
E-11 has a minion!

Ka-L-com the Brrowl

Legacy Name: E-11

The Graveyard Cadogre
Owner: Redeem_704

Age: 12 years, 2 months, 2 weeks

Born: April 2nd, 2012

Adopted: 12 years, 2 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: April 2nd, 2012


  • Level: 5
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 11
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 20
  • Books Read: 20
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

A robot, deserted long ago by his creators.

Back in the year 19--, on the planet Clouse III, war was flourishing. There were shouts and cries coming from all reaches of the surface, and even worse in the underground. They were overproducing robots of elimination. People were badly beaten and left to bleed in the streets. Their children were often carried away, screaming, by the elite automatons. What did they do with the children? I can't say. Most of the parents and others claim that they are being taken to the prime in society; to be taught on rule and power or to kill them off as to "lessen the stock". Either way, the children are never seen or heard from once they are yanked and dragged off, so it does not really matter what happens.

→→→The crown was placed on King Serick's head, a man who would rather see the planet in ruin then be dethroned by his so-called "subjects". He was a brutal dictator and an abusive father. His son, Prince Qurin, loathed him and his ruling, but was too afraid to challenge his own father. Addressing the matters was certainly out of the questions as well since the last person who mentioned such an outrage on the ruling of the king; was beheaded and placed in front of the temple in which the king housed his throne.

→→→While all of this madness was going on, there was one man who believed that reprogramming the robots would stop the massacre happening outside of his home, which was hidden far away from the kingdom and it's civilians. He spent many hours studying the parts in the robots that were being created for the king. He also often went without sleep, but he believed his cause was more important then rest. But after many months of toil, he finally figured out the reason behind the robot's design for destruction. A chip called, "R02" was carefully and masterfully inserted in the robot's serge system, which indeed, caused them to seek the king's desire. The man removed the R02 and started up the robot. It began to clink and clank, for it was an older model. The markings on its back glowed a bright green; E-11.

(to be continued Ϛ: )

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