It wouldn't be a new feature on Subeta, if there weren't a few bumps in the road! I'm sure you've all noticed that tonight (and yesterday night!) we had a pet win that came from a user that already won.

First, let me explain how the Pet Spotlight works, in a little more depth. You nominate your friends pet, and then we (the staff) have a huge list of pets that have been nominated (seriously, 500+ pets) and we accept/deny those pets.

After a pet is accepted, it goes into a queue. As of this posting, we've got 75 pets accepted into the queue.

Every night, one of the pets will be selected randomly from the queue, to win. The problem is, that some people have multiple pets that are nominated, and entered into the queue, because all (or most) of their pets are good, and quality enough to win the Pet Spotlight.

Tonight I've added in some extra protection to the script that runs nightly, to prevent this from happening. There is a 14 day limit between wins for any user, who wins the pet spotlight.

Sorry for the confusion, I hope all of you are busy working on your pets now so they can win the spotlight next ;)!
User Avatar: 1

Posted by Keith


My pet can't be nominated again within a week. Is this new. I see other pets still be nominated every 24 hours?
Needless to say, i did not win, so the 14 days should not count?


Spider, I think it's to keep the nominations for the day to a handle-able number for the staff, lol.

Also, lovetogrdn, there's items that raise your pet's treasure chest slots, like Magical Keepsake Box raises it by 1-3 if I remember, and one of the tomes in the Loyalty Box raises all of your pets slots by 10, and Multi-Compartment Keepsake Box raises one pet's treasure slots by 10 or so I think (I never used it).


It would be nice to have a better way to increase your pets treasure size also.


I just got back from the weekend and was briefly confused! Good news post and good decision. =)


Nice change. Like any new addition, takes time to work out the problems.

User not found:

Will there be (or is there already) an archives/main page for the pet spotlight? It would be handy to see the past winners to get an idea of what's expected. And to admire the lovely pets as well. <img src="" border="0" />


If it has nothing to do with the pet who gets the most votes winning the spotlight, then why can't we just enter ourselves into the pet spotlight? Then we can enter the pet we want, and we are ready to?


i have a little question,how does this work,is the pet nominated for the spotlight reset the following day or is it kept in the queue until it wins,cause i checked on kritias every day and its allways saying"this pet is nominated for the spotlight",so does that mean its nominated until he wins


I have a question, is it okay to use a premade layout or a layout from someone else? or do we have to make everything ourselves on the profile?


I thought this would have better as a once-a-week award rather than every night. But that's up to you guys, I guess.




"..we (the staff) have a huge list of pets that have been nominated (seriously, 500+ pets) and we accept/deny those pets."

And this should be completely unbiased, correct?


Nice added change. I'm working on my pet now. I think it brought attention back to the pets and sparked my interest in playing again, just as I was getting bored! Nice job and Thanks <img src="" border="0" />)


Facemeetpavement A couple days ago a pet won but was quickly changed because the owner already won earlier this week with a different pet. Last night one of thoughtful's(?) pets won and was changed because they won a couple days ago and the pet that it changed to was another one of thoughtful's pets so it had to be changed again. This is why the 14 day wait was put in place.


i'm completely confused. unless a winner was deleted from the news that i missed this makes no sense. the same person did not win twice, the same person drew the overlay for each pet. isn't that completely different and, in my mind, way more acceptable? it just means each winner had good art, which is only one part of the criteria for winning. am i missing something obvious?


<b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">I hope my pet,Pokey wins.
But he wont. XPP</blockquote>Maybe because you don't even have a link to him from your profile? <img src="" border="0" />


Love it, thank you Keith for such expedience on a weekend.


Well Boa that's one of the great things about subeta <img src="" border="0" /> We have a bit more freedom here. What you do with your pets is your business. On the layout of my battle pet I likely will have the stats showing but on my other pets (even though I do train them) the stats wont go with the theme of the pet so I'll likely be taking them off. Just as the adoption and born date won't have anything to do with some so I may take that off. The sidebar has nothing to do with them so that'll come off... do you see where i'm going with this?


@NIKKI, simply because all the (correct) details shouldn't disappear from pet or user profiles.


Stats are noteworthy in battle. Stats earn you prizes worth millions in battle. There is absolutely no monetary gain for winning pet spotlight so battlers STILL get more validation than those spotlighted.

I don't get why people keep bringing this up.


That is a lovely and nice addition/change. Thanks Keith


OMG I am loling that people are getting so butthurt about a pixel trophy. Guys, this Pet Spotlight is a permanent thing, I'm guessing. And it's only been going on for 5 DAYS! Don't worry, your precious babies will win eventually, I'm sure. Although for some of you, probably not. Myself included XD


Most of my pets had poems I'd written for them on their look ups but when the site layout was changed - the poems disappeared. The computer I stored the poems on died suddenly so they've all been lost <img src="" border="0" /> I cant be bothered to do it all again. I'm glad this isnt judged by votes - because then it just become a popularity contest for the pet owner and nothing to do with the pets.


thats great but as you said things all come with problems and yes it will get ironed out.thanks.


lol, thanks Mallardmunchies, too. You were posting while I was writing <img src="" border="0" />


Yay! Go Subeta Team <img src="" border="0" />


Thanks for explaining, Ragged - pet overlays, o.k., good. Nice thing, yes indeed. However, those are not Subeta pets... Bothers me in a way, but then again, not really that much, lol. I don't care much about this whole spotlight thing, didn't on Neo, either. Even though, I love seeing great pet lookies, when I go to check out a users pet. Seeing as many players have completely removed their pets from their profiles and I was put off in the forums for finding this inapropriate, I think it's a nice way to draw attention back onto the pets on a pet site.


Boa, I think the super imposed image you were talking about is a Pet Overlay. That's common now, a lot of people that like their pets choose to put overlays on them, so that's what that is <img src="" border="0" />

For anyone else who's confused, what this whole news post about is that people kept getting really confused, because for the past like 3 pet spotlights in a row out of 5, the winner kept randomly falling on a pet that's owner already had one of their pets won this week, so they kept having to reroll it until it landed on a pet belonging to a user who was yet to have their pet nominated, but it showed up in the news whoever it landed on, reguardless. So people were like why the heck does it keep changing in the first 1 minute of the Pet Spotlight nomination?

Yeah I think that's what all the confusion was about, I'm glad it's been limited now <img src="" border="0" /> I do agree with other users though that stats maybe should sometime be something noteworthy, though. Maybe self-coding / drawing their stuff yourself / writing their story yourself too? Like not a requirement, but it's notable? Just a suggestion <img src="" border="0" />


Boa, first of all it's because there's been more than once that the staff had to "reroll" the random pet that was chosen out of the "finalists" list because it was already from a user who'd won this week, they were saying this for the people who happened to notice before it was changed. I think it's just to keep it more fair so that other users with good pets get a chance to win too. I'm sure after 2 weeks though past winners can still win with their other pets and most likely will.

Also, those are pet overlays you're talking about, with the super-imposed thing, and I think they're an admirable thing, I mean they give the pet more individuality. In my opinion anyway.

And no, once a pet is nominated by one user for that round, you can't nominate them again, I think this was to keep that from happening, ie. popularity contests.


The way I understood it, was, that pets win by getting the most nominations from the users? i.e. pet A gets nominated by 100 users, pet B only by 70, so pet A wins. I didn't know that staff were the ones to choose. Plus this list will be getting longer every day... Also it is called pet spotlight, so if they are so appealing, why not have a single user win with more than one of his pets. What bothers me a lot more is, that some of the winning pets didn't even look like the pets they were, because an image had been superimposed over their actual picture on the pet page. Also stats were gone or nothing extraordinary on background, lookup etc. Even more confusing: 5 pet spotlights so far, each from different users, what is the posting referring to????


I'm having a blast working on ideas and whatnot for pet lookups. I love how the judging isn't too bad, means maybe me and my very little CSS knowledge can make it <img src="" border="0" />


As long as pets themselves can't be repeat winners, I was fine with repeat users winning. They'll end up having all their pets win, and are no longer in the running for the spotlight afterward. But I don't mind this new rule for repeat user winners, seems very fair.

User not found:

Sounds good, thanks Keith <img src="" border="0" />


Yay, glad this idea was implemented <img src="" border="0" />


How do we know after our pet is nominated whether or not we actually got accepted into the queue?


Eh, 'twas a joke <img src="" border="0" />

We &#10084; you, Keith (or at least, I do. Can't speak for others I suppose.)

(Also, my mind totally blanked typing that &#10084; and I spent what must have been 5 minutes trying different keys. Oh Karma, you are so Karma-y)

Seriously, thanks. &#10084;&#10084;&#10084;


It's true. I'm working my butt off. I spent all of the other day on Zohran. xD

Next; Kodiask.

This is seriously the coolest time-killer ever. (Besides. . like. . Chuzzles, of course. ;] )


It's 1:30 on a Saturday. Most people aren't expected to rush to work to fix something, but I did. <img src="" border="0" /> You'll have to live with my grammar mistakes.


What, is with the, extraneous commas?

Seriously though - 14 days seems like a perfect time limit. <img src="" border="0" />

Now I go work on Daksin's lookup <img src="" border="0" />


We understand.
I love how much of a fun experiment this place is *hug*
*works harder on pets*


God I cannot say how much I love the Subeta team~ ^^
Other sites would just say stop your eternal bitching and do nothing. ;-;


Great idea.


I hope my pet,Pokey wins. <img src="" border="0" />
But he wont. XPP


Thank you, Keith, et al for putting such hard work into this. It's a great feature; it's already got me thinking on how best to tweak my three to make them purty. <img src="" border="0" />


Ruse -- I'd like to know which pet didn't deserve to win so far? I've said multiple times that this is a pretty simple spotlight. It's not meant to be difficult (hence there is a new winner every night) and we aren't doing any sort of harsh judging.


Thanks! I think that will make it a little more fair, but I have to say, all the pets that have won so far, totally deserved to. I am really amazed by all the talent and work that has gone into them.


Thanks keith! <img src="" border="0" /> I'm excited to see how this eventually develops, I'm hoping for a little harsher judgement from the staff going through the list.


I don't see a problem with someone winning for more then one pet Keith. If you put the time and effort into it then you deserve it. But thanks for adding a limit.


The staff here is so quick on the draw! 8D
Excellent work~ <img src="" border="0" />


Thanks for always taking the time to explain this stuff to us. This is one of the very reasons why I love subeta <3
Great clarification ^^


Sounds excellent, my good sir! :3 Thank you for clearing that up!


Awesome idea and now I am so not confused anymore! LOL

When I went to see the news post I could of SWORN I saw a GY Demi there. :3 I thought I was going nuts. Lol


Hooray! Clarification! :3




Allright ... How do you know if your pet is in the queue ? If he was accepted/denied ?


Thanks for the explanation! <img src="" border="0" />


great idea. as wonderful as some people's pets are it's not fair if they win every single time. even if they do deserve it.


Thanks for explaining and putting this rule in place! <img src="" border="0" />




That's a very good change! Good luck to all.

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