
Rattus_522 has a minion!

Wooly the Shebbit

Legacy Name: Rattus_522

The Angelic Wyllop
Owner: Samuel_733

Age: 12 years, 6 months, 1 week

Born: December 17th, 2011

Adopted: 12 years, 6 months, 1 week ago

Adopted: December 17th, 2011


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 11
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 11
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Store Clerk

Rattus Rattus

Rattus, or Ratty as he's more commonly known, is a guardian angel appointed by Heaven to specific individuals, and he takes his job very seriously. Ratty's presence assures that no harm will come to the individual, physically or otherwise, at least if he's doing his job right, which he always is. So many angels mess up their jobs and it causes so many unhappy people, and Ratty makes sure not to be one of them. He goes about caring for others in a very serious fashion, which means he has no time for silliness. That isn't to say he's cold, however - Ratty is extremely affectionate and caring, he simply thinks of his job as extremely important and not something to be trifled with.

Because of his dedication to his work, he is also fiercely protective, especially of those he cares for. This diligence also causes him to be obsessed with time, and he always keeps a clock with him perfectly tuned to the second. Bad things can happen to his charge at the drop of a hat, after all, so he has to keep a constant watch over them. He has learned keeping track of time helps with this considerably.

Because there are so many beings in desperate need of care, however, Ratty is generally only appointed a charge for a year or two, and then moves onto the next. He still checks in on those he has stopped caring for, however, sending them small signs and messages that he's still thinking about them. It's good business sense, after all.

Being an angel, Ratty doesn't have a set form and can shapeshift to anything he pleases, but he does have a few consistent forms that he feels the most comfortable with, the most like himself. The first is a short, chubby, mousy-looking brown-haired man, always dressed in sensible, conservative clothing (especially sweaters - he loves sweaters), often sporting a pair of feathered white wings. The second is a very cuddly brown and white rat, often seen sleeping in pockets - occasionally with wings, also, simply because he feels the most comfortable with them. When he's especially flustered or in a hurry, he shifts to something in between these two, not quite rat and not quite human, although arguably he is always this.

Pet Treasure

Honey and Lemon Tea

Blue Teapot

Angelic Watch

Pocket Watch

Gray and Yellow Argyle V-Neck Sweater

Pet Friends

Current charge