
Aidenell has a minion!

Minerva of The Banat the Fauxull

Legacy Name: Aidenell

The Bloodred Telenine
Owner: Drakkena550

Age: 16 years, 10 months, 5 days

Born: August 23rd, 2007

Adopted: 16 years, 10 months, 5 days ago (Legacy)

Adopted: August 23rd, 2007 (Legacy)

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 18
  • Strength: 32
  • Defense: 64
  • Speed: 23
  • Health: 60
  • HP: 24/60
  • Intelligence: 14
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Post-Fight Clean Up

The Vampire King is Here
General Information
This Story is Subject to Change as he develops
The Vampire King as he as grown to be known as has been around in the world for countless centuries. His ancient ties to his heritage have long since been burnt out of his system and due to his ancient stature, Aidenell himself has grown slightly immune to things that would otherwise hurt his kind. At least in terms of Tolerance anyway, Crosses still burn him and garlic does it's thing but Aidenell's tolerance for these objects is extremely high that it doesn't seem to phase him.
Name: Aidenell, The Vampire King
Alias: Aidenell
Gender: Male
Age: Appears to be 28, is actually countless Millenias old
Date of Birth: May 7th, born roughly during the Babylonian Era.
Date of Death: December 24th, 28 years after his birth.
Orientation: Bisexual, it should be noted he is into Polygamy.
Status: Taken, however he does enjoy multiple lovers
Nationality: Aidenell holds a very thick, rough Cajun Accent.
Lovers: Ishlam & Kyrrdis
Children: Countless Children he's turned over the years.
Occupation: Currently works in a Bloodbank as the Medical Director.
Location: Aidenell lives in a massive manor that is outside the cities limits. Here he takes in those lost people that have been abandoned by owners. Most of these are generally taken in as a snack for him and Ishlam but there are select few that he's kept as dear friends. Aidenell spends most of his time at home unless he is called into work.
Hair: Extremely thick, silky styled dirty blonde hair. Generally worn up in a heavy ponytail. He has a natural curl to his hair and it flows down to his waist. There's a mixture of blondes in the hair if seen at different lights.
Eyes: Cold, Menacing, Piercing Crimson eyes. They are slightly feminine to the appearance and appear to stare through ones soul at times.
Height: 5'6
Build: For a Vampire he's toned but not extremely muscled, he has a fair deal of power behind himself despite his light frame.
Complexion: Extremely Pale, almost deathly in appearance.
Common Attire: A thick heavy black trench coat that covers over a smaller under shirt. His stomach is generally bared with the outfit. He wears cross jewelery and a golden wedding band on his finger, his pants are a darker purple or black, and he wears spiked boots.
Piercings: A corner Lip Piercing, a balled Tongue Piercing and several genital piercings.
Tattoos: He never maimed his body with Tattoos, but his body is littered with hundreds of scars.
Person: Ishlam, his dear Lover
Hobbies: Collecting Enchanted Roses, and playing the Piano.
Color: Violet and Red
Food: AB- Blood Types, despite being rare he loves the flavor of it.
Despite being what he is, Aidenell is an extremely loving and caring man. This is best displayed when he is around Ishlam, where the vampire is more like a big puppy that enjoys cuddling. Aidenell cares deeply for those he has adopted into his family... despite rough starts for those that first came into the family Aidenell is seen as their guardian.
When Aidenell discovers that anything has happened to those of his family (Or their loved ones) he will do nothing more than hunt down the source of these events and literally drain them of anything they desire. If the one that did such things has a lover, he would take their lover from them... Aidenell attacks the heart and feelings when he is extremely pissed off and he calls no mercy on those that harm his family.
- His Body is literally covered with Scars, there is barely much visible on him that is black when in his canine form.
- Many times Aidenell can be shown with Three Tails or One Tail depending on what is desired.
- He can sometimes be seen with Flames around his feet and tail(s).
To Be Developed
Minerva of The Banat: Information coming soon
Artwork and Writings
Subeta HQ HA Generator
Normal || By Shinku
All artwork here currently is from Wajas, All Artwork belongs to the respectful artist.
Blood Tongue || Fire Paws || Wolfy || Hanging || CUTIE!
Flames || PUPPY! || Sleek Fire || Puff Ball || Sleepy
Fire Wolf || Werevamp || Spazz || Sexy Vamp || Elegant Vamp
Watching || Divine Vamp || Lovely Fire || Tempest Vamp || Floating
Watchful || Cutie pie || My Pear || Mini Egypt || Smirk
Butterfly || Blood Speckle || Pear Puppy || Fierce
by Shinku || By Shinku || By Crypt || By Triforce

Pet Treasure

Gothic Notebook

Box of Untold Secrets

Enchanted Rose

Deadaim Ring

Gold Rose Trinket

Pet Friends

Ishlam Schroder
(( Lover )) "My beloved... my love, my soul and my life..."

(( Lover )) "My Passion... my fire and my desire..."