
Legacy Name: Hamwise

The Steamwork Kanis
Owner: Redeem_704

Age: 9 years, 3 months, 1 week

Born: March 6th, 2015

Adopted: 9 years, 3 months, 1 week ago

Adopted: March 6th, 2015


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 11
  • Defense: 12
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 1
  • Books Read: 1
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Hamwise Cogswittle* * *

Built before the Ulti War of 2XXX, Hamwise Cogswittle was a great asset. His planning and design surpassed the highest standards of robots built in that time. Emotions and thoughts in robots was still a new concept for that era. While one person could say he was merely a test subject, the other would say he was simply the first perfection of it. Whichever option they chose, everyone agreed that he was ahead of the times.
He could clearly think for himself and cry if something caused him sorrow. His morals were true and he tried his best to keep the laws that governed the people. However, to say he never questioned them would be fooling oneself. He would wonder that since he wasn't a person in the sense a human is a person, would he have to obey the law as well? He was a robot, a man-made object, not a real human being. Do the same laws apply? No amount of jars could hold the time he spent thinking about it. Hamwise did, eventually, conclude that while he was not human, it was safer to obey the laws to keep everyone else in line and safe themselves. I mean, after all, if he would say no to the rules, others would surely follow despite his lack of human flesh.

However, during the beginning of the war, Hamwise was stashed away by his engineer to protect him from any kind of damage the bombs could have brought on. Confused and very, very much afraid, he agreed to be shut down in order to protect himself. While it's not know if the enemy could use him for anything other than scrap metal, the Engineer would not take that risk. That day was the last time that Mr. Cogswittle had seen the break of day for a very long time.
* * *

It was bright and early on a Tuesday Morning when Georgette Engleswith was grabbing her breakfast before class started. "You better sit down and eat that. You'll spill the syrup all over you again like yesterday if you take it with you!" Her dear mother scolded. She was a little on the pudgy side, her mother. Her hair a light gray to match the faded brown of her dress. "Aw mom, you know how I like to get to class early. I need to get in as much studying as I can if I ever want to get that degree!" Georgette argued. She was in her very early twenties and barely made a living on the one job she was given by her Uncle, Stan. He was a short, bald man who constantly muttered something concerning the youth these days. Just like Stan, Georgette was a little on the short side. She was also considerably thin. Her mom often joked that sitting on her would break her into a million pieces.
(this is a work in progress so forgive me if it just cuts off sometimes aaa)

Pet Treasure

Pet Friends

Robot buddies!!

Thank you my fried friend.