
Nitika has a minion!

Fluffs the Foof

Legacy Name: Nitika

The Custom Angelic Endeavor
Owner: Gigantic

Age: 16 years, 6 months, 1 week

Born: December 19th, 2007

Adopted: 10 years, 2 months, 4 days ago

Adopted: April 21st, 2014


  • Level: 101
  • Strength: 103
  • Defense: 101
  • Speed: 101
  • Health: 100
  • HP: 100/100
  • Intelligence: 102
  • Books Read: 100
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Candy Maker

Steak and Nitika
She is constantly looking at him.He is sitting over there. Dark eyebrows drawn over green eyes, face unreadable. He is talking to one of his friends, but a scowl mars his almost delicate-looking features. When he replies to his friend, his voice is gruff and too low for her to make out any of their words. She is wondering what he is speaking about when he turns his head ever so slightly and makes eye contact. A slow smirk spreads over his face, and she forces herself to look away.But God, it hurts looking at him. She can feel her heart pounding against her ribs like it wants to escape, like it could break free of this cage and find his heart and beat in sync with it. She doesn’t really understand why, or how, but all she knows is that he sounds like waves breaking against his heart. She aches to be with him so bad she would melt into his collarbones if she could. She thinks maybe that they are lighthouses facing each other, their faint lights trying to reach each other. If they could connect they could outshine the sun but they are separated by a whole ocean. She wants to go up to him and tell him that she loves him, but she doesn't even know how to explain the fact that the only reason that she has only met the stars because they shine through him. She would give him the night sky if he asked for it.When she breathes, she feels her heart push against her chest. Maybe it’s that some people weren't born to be survivors. Maybe she was born as rain and the only way she knows how to feel alive is to fall.He is smoking a cigarette when she comes to him. The sky up above is cloudy. She thinks that it matches his eyes, not in color but in emptiness. She does not tell him. Instead, she takes his cigarette and takes a long drag. On the exhale, she says with her eyes closed, “love.”“love,” he agrees. They do not speak for a while. He stares off into the distance while she stares at the distance between their two hands. She estimates it is two inches. It doesn't matter how close they are. She wants them to be closer. She doesn't really know how to say but love, you’re the gosh darn most perfect thing I've seen so she doesn't. She opens her mouth and wants to swallow herself whole.He looks at her out of the corner of his eye. They are stormy looking, dark and impenetrable. She used to want to know every single thought that passed through his head. She’s long accepted that this isn't going to be a reality.She feels the lightest whisper of a touch on the side of her face, and she opens her eyes to see him tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. His eyes are intently focused on hers, and she notices idly that they are almost black now. His hands make her burn but at least she’s felt warmth. Instantly she feels her heart start to race. Tries to breathe more slowly, in through the nose, out through the mouth. Can’t get enough air.“Steak,” she says, and instantly winces at the high, breathless tone of her voice. Might as well just hold up a sign that says ‘I love my half-brother.’ “I don’t get it.”“Neither do I,” he breathes. Unconsciously, his eyes drop from her eyes to her lips, and she bites them nervously. “love. Nitika, I—” He stops. Doesn't know what else to say. “I just,” he says. “They wouldn't understand.” She shakes her head. “I just—” he tries again. “You make me feel something, for the first time in my life,” he says, his voice barely more than a whisper. “I want to make this work, but.” He doesn't go on. Doesn't have to. Nitika knows full well what he’s about to say. The taboo subject, the elephant in the room.She doesn’t say anything else, but reaches out to him. Her touch is light and hesitant, as if waiting to be reprimanded. When it doesn't come, she curls herself up against his chest, encased within his embrace. His arms feel more like home than anywhere ever has. She doesn't know what tomorrow will bring, but for right now, she feels whole. - Story written by Stelle

Pet Treasure

Pet Friends

Half sister



Half Brother-Lover