Pet Nominations have been reset! You are now limited to nominating 1 pet every 24 hours. This is to prevent people from running through all their friends, and nominating every pet.

Make sure that the pet you are nominating fits at least some of the following criteria:

1. Aesthetically pleasing profile
2. Well thought out story
3. Appropriate treasure chest
4. Appropriate minion
User Avatar: 1

Posted by Keith



I am an idiot? XD

Now I need to go redeem myself somehow.

*slinks off to write*

Although I am still wondering about the minions <img src="" border="0" /> I am assuming it needs to be a minion that your pet would choose based on it's personality?


So although this is a "pet" spotlight, I still need to have an appropriate minion? I don't like that at all. Maybe I don't want a minion. Maybe I don't want my minon to be all matchy matchy, yet still show off my pet?


Should it really be daily? Not weekly?


I think what they meant by 'well thought out story' is a 'well executed idea', as said before. The wording could have been better though.


Good call.


If they had a rule that said you had to make the profile, people would end up cheating and buying profiles anyways and just not giving credit to the maker. And there would be no way for staff to know if someone made it, or their friend did, or if they bought it.


<a href="/users/NoirRaven" rel="NoirRaven"><img src="" border="0">NoirRaven</a>

i sort of dont agree.
i dont think it is fair for someone to have to learn how to code
and really, some pets that may win.. may not win just because of the layout!

and what is with all this bitching about a stupid pet story?
im not into giving my pets a story, but i do like the fact about pet treasures and stuff

as i said in the first news post

i reallllllllllllllllllly like this idea

anddddddddddddd, congrats Ariel!


People that put effort into training their pets reap the benefits of doing so when the battle system works. There have been challengers that give items worth millions of sp if you beat them, achievements for battling, and entire plots that benefit those that train their pets. Why should this be about pet stats too?


Honestly. I'm still not happy with it. My biggest complaint is simply those of you attempting to start BS fighting just because you think your opinion is more important then others. Say your piece, and be done with it.
My opinion on this annoying new feature will not change. I still think it's nothing more then a popularity contest, and now, people who actually win this event will believe they are better then others who didn't. Why does everything HAVE to be a competition? I loved this site because everyone was equal with others, even mods spoke to users like human beings and no stupid auto-messages. With this, however, I see a break down that will eventually lead this site to social classes, discrimination among users, and repetition brats. Like EVERYone here, I am entitled to my opinion and my opinion is directed only to the creator of this contest. NOT to anyone else.


So icy pet = icy minion or no win? XD


As long as there is credit posted on the page plainly, I don't really see how it's cheating. The competition would quickly grow stale with just the same pets winning if that were the case, the pets that belonged to the amazing coders/graphics artist. Or we'd just a bunch or really tacky or downright ugly layouts.
If credit is noted, then anyone who sees the page will know that it was not the skill of the owner, but of the coder himself.


I still say it's cheating to have someone ELSE do your profiles for you and then you get a prize for it. :/


I like this new rule.

I also wanted to suggest that I know some of us still have pets who aren't "complete", say, still in progress. I would love to see an option to deny our pet a vote, and turn that off when our pet is completed and ready to be voted?

The criteria to win seems very close-minded to me. Some people may not want minion and treasure to match their pet. Is that all you'll be looking for? Because, the word "appropiate" seems like everything must match accordingly with the pet.

I agree with <a href="/users/diana1096" rel="Diana1096"><img src="" border="0">diana1096</a>. I'm not a battle person and I don't worry too much about training, but this should definitely be part of the spotlight.
I think you guys need to include every single type of user. Arty ones, not-so-arty ones (me), those who don't spend tons and tons of sP on theirs, but still make an effort, pets without stories, but personalities, battlers, writers, etc...
I understand this is a new feature, and it will take time to perfect.


I wouldn't necessarily think that a story need be written out, if it's implicit in the character of the pet, treasure chest, etc. like the first pet was. Why beat to death that the pet is hooked on substances with a 10,000 word essay when the point/theme is clear without it? Of course, if you have a twilight antlephore who was a beautiful blonde barmaid before she ran afoul of an angry god, and whose unrequited love was a sun bumbus, you'd have to explain the treasure chest full of liquor, blonde wigs, dresses and sun bumbus items, and profile background of dark magic power lightning bolts, but let's be real about the "story" of the first pet. It was loud and clear.
<p />And I had a feeling that you guys would get flooded with "pick me, pick me" attention-hounds putting every pet owned by everybody they know in every day until one of them won. Glad to see that you've imposed some sort of reality filter for those who can't control their compulsive clicking. I think players should get one nomination per week per person, myself. Can't see how you're going to get through all the nominees every day. You could still choose a daily winner, but from the "pool" of nominees for the week. Would make folks slow down and use their vote more wisely, as well.


What about users that put the effort into training their pets? I would much rather see those who care enough to take the time to train them win, then those who just dropped some points into their pets treasures.


<a href="/users/Cocoa" rel="Cocoa"><img src="" border="0">Cocoa</a> yeah I checked it when it was just posted xD
but still everyone's reaction was so exaggerated I think~


Phew, this was sorely needed, if you ask me. xD I knew you guys would implement more rules for this new feature; thanks for getting around to it so quickly! Now this'll make it easier for pets who deserve the spotlight to be nominated~


I'm glad that a) this is a once every 24 hrs thing, and b) that you don't have to meet "all" the requirements. I am so NOT good at HTML, and I spend more than enough on my babies by purchasing art and TC items for them.


Glad you changed it to one pet every 24 hours. <img src="" border="0" />


I think the requirements are fine <img src="" border="0" /> Vote for my Shay! xD *jokes*


<a href="/users/cherry_virus" rel="cherry_virus"><img src="" border="0">cherry_virus</a> - That is because it was changed. <img src="" border="0" />


lol, everyone is complaining about the same thing o__o;;
it does says "some" not ALL the criteria


Wow, the level of bitchiness here has reached a whole new level. I agree that the one a day nomination is a great idea & I am thankful that the wording was changed in the rules for the nomination. I tend to spoil the crap out of my pets but I am really not into telling stories, so meeting MOST requirements is something I can do without an issue.

Still think this is a fabulous idea.


I believe the post now says meets SOME of the criteria.

I've said over and over that this isn't meant to be a hard thing to get into.


"The first pet didn't have a story Why should all others? I think that is very unfair.."

"Yeah, not loving the fact that the first winner didn't even fit the criteria."

This is what I was referring to in my post.

Though I do agree, asking for the winner to have a whole story is a bit much, and I'm glad that everything has been specified. Now I CAN be lazy and still possibly win, go me.




great idea !


I don't think people are bugging the winner. They were just confused about the rules on stories. Some assumed that written story or character design is must. Now that the rule is restated, people shouldn't have any doubts now. I do hope what you said is the ultimate intention of the spotlight. Those who spent tons of time and effort on their pets definitely deserve this recognition.


@Keith ---- the nomination link problem has not been fixed yet.


Hmmph so the winning pet profile (of a staffer) did not meet the criteria and how dare anyone point that out or complain! (shush you haterz u will be flamed and called a "nasty lame party pooping hoebag")




I would like to know what criteria you base on aesthetically pleasing, because I don't believe that the people judging would all have the same tastes as the pet's owner.


Peach, my minion is cracked out her mind, if you didn't notice.


@Sadist No one is bitching. Everyone commenting on the "well thought out story" bit was very calm and reasonable. I think you should re-read our posts. I don't think anyone disagrees with the first winner, Stimulant. Ariel did an amazing job and her pet well deserved it. I just think asking for a whole story specifically is a bit... much!

Like I said before, I think "Well executed idea" would be better wording and perhaps these should be guidelines not criteria.

Oh and I noticed the edit now that says at least some of the criteria and I appreciate it! Thanks. <img src="" border="0" />


Is it possible to have a little more detail on what is meatn by "appropriate minion"? Can you have an "inappropriate minion" for a such and such pet? What's not clear is that the rule is implying that there's only one type of appropriateness on the basis of "something". I do hope it doesn't imply that if you have a glacier pet you can only win the award if the pet's treasure is full of glacier items or the pet's minion is a glacier-like minion. The vagueness of the criteria may allow users to have not so conformed and more unique ideas for their pets, but I'm curious as to what the details are because it's easy to interpret things like this idea that glacier pets can only have glacier treasure chest items. Besides that, I like the idea of pet spotlight and thank you for reserving the right to vote for 1 pet every 24 hours.


I dont see why the big bitchfest is taking place over the first winner. You can definitely tell that a lot of time, thought, and effort were put into Ariel's pet. I'm thinking thats what the spotlight is about... or maybe I'm completely off.


I agree with <a href="/users/peach" rel="Peach"><img src="" border="0">peach</a>, that would be much better wording for criteria number two unless a story is a must from now on.


Maybe it should be "Well executed idea" which could include a story, or in Stimulant's case, an all around great pet.


One nomination every 24 hours is much better in my opinion. Seems more fair.(:


Oh well, it was one time, that's the trial run. Not everything goes right the first time usually, and see the rules had been changed a pinch to bit better so it would be easier and more pleasing to everyone. "<strong>AT LEAST SOME</strong> of the following criteria" so now there is no reason to complain. c: Just get thinking about your next pet suggestions!


I guess some of us were just assuming that pet story should play at least some roles in the profile from the previous news. Now, as the criteria is changed. People will understand it better. <img src="" border="0" />


@Ayakat You would have those stories if you read the news when they were cleared, and saw the links that we posted to restore your pet profiles. <img src="" border="0" />


May I ask what appropriate treasure and minion mean?

I hope that doesn't mean matching, not everyone is as anal retentive as I am, so maybe a spectrum pet wants to have a nuclear minion.

And anyhow, all of my pets WOULD have stories if they hadn't of been cleared with no warning when pet profiles got changed. ._. Just sayin'.


Ashi, the old requirements said that the nominated pets <strong>had</strong> to include a well thought out story. Stimulant, while fitting the rest of the requirements just fine, didn't have any such thing. I think that's why I, and a few others, were upset/annoyed that that pet won the first Spotlight, seeing as it didn't even follow the rules at the time.

Thanks for changing the rules though Keith, much better now.


I'm sorry but...Pet Spotlight?

Sound familiar, anyone?

I'd love to get started on some arty art soon lol


Ashi - I don't they they are upset because they don't understand. They are upset because we were told to make sure the pet fit those four criteria before nominating. <img src="" border="0" />


Well as I see it, the criteria is just like.. suggestions. Guidelines for the pets that we take interest in. I think the last one nominated fit just right, had a profile, overlay fit perfectly with the name and the treasure chest must have taken a bit of effort. They deserved it. C: Not sure why this is hard to understand.


Make sure that the pet you are nominating fits at least some of the following criteria:

Perfect <img src="" border="0" />


The first pet didn't have a story <img src="" border="0" /> Why should all others? I think that is very unfair..


Good idea.


Yeah, not loving the fact that the first winner didn't even fit the criteria.


ehhhhh story? the pet that won today didn't have a story. Make it a 3 of 4 at least. That way it's fair whith the first winner.


I gotta agree with Peach. I think either the criteria should be changed to say that they are just suggestions or just do away with them entirely.


I don't think you should put the criteria part... The first pet that won had no story and just a fitting profile/treasure chest. Sort of hypocritical, no?

Maybe you should just put to use your nomination wisely and to choose a pet you think deserves it...


Spiffy. :3


I don't think I am a fan of this limitation, but I suppose it is because I didn't do that. I nominated the ones that I really thought deserved it.

At any rate, thanks for letting us know. <img src="" border="0" />


Oh that's a good idea. <img src="" border="0" />
I never did get to vote for my friend's pets because another one beat me to it. <img src="" border="0" />


great idea !!! <img src="" border="0" />


great idea !!! <img src="" border="0" />


I think the first winner really set the bar ... now we know what the criteria really looks like <img src="" border="0" />


That's great so it could be fair. XD


Now I need profiles for all my pets <img src="" border="0" />


Cool <img src="" border="0" />


Okays! X3


Oh well. I wasn't guilty or anything.


I figured this would happen. Good idea.


Nice xD


Was the nomination link problem fixed yet?


Noted. xD

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