
Legacy Name: Tish_651

The Common Jollin
Owner: Biske

Age: 12 years, 5 months, 3 weeks

Born: December 18th, 2011

Adopted: 12 years, 5 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: December 18th, 2011


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Tish Harmony


Items coming later. :D
Name; Tish Harmony
Called; Tish, Trish to her friends
Age; 20
Class; Wish Giver, part-time Spy
Likes; Family, magic, starry skies, Dio, love, books, glass vases
Dislikes; Evil, war, Dio's marriage, not being attractive to Dio, mood-swings, sadness and depression
Status; Single
Sexuality; Strictly Straight
Suiting Songs; "Not Over You" by Gavin DeGraw; "Airplanes" by B.O.B ft. Haley Williams
Short Story
So, Tish, can you please answer some questions for the McKinze files?

Sure, McKinze. /weak smile

*straightens glasses* So, Tish...besides basic information, any..crushes? Anything new in your life I can write down and chronicle?

*exclaims* Dio! Oh, McKinze, you don't understand! I /long/ for him, I long for his touch, his voice, his looks!

Isn't he married, Tish?

Ohmylord, yes! He's married...he married Kitten. I envy her...

*long sigh* I sometimes hate her...

*writes down*

Do you still sometimes hate her?

Enough about her, Ask me how much I LOVE him!

Okay...? How much do you like Dio-

More than anyone else. More than anyone else. I want to hug him, to kiss him, to make-

Whoa! Whoa whoa, let's calm it down.

*writes down*

Does he know...?

Yes, he's said we can just be friends...But I have this problem of putting myself in danger so He'll save me, and I time it to where only he will save me...nobody else.

I see...

Oooooooh, Dio. *takes his picture and presses it against her chest* Dio, Dio Dio. *gets up and twirls around the room*

*Dio walks in* Say, McKinze, can you-!!!

*Accidentally, Tish runs into his face, and they end up kissing, but Dio pulls away almost instantly*

*Tish's eyes heart up, and her heart pounds, her longing for him becoming more of an obsession* Ooooh, ohlala~, Dio. *Flirty voice*

*As Dio slightly blushes from embarrassment, Kitten, his wife, comes up from behind him and says good-bye, then kisses him on the lips, for a longer-then-normal while, then walks off to go on patrol*

*Tish's eyes widen in horror and reality strikes her, and she collapses to the ground, faint.*


Pet Treasure

Pet Friends

Why can't I grant my own wish?!

You'd be no help in my dreams, killed her.

I know you like me, but....

No! I wouldn't have her killed, but sometimes I dream that I did and in the end, I win.,,

Can you save me from this..dreary existince?

Sheen Cocteau
So, you and Liedel are getting more serious? I'm happy!

Diomedes Rangue
You just don't understand my wants....

Kitten Rangue
............ D:

Your protective shields protect my love..thank you.

You and Sheen are soooooo romantic together. <3

You're messing with the wrong husband...

You're wife doesn't even SUPPORT your cause!

My true friend. Thank you.