
Morphos has a minion!

Experiment the Fishdog

Legacy Name: Morphos

The Cream Wyllop
Owner: Tonks

Age: 12 years, 3 months, 3 weeks

Born: February 29th, 2012

Adopted: 11 years, 6 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: December 9th, 2012

Pet Spotlight Winner
February 26th, 2013


  • Level: 117
  • Strength: 297
  • Defense: 301
  • Speed: 293
  • Health: 293
  • HP: 290/293
  • Intelligence: 14
  • Books Read: 12
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Inventory Tracker


One thing we can say about Dr. Euclid and Dr. Asmodeus is that they've had a troubled past. Everyone knew about it; they were both mentored by the same mysterious scientist. After a few years, learning all they could from their mentor, they opened their own labs to continue and perfect their knowledge of transformations and mutations. One would have thought their shared interests and time spent together would have brought them closer. However, their immense pride prevented them from working together.

Roughly a year after the two scientists had opened their labs, it was said Asmodeus had found the schematic for some kind of device. However, before he could fully understand and work on it, disaster struck. His lab was broken into, ransacked, and the schematic stolen. Many of Asmodeus's followers blamed Euclid for the theft, even claiming that he had built the device. All that we know for sure is that Euclid went missing for several years after the incident. Despite all his efforts, Asmodeus never found the schematic. To this day, if you were to ask Euclid and Asmodeus what really happened, neither will answer.

Not long after Euclid's disappearance, a strange character started to appear around his lab. The stranger even created a lab in Euclid's backyard, offering to 'zap' your pet in exchange for currency. Many felt uneasy and stayed as far away from him as possible. However, others gladly queued up to see what would happen to their pets.

During Euclid's disappearance, Asmodeus seemed both agitated and relieved. On one hand, he was finally the only scientist in Meneb, but he also acted like something had happened; Like something was hunting him. Asmodeus didn't like this strange character, but their animosity had a different air than between him and Euclid.

From time to time, during Meneb's night hours, some Subetans have reported glimpses of a Wyllop running around Asmodeus's lab. The Wyllop was very swift, and most sightings were at night, so many of the descriptions weren't very detailed. However, the sightings started shortly after Euclid's disappearance, and ended right before he was seen again. Some Subetans had been claiming the Wyllop looked strangely like the Scientist.

Years later; Dmitri, the Meneb Councillor, decided Euclid's land needed to be reclaimed. He despised having land in his town that wasn't being used, especially when there were several interested buyers. Asmodeus had been spotted around Euclid's lab soon after the annoucement of the auction. He was seemingly looking for something; many speculated that Asmodeus just wanted to take Euclid's research before the land was auctioned off but some even claimed that he had also caught the Wyllop that day.

Finally, the day of the Auction had arrived! Much to everyone's surprise, so had Euclid! He swiftly reclaimed the rights to his land. Euclid explained to Dmitri that he had been held away for all this time, but was once again free to continue his research. After that, Euclid wound up in a heated argument with the stranger in his backyard. Everyone expected the character to be kicked out, but Euclid surprised them once again. Euclid decided to let him stay!

For days after his reappearance, Euclid had shut himself away in his lab. Finally, he came out with an electronic sign that read "OPENING SOON!", with a count down. Word spread quickly, and the Subetans became excited! What was Euclid planning?! When the count down was at the last minute, it looked like all of Subeta were waiting outside his front door. Everyone wanted to see what scheme Euclid had gotten himself into this time.

That day was the day Euclid launched the Ultimate Pet Zapper!

According to Euclid, the Ultimate Pet Zapper would 'zap' your pet into a different species or color, enhance their stats, play or feed them, and even change their gender! Unfortunately, Euclid neglected to mention that it could also turn your pet into a grotesque experiment (though some find them to be adorable), transform minions into slime, and zap our goods into ashes when our backs were turned.

To this day, Euclid's machine is open to anyone that is willing to pay a hefty sum, and he is always tweaking the machine to get different results. Once a year, he even offers to zap the Subetans themselves! This feature is only available during Morostide.

But wait a minute... Doesn't this machine sound similar to something else?

It does almost the same this as the ray gun owned by the strange character living in Euclid's backyard! One wonders... Were the schematics found by Asmodeus years ago the same ones used by the stranger to make the ray gun? Could Euclid have stolen them, only to have them stolen again by the stranger?

There are also some Subetans that remember the Wyllop, and question what happened to it. Ever since Euclid's return, it was never seen again. Some still swear the two bore a striking resemblance...


The idea of the story came from this Subetapedia article.
Thanks WombatCakes for the help on perfecting the story
Thanks Lima-Loki for the recolor overlay
Thanks Crys for the piece art
Graphics and Coding by Tonks

Pet Treasure

Chaotic Goop

Prismatic Slime

Evil Goop

Opaque Slime



Glowing Goop

Glowing Slime

Clear Slime

Dark Dust

Stinky Dust


Fleshy Mass

Pet Friends