
Rene Pelletier has a minion!

Saphir the Blukiti

Rene Pelletier
Legacy Name: Rene Pelletier

The Reborn Malticorn
Owner: Cryptic

Age: 16 years, 7 months, 3 weeks

Born: October 26th, 2007

Adopted: 16 years, 7 months, 3 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: October 26th, 2007 (Legacy)


  • Level: 12
  • Strength: 14
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 11
  • Health: 13
  • HP: 13/13
  • Intelligence: 35
  • Books Read: 35
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

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Basic idea for him

Coming from a powerful and rich family he naturally was educated with the finest arts with the best teachers money could afford. Since a young age Rene was quite a chubby one up his weight increasing all the other kids laughed how fat he was for someone of his age. He changed of school and finally did something with his issue out of inspiration of his neighbor who was the only friend besides his brother who treated him nicely, also his neighbor was his very first crush. Rene was very happy with his progress, he was looking really good, none of his former classmate didn't recognized him when he returned to school. During his 17th something happens that his father learned about his younger son's preferences he didn't approved of it but he didn't exploded and kicked him out though Rene could feel his disappointment with just a glance. Rene left the house to live with his uncle with the reason of that his uncle was getting older and needed help with his small Tea shop and he refuses to be given money by his sister's husband. Rene haven't received nor had made calls back home since he had been living with his uncle but his brother visits him whenever he can. He has a french accent and fears to be fat fat again.

Sous Une Pluie D'Étoiles
+Cindy Daniel

When the sea vanishes
Where the sky ends
I seek your lips
The path of my nights
When nothing remains
A few lost dreams
All the words we said
These thoughts that bind us
Are like tears in the eyes
Precious moments
That would keep them
Hidden deep within us

Since it's you that I love
Missing you in my life
If one day you too
You felt that you love me
Since it's you that I love
Missing you in my life
We could both
Try to be happy

I read in your eyes
A little history
But in the end you know
Nobody knows
Deep in our hearts
So many stars are dying
If we took care
You could inadvertently
On the beach confessions

Clear the sand
The dreams we made ​​two
Under a rain of stars

Since it's you that I love
Missing you in my life
If one day you too
You felt that you love me
Since it's you that I love
Missing you in my life
We could both
Try to be happy (repeat)
The dreams we made ​​two
Under a rain of stars
Since it's you that I love
Missing you in my life
If one day you too
You felt that you love me
Since it's you that I love
Missing you in my life
We could both
Try to be happy

Gift from User not found: zafiro ♥ || [[url=""]+[/url]]
User not found: toastmuffin || [url=""]+[/url]
Luz || [[url=""]+[/url]]

Pet Treasure

Sweetheart Potion

Arid Demi Plushie

Heart Talky Sticker

Sapphire Ring

The Oceans Desire


Calavera Bride Mended Heart

Locked Box Of Lovesakes

Wet Blue Curl

White Lacy Camisole

White Embroidered Black Stockings

Flashback Material Girl Skirt

RoQ Candy Turvey Bleached Flats

Flashback Material Girl Leggings

Black Small Flats

Delish Bask Belt

Peekaboo Boink Knickers

Limited Edition Delish New Lipstick

Floral Dark Blue Vial of Cologne

Rose Scented Perfume

Burgundy Mini Nail Polish

Fairy Lip Gloss


Donna Fake Lashes

Sui Apricot Blush

Blue Body Glitter

Blue Vanity Rose Brush

Hairdryer Of Melty

Blue Phone Touch

Antique Victorian Trunk

Vintage Camera

Antique Revolver

Mobile Winter Warmth Canister

Autumn Vintage Lain Plushie

Chilly Vintage Lain Plushie

Gray Vintage Lain Plushie

Blueberry Eye Candy

Darling Vintage Lain Plushie

Plaid Vintage Ruffie Plushie

Lovely Vintage Ruffie Plushie

Sleepy Vintage Ruffie Plushie

Lily Companion Doll

Adriette Doll

Victoria Doll

Isaac Doll

Garret Doll

Jules Doll

Polka Dot Vintage Kanis Plushie

Gentleman Vintage Kanis Plushie

Gingham Vintage Kanis Plushie

Picnic Vintage Antlephore Plushie

Minty Vintage Antlephore Plushie

Polka Dot Vintage Antlephore Plushie

Festive Vintage Antlephore Plushie

Ancient Gray Pot

Ancient Terracotta Pot

Ancient Black Pot

Ancient Blue Pot

Ancient White Pot

Ancient Yellow Pot

Vintage Telephone

Antique Thirteen Hour Clock

Elegant Urn of Legend

Tea Book

Colonial Tea Box

Tea For Two

Love Filled Teapot

Deluxe Tea Set

Red Teapot

Green Teapot

Blue Teapot

Purple Teapot

Peppermint Tea Bag

Cinnamon Tea Bag

Pie Tea Bag

Chamomile Tea Bag

Honey and Lemon Tea Bag

Green Tea Bag

Vanilla Chai Tea Bag

English Breakfast Tea Bag

Flowering Jasmine Tea

Vanilla Chai Tea

Cracked Teacup

Traditional Teacup

Cinnamon Tea

Sweet Petal Tea

Peppermint Tea

Pie Tea

Chamomile Tea

Honey and Lemon Tea

Green Tea

English Breakfast Tea

Pumpkin Tea

Flowering Hibiscus Tea

Lovely Lemony Cupcake

Frozen Cupcake

Blue Bonbon

Fancy Brownie

Kiwi Trifle


Fancy Shmancy Cheesecake

Strawberry Mochi Ice Cream

Red Bean Mochi Ice Cream

Mango Mochi Ice Cream

Vanilla Mochi Ice Cream

Green Tea Mochi Ice Cream

Chocolate Mochi Ice Cream

Coral Dahlia

Faded Pink Rose

Faded Blue Rose

Pet Friends

*sweetly smiles at him* Your visits always made my day

[online friend] you always know how to cheer one up :heart:

Charlie D. Rookwood
It is great to have an extra pair of hands around to help me *smiles*