T speak up for what they like, that's when things go back to drawing board, because our goal is to please as many people as we can.


I'm not insulted at all. I was simply trying to explain why if someone truly feels like nothing can be improved upon, that's useful to us as well. I see your point, I just feel differently.

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I like this one even better. The shadowing just makes it one hugh muscular thing. I like how more teeth are showing. The graveyard one still rocks me!!


Luxe, you took what I said as an insult. What I'm trying to say is that if you want constructive criticism, where people put exactly what they don't like about the art, then the positive feedback should be exactly the same. Going, I LOVE IT offers no benefit to you, either. It works both ways.


wonderful work dna <img src="" border="0" />


Nicely done! I want a Nuclear Mortiking now though I have no room for one.


i like this version better than the previous ^^


When I'm bored, I don't snarl, honestly. The eye-mouth muscular coordination is indeed, an agressive / I'm-a-gonna-bite-your-face-a-off thing.


Wow - I love them! And my darling will love them more, that's for sure! <img src="" border="0" />
*goes to tell it to Edge* ^_____^

Awesome work! <img src="" border="0" />


<b>Quote By varicolored:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">Whoa, whoa. When did I say the piece itself was half-assed? I called the snarl half-assed - as in, the Mortiking looks bored, not fierce.

If you guys want to get offended over something, I suggest you pick a better thing to try and get your panties in a wad over. </blockquote>No one <i>wants</i> to be offended, I assure you. One didn't have to look very far to see that was ill-worded. However, I can easily admit to misunderstanding your intentions as I now see what you meant, if perhaps you will admit that a bit of tact might have prevented this entire thing. <img src="" border="0" />


No need to apologise, Mod--I got what you're saying, really. <img src="" border="0" />
Just bear in mind that this mortiking was based on the original design; personally, the lower jaw (or lack thereof) on them drives me mad, as I'm used to drawing proper reptiles with proper mouths.
However, for the sake of updating the old design instead of changing it into something different, I opted to leave it the way it was, in the assumption that it was part of the intended design instead of an anatomical error.


Whoo, I should have read through the comments first. Feel free to ignore what I said, since I don't want to be in your little hissy fit. :S


<b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">That opinion offers no critique as well. If you're going to bicker with the people who doesn't offer any constructive criticism, then it goes with the supporters as well.</blockquote>

Well excuse me for having an opinion. Jesus.


It's not that we're only looking for praise at this point, but it helps us to improve if we get <strong>constructive</strong> feedback from those who are unhappy, Shibari. If someone is happy with our work, it is the only way we can gauge our success. Constructive criticism helps us every bit as much as positive feedback in this line of work.

It doesn't need to be kittens and rainbows whenever a pet is revamped, but neither does it need to be full of tactless feedback and insults. It does nothing to help me, nor the artists, to hear that their work is half-assed or looks like garbage. If you truly want to see better art on Subeta, you will channel feedback in ways we can use. If not, then unfortunately you will have to be content to just insult our work and wonder why your opinions aren't heeded, while we move on to feedback that can actually be of use to us.

User not found:

Me and my friend are talking over another site. And we both agree, the mouth is still off on this version.
I for one, don't see how a bottom jaw can exist on this mortiking. Its far too small for their to be room for the bone. It would be gum then skin pretty much. Its teeth are just far too big for its mouth.
Then my friend, being an sorta expert on lizards, says that in most of them, they lack more than an "Up-down" mouth movement. Even though its a fantasy creature, it should still abide by our laws for it to be physically possible. Also, shes said "the corner of its mouth should be back by its eye".
I do apologize for such a poorley structured critique, but i feel its the only thing that truly needs addressing.
(Actually, looking at the older revamp- the jaw was /larger/ on that one o_o")


Beautiful artwork and amazing job, DNA! ^^ I actually want a Mortiking now... O.O


Lol, it's still a fatty. xD


Whoa, whoa. When did I say the piece itself was half-assed? I called the snarl half-assed - as in, the Mortiking looks bored, not fierce.<br />

If you guys want to get offended over something, I suggest you pick a better thing to try and get your panties in a wad over.


I like how this turned out very much <img src="" border="0" />


Dear Shibari;
You have the most amazing logic ever.
Love, DNA. <img src="" border="0" />


Very nice work! Great job on the tweaks, it looks awesome. <img src="" border="0" />


You know I think everyone who is making rude comments is kind of missing the point. The revamp is simply a revamp. The original mortiking really isn't a lovely character to start with. Not everyone likes dino's or morti's. If I'm not mistaken the goal of a revamp is to be true to the original but improve it in a way that most people like.

If you look on this board you'll see that the majority like it.

For those of you so rudely and offensively complaining, It's a freaking mortiking NO it's not going to be turned into a kitty for you OR your favorite creature. It's a MORTIKING.


The subtle improvements from the last one to this made all the difference in the world. *__* I like the fully-visible tail and the more slender back/chest/shoulders. The added highlights really make it look nice on the colorfills, too...Marsh is AMAZING. The larger, less rounded eyes and the bigger mouth made the face look less funny as well...the first revamp's expression cracked me up because it looked so wierd. |D<br />You're a saint for being able to sift through all the rude comments on the poll to take the good suggestions (few and far between as they were) and use them to improve the pet. ♥ Amazing work.


Loving the coloring on the Marsh talons. Great job!


<b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">Impressive! Well done. =3 </blockquote>

That opinion offers no critique as well. If you're going to bicker with the people who doesn't offer any constructive criticism, then it goes with the supporters as well.

In my opinion, it looks like garbage. That is nothing against the artist, she's done some nice work in the past. This particular work bothers me in the fact I think entire face structure needs to be redone. Just looks like an overgrown lizard who's trying to hard to be a bully.


You're welcome! <img src="" border="0" />


c: Everything that was suggested was fixed...XD It lost weight, it has one more spike, it's jaw goes back further, its eye is longer and it has a tail...XD Thank you.8D


Right, Vari.
Whatever you "commented on", I'm going to respond in kind if you're going to be rude, which is obvious.
If that ruffles your feathers, either learn the definition of tact, or don't speak at all.


Impressive! Well done. =3


Varicolored, if you're not going to offer anything constructive, then don't offer anything. Calling the work half-assed is an opinion that reflects on the artist, personally, and the amount of effort put into the work. There are much more tactful ways to express dislike for the snarl.

User not found:

Congrats to successful weight lost. ;D


I commented on the art, not on you personally. Take your personal attacks elsewhere if you're going to continue to troll ME for having an opinion on your art.


Yes all the new detail in my opinion is fantastic. It definitely gives the morti a much more solid and muscular feel. He's REALLY a beast now <img src="" border="0" /> I likes it very much.

User not found:

Hooray that it doesn't look like it's super fat and that it lost its pinkeye and drunken gaze. Not to mention the tail looks alot better. <img src="" border="0" />

Downside, the left (its left) hand still looks broken. <img src="" border="0" /> Aww...


<b>Quote By varicolored:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">
It's still fat with a half-assy snarl and blunt claws. Awesome. </blockquote>
<b>Quote By varicolored:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">
Ouch! Mature.</blockquote>

Irony. Delicious as sweet, sweet chocolate mousse.


Eh, I still think the proportioning of the revamps make them look like Barney, but the extra detailing on the "skin" does make it look fairly more muscular than just big. The spikes on the back and the expression look better too <img src="" border="0" />


Nice! I didn't really like the new mortiking when I first saw it but these colors make it look awesome. Also love the tweaking. ^^


Ouch! Mature.


You're still a troll. Equally awesome.


It's still fat with a half-assy snarl and blunt claws. Awesome.


Wow, now they look even better than before. Love them!


<a href="/users/Frosting.Lover" id="userinfo_Frosting.Lover_1"><img src="" border="0">Frosting.Lover</a><script type="text/javascript">toolTip('userinfo_Frosting.Lover_1', '<center><img src=""><br /><img src=""><strong>Frosting.Lover</strong><br />Member<br /><strong>Name</strong>: Alexis<br /><strong>Posts:</strong>: 74<br /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br />', 'User Information');</script>, we try not to make it a predictable habit to poll every revamp more than once. That ruffie was polled because there were several conflicting opinions and the markings changed rather drastically. These changes on the mortiking were very cut and dry with no gray area, so to speak. We are sure of our decision, therefore, there's no reason to ask for more input. We feel like we captured what the majority wanted. Judging by the positive feedback so far, I'd say we succeeded.

The reason you don't see the original mortiking on the poll is because this new one replaced the old image at the same URL.


Ahh much better than the last revamp. <img src="" border="0" /> Nice job. <img src="" border="0" />


Awesome! Much better than the old one, so many details! *loves*


The mortiking looks fantastic! Even moreso than before! Those tweaks, however small, made a huge difference, and it came out wonderful. <img src="" border="0" /> The nuclear is especially cool.


Weird...when I went to check out how close the poll says that this design is the old are these not the revamp final design?


Heeey this is awesome. I especially like the new head. I'm personally a bit sad to see the back spines were changed, but I can deal with it. So many other things were improved. I like much.


these are beautiful. and giant dinosaur lookin things look better fat. if you want skinnier, that's what velosotors are for. P:

awesome tweaks, i'll have to think about getting one now..


Hmmm, I think it's odd that with the poll being so close there wasn't another vote like with the Ruffie changes. I still think it needs tons of work, like with the back spines being oddly tiny now and the tail, etc.


I do like the updates done to it compared to the first revamp. But I have to wonder where the little fin on it's tail went off to? Is it just hidden behind those spines on it's back, or...?

User not found:

Lovely! Although, to me it still seems like the left palm is too low.
But it's beautiful anyways!


Awesome tweaks since the poll <img src="" border="0" />


Well done!


Awesome!! Well done on this!! <img src="" border="0" />

User not found:

Wait they didn't come in marsh before? Anyways they look very scary.


Lol big is beautiful!


lol i love the last lines of the news post <img src="" border="0" />
and though i am not into dinosaur type pets, these look good for their species! <img src="" border="0" />

User not found:

I heart the Nuclear one. <img src="" border="0" />


They are cool but they are too big for my back yard X3


<b>Quote By TCWAL:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">
I think the Mortikings need to lose a little weight, imho. ;p </blockquote>

I think the mortikings need to add you to their diet. <img src="" border="0" />


Aww, the tail is still steroid-ish xD But everything else is AMASING ;D


They look awesome. I almost regret morphing mine. <img src="" border="0" />

I suppose the recent revamped Mortikings

User not found:

<img src= border="0"><img src= border="0">

Big difference! All that users commented on was tweaked to perfection. He doesn't need to lose any more weight ;D


DNA, they look phenomenal now! Thank you so very much for the tweaks <img src="" border="0" />


Oh my!! They are awesome looking!! <img src="" border="0" />


But, <a href="/users/TCWAL" id="userinfo_TCWAL_1"><img src="" border="0">TCWAL</a><script type="text/javascript">toolTip('userinfo_TCWAL_1', '<center><img src=""><br /><img src=""><strong>TCWAL</strong><br />Member<br /><strong>Name</strong>: Gianna<br /><strong>Posts:</strong>: 0<br /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br />', 'User Information');</script>, they <i>did</i> lose weight. <img src="" border="0" /> Don't make our mortikings fall victim to a skeleton-skinny societal ideal! Big is beautiful!


Very nice! I especially like the snarl <img src="" border="0" />


Wow, the marsh one is really nice.


><img src="" border="0" />
This IS my happy face!


Hahaha, i love your news posts.

User not found:

Wow. The nuclear one is awesome!


Very cool, they look a hundred times better then the originals. Great job DNA! <img src="" border="0" />

User not found:

I think the Mortikings need to lose a little weight, imho. ;p


Thank you, everyone! Special thanks to those of you who helped me with the tweaks. <img src="" border="0" />

User not found:

Awww! Perfect! They look amazing Ry. Subeta artists always manage to please all. =D


O.O Omg, I absolutely must have that Nuclear Mortiking. He looks like one of those neon-green-cream-filled oreos that they put out for Halloween.

User not found:

Nice Nuclear version. Great work.


hurray! their shading is amazing!


Luxe, your posts make me giggle <img src="" border="0" />


So awesome! I love the coloring <img src="" border="0" />


awesome nuclear one! <3


I really like them. <3



User not found:

Wow, the Nuclear one is wonderful.


Good work ;D


Diggin' the nuclear one.


Man, you're fast, Jessie! Thank you!


Nice revamp!

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