The Recycle beast is requesting new items!

User Avatar: 1

Posted by Keith


Thank you for 2 of Angelic Puff!
Thank you for 1 of Cinnamon Spice Soda!
Thank you for 13 of Item Hunters Staff!
Thank you for 19 of Spectrum Bucket!
Thank you for 81 of Slots Coin!

good day for me.


Thank you for 503 of Item Hunters Staff!
Thank you for 127 of Grass Blade!
Thank you for 243 of Slots Coin!

Three hundred per turn in, I just add mine together. I know we had some people waiting for item hunter stuff, too so yay for good pickings <img src="" border="0" />


Thank you for 41 of Cinnamon Spice Soda!
Thank you for 300 of Item Hunters Staff!
Thank you for 109 of Item Hunters Staff!
Thank you for 20 of Grass Blade!
Thank you for 12 of Slots Coin!


Thank you for 40 of Slots Coin!


i only had 46 item hunters staff, but at least i had something! wish i had more though...

User not found:

Lovey night!
You have 434 items on hand:

Thank you for 10 of Valentine Trading Card!
Thank you for 5 of Cinnamon Spice Soda!
Thank you for 89 of Item Hunters Staff!
Thank you for 300 of Slots Coin!
Thank you for 30 of Slots Coin!

I guess the max return must be 300 ;-)


Thank you for 82 of Item Hunters Staff!
Thank you for 1 of Slots Coin!


Thank you for 13 of Angelic Puff!
Thank you for 6 of Cinnamon Spice Soda!
Thank you for 79 of Item Hunters Staff!
Thank you for 25 of Sun Miniskirt!
Thank you for 121 of Slots Coin!

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