
Sharke has a minion!

Ijus the Baby Crocodile

Legacy Name: Sharke

The Common Experiment #1107
Owner: Redeem_704

Age: 7 years, 5 months, 2 weeks

Born: December 27th, 2016

Adopted: 7 years, 5 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: December 27th, 2016


  • Level: 34
  • Strength: 31
  • Defense: 29
  • Speed: 32
  • Health: 32
  • HP: 32/32
  • Intelligence: 4
  • Books Read: 4
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

A salty seadog who lived on land too long.

His actual name is "Samson" but he never liked that name nor being called "Sam". So he had many nicknames. "Samehada/Sharkskin" and "Teeth" being two of the more well-known names he's gone by. He's been through quite a bit. He was once in the army, serving a horrible ruler but changed to the enemy forces when one of the prisoners explained his reasons for fighting against the corrupt king. Samson has gone on many of his own "self-finding" trips where he often thinks he's found who he is but only has figured 1% of the puzzle that makes up his being.

He's often haunted by his thoughts and has trouble staying above water in his mind. He's not insane but he does have trouble expressing his struggles and the demons that oh-so-very-much love him.

Pet Treasure

Blue Inflatable Pool

Briny Deep

Sailors Delight

Black Shark Doll

Pet Friends

La la la, not listening..

Let go of me!

It's good to see an old friend.

You've got a few screws loose, pal.

Please don't leave me, I don't if I can do this alone..