
Nuke_291 has a minion!

Hex the Hexling

Legacy Name: Nuke_291

The Custom Common Experiment #76166
Owner: Gigantic

Age: 10 years, 8 months, 2 weeks

Born: October 7th, 2013

Adopted: 10 years, 2 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: April 12th, 2014


  • Level: 130
  • Strength: 141
  • Defense: 140
  • Speed: 132
  • Health: 140
  • HP: 130/140
  • Intelligence: 104
  • Books Read: 100
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Head of Competitions

It was the smell that drew her at first, the charcoal scent that only comes from the kind of barbeque where there is lots of good food and pink lemonade that gets your hands sticky and a beautiful blanket of stars up above. Already starting to feel her stomach growling, Nuke poked her head around the corner. No one was there.“Hello?” No answer. A duller person would’ve turned back, but not Nuke. She knew her family too well. She padded silently through the grassy meadow until she reached the overhang of trees that she knew very well sheltered the entrance of a cave. “I know you’re in there,” she said with a small smirk, already beginning to crawl through the small entrance. Once it widened, Nuke brushed the dirt off her casual jeans and stood up.“No,” a muffled voice replied. It sounded almost like…the speaker was talking through a mouthful of food. “I don’t have anything. Go away, Nuke.”Nuke rolled her eyes, but didn’t say anything. At the end of the short tunnel, there was a small clearing, with light filtering in from a hole in the ceiling. Knowing that her brother couldn’t see her lurking in the shadows, she crept up quietly. Steak was sitting down, crouched over something indistinguishable. He continued to stuff things in his mouth and rapidly chew, eyes darting around his surroundings. Little brat. Steak was trying to eat everything before she reached him. Not about to let that happen, Nuke tackled Steak, knocking him over. The food lay undefended on the ground.“Ugh,” Steak grunted, trying to push Nuke off him. “Get—off.” His hands, pinned under Nuke’s bulk, stretched feebly for the forgotten piece of meat.Grinning, Nuke cuffed her step brother around the head. “Not a chance,” she said smugly, and then deftly plucked up the food. She began to rip off pieces and daintily chew them. “Not bad,” she said. Pushing his head. “Not your best, either.”Steak scowled. “Then don’t eat it.” With the last word, he managed to push Nuke off with a heave, and then pounced on her. In the struggle, the piece of food went flying in the other direction. The two of them began to roll around on the ground, pushing dirt into each other’s hair and struggling to gain the upper hand. After a few minutes, though, they tired and finally stopped. Both lay on the ground and tried to gain their breath. The coveted meat was flung to the side, forgotten, as the two of them dissolved into laughter. - Story written by Stelle

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