
Legacy Name: Javier

The Darkmatter Legeica
Owner: Cryptic

Age: 13 years, 8 months, 2 weeks

Born: October 4th, 2010

Adopted: 13 years, 7 months, 4 weeks ago

Adopted: October 26th, 2010


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 13
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

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Javier Valentino Battaglia Encarnación Garcia || underwear model+computer nerd/gamer || Gay || dislikes/is scared of birds || a pervert

°Birthday|| October 31.
°Age|| 24
°Height|| 179cm.
°Weight|| 73kg.
°Eye color|| Clear amber.
°Birth place|| Italy
°Ethnicity|| Basque Argentine
°Occupation|| professional supermodel- underwear/swimwear.
°Second 'occupation'|| Software developer/programmer
°Hobbies|| playing games, computer geek.
°Favorite place|| the highest building/spot around.
°Voice|| [url=""]Alexander[/url] [url=""]Band.[/url]
°Status|| Happily married to [url=""]Barbaydos[/url]

First day of school, I was petrified by the solely thought of it. “Hahaha, perhaps this wasn’t a great idea after all” I kept thinking to myself as the big day got closer. But you know…at some point it didn’t mattered anymore, all this years of being alone in my room chatting with virtual friends was going to transform into something more…real, I yearned for 'human contact'.

That thought made everything feel better.

New, strange faces were staring at me as the teacher introduced me to the class, didn’t knew what exactly what to think of the whole situation…I stammered when I pronounced my name, my nerves betrayed me. The first days and weeks went by smoothly, the teachers where charmed by my knowledge but some of my classmates weren’t as trilled by it; some even getting angry due to it.

It was Friday. The bell rang, as the teacher finished talking, acknowledging that it’s lunch time. I stepped nervously in the cafeteria since earlier I found a threatening note between my text books, everyone were minding their own business. On my search for a place to eat my lunch quietly some boys approached me throwing my lunch to the floor making me follow them away from the cafeteria, they wanted to teach me how to behave myself the boss of them making it clear that he didn’t liked me since the first time I stepped inside his school.

It hurt…it hurt so much

That could have been the last experience in a secondary school, if it wasn’t for him. After the first set of hits, kicks and insults they just stopped, I dared to look for the reason. It was that boy that always had a camera with him; he was standing there silently taking pictures of what they had been doing. The bullies retreated quickly but only the leader stood there and kicked me one more time before backing away. Tahir, the name of my savior, helped me standing up before he walked away; I followed him right away thanking him in the process. After that day Tahir and I became friends, he was a very silent one, it didn’t bother me; though he always had that melancholic expression didn’t understood why until later on…

Days, weeks and months passed and Javier felt for the first time that he actually had a friend to rely on. Tahir spoke only when it was necessary most of the time he just kept silence and heard Javier’s thoughts and problems. Some other times Javier invited him over to play games or just wanted to show Tahir his new creation, both enjoyed greatly each one’s company. Javier was always happy to be with him, but at one point those innocent feelings changed to something deeper and stronger until he realized that he had a crush over his friend.

-As a curious fact, Javier, when he was around 8-10 he had this male tutor, very well spoken and a gentleman…good-looking too. Javier always felt nervous; anxious when he was around him. His tutor did notice Javier’s behavior towards him at first he didn’t talked with him about it just ignored it up until the last day of tutoring when he sat with him and explained about those sentiments he was feeling, the way his tutor explained it to him didn’t made him felt it was wrong to feel that way for another guy but he was broken that he didn’t felt the same..he already had a girlfriend that he loved.-

Javier not wanting to change the friendship he had with Tahir he kept his feelings inside him, unexpressed, fearing that if he told him something would change; that right after he let him know they could no longer be friends. Thinking about it terrified him.

I remember that it was a warm afternoon of August, Tahir and I were eating some shaved ice, we were sitting at the edge of the park’s lake staring at the dying light of the day.
He was looking so beautiful…I-I couldn’t help myself but to lean over and give him a kiss over those soft lips. I could feel how my face went all red when I realized about what I had done; quickly I pulled away and stammered an apology my eyes tightly closed, not wanting to look at his face.
I could hear the beat of my heart in my ears as I expected some negative reaction from him. A minute passed but he didn’t do or said anything … c-could it be...that he liked me too? Or he was just feeling pity for me for being pathetic. My body flinched when I felt his hand over my cheek, thanks to that I gathered enough courage to open my eyes…I saw him…staring at me the way he always did, yet something about it was different.

That innocent kiss didn't changed anything they kept talking like it had never happened, Javier was relieved for it but at the same time a bit disappointed that Tahir might not consider that kiss something important. Though the peculiar words that Tahir had spoken that twilight weren’t forgotten by Javier, since he had spoken, somewhat, in a riddle…

“Don’t worry Javier. You’ll soon understand what I meant”

…And true to his words Javier understood a few days later when the notice of Tahir leaving reached his ears, but unfortunately the time he knew it was too late, Tahir was already gone. Javier couldn’t understand, what had been the reason for his leave, why he didn’t say it much clearer, why he didn’t say goodbye to him!?
A couple of days after Javier received a letter from him where he vaguely explained to him about what had occurred…

…Until our paths meet again, Javier

Javier read that letter over and over again, more than a dozen of times, and yet he still wasn’t convinced or fully understood about the explanation Tahir gave. With an unusual determination, Javier looked over from what exact place the letter was sent from. He planned to meet him again, yearning to see him again.

For the first time his parents actually showed some actual concern for him, though more like annoyance for what he was doing of pursuing a boy just he could talk to him; throwing away his life for him. Nothing could prevent the fiery dispute between Javier and his father that followed. Javier’s dad was yelling to him of how much of a fool, an idiot he was making out of him, what the neighbors and their ‘friends’ would think of about how his son was after another man, they will surely think he is gay!
Javier couldn’t take it anymore and in the midst of the rage he revealed that indeed he IS gay, completely forgetting how intolerant his dad was towards homosexuals. When he realized his mistake of saying those words it was too late to fix it with different words…

“I knew it was a great mistake to allow you be with that boy…Get out! Get out I said!! You no longer are welcome in this home ever again. You are dead to me, DEAD!”

No words were uttered after, silence growing quickly. His mother was shaking slowly her head sign of her great disappointment whom was sitting right next to his father that looked that at any second now his head would explode from the rage. With clenched teeth and restraining the urge to burst into tears Javier rushed up to his room and packed a few things before going away.

Disheartened and miserable the young boy departed from the place up until now he called home. Completely alone in a new city, Javier decided to look first from the place where the letter was delivered.

Months transcurred before he finally got a job at a restaurant as a waiter also worked part-time fixing computers and gadgets to make some extra money. Javier during his time in that restaurant he noticed that one guy came once a week always at the same time and ordered the same food though every time he came he was accompanied by a different gal. One of those nights Javier was asked to go to that man’s table, he wanted to chat a bit with him. He introduced himself as Dominique Fabbro, Dom for short, the older man had to confess to him that the reason for his constant presence around that place was due to solely to him, he had found inspiration over his person and had become a muse for him. Javier felt flattered and flustered with the stranger’s kind words; would have never guessed that someone could find inspiration on him. Dom concurred with Javier that this was a bit out of the blue, so he proposed to him to hang out and get to know each other better so he wouldn’t be, for him, a stranger.
For several weeks Dom kept close to the young boy that was the first time in months Javier felt happy, to the point even accepting Dom’s invitation of a trip to several countries he must go when he brought it up. His luck was changing.

Almost a year had gone by; Javier was busy looking up at Dom’s work on the tv when, by causality, he saw again Tahir between the crowd and special guest of the event. He had grown a lot; it looked like he was now a successful new designer. Javier’s heart beat with force by the mere sight of him, he looked as gorgeous as ever but he…he was the same, no change at all. From that very moment, now that he had found him again, he decided to become a model to fit and be part of his world.

With hard work and help of his friend Dom he was able to fulfill his change, his skin no longer painfully white it had now a nice healthy tanned tone, his hair stylized same as his wardrobe, he even had participated in photo-shoots, mainly men underwear themed ads, and in a couple of runway events; surprisingly he had a natural talent for it though it was easy to focus as he had a strong reason for doing it. Javier was making a recognizable name for him in the fashion industry, soon he was flooded with work and job offers.
The big day was coming near more nearer than he actually expected, on one of the parties held by his employer he had the opportunity to meet Tahir in person again. He felt so nervous when he saw him standing there a few feets away, he was about to talk to him when Tahir suddenly looked right in his direction and walked towards him. Javier stuttered his words but Tahir just glanced at him quickly and excused himself as he continued his way, leaving with another guy, not even showing a sign that he had remembered him. Javier felt how his heart sunk from that blow; laughter was his reaction to mask his sorrow and broken heart.

The following days Javier locked up in his room and played his games all day long, returning to his old habits. It took Dom a lot to convince Javier to go out and get some fresh air with him or at least take a bath. Javier thanked Dom for all he had done for him and accepted his help, making progress with his depression one step at a time. The young model could breathe again and continue with his life, first change he did was to get with the money he had earned an apartment so he wouldn’t bother more Dom, also decided to continue with his professional model career since he had found it quiet fun and would keep him busy until he figure out what to do with his life now.

Javier, in the present time still lives in that same apartment, but no longer alone. He shares it with another model, Barbaydos Battaglia. Javier met him years ago both were selected by the same designer to work in a photo-shoot; from that moment Javier became a ‘target’ for Bay.
At first Javier didn’t paid him much attention or the insinuations he made to him, though he actually enjoyed the special attention that Bay gave to him but when he learned about Bay’s demeanor it made him less attractive on his eyes. Disgust was what he felt towards the model but for his surprise Bay was not going to give up on him and continued courting him. From that awkward situation friendship grew between them; he learned to appreciate and even enjoy Bay’s company. A familiar feeling Javier began developing for the model but he convinced himself that it was just going to end in disaster.
It wasn’t up until a few months ago most part of his worries melted away with their first kiss.

Over the years Javier had adopted several pets that were abandoned, injured or just no one wanted to adopt them at the shelter, he shows remarkable affection towards them to the point that Bay gets annoyed for all the attention Javier gives to them, but they had managed to live in harmony. Javier knows that his relationship with Bay ain’t perfect but the love he feels for him is strong enough for him to give it a try.

And I love you so
+Regina Velasquez
And I love you so
The people ask me how
How I've lived 'til now
I tell them I don't know

I guess they understand
How lonely life has been
But life began again
The day you took my hand

And yes I know, how lonely life can be
The shadows follow me
And the night won't set me free
But I don't let the evening get me down
Now that you're around me

And you love me too
Your thoughts are just for me
You set my spirit free
I'm happy that you do

The book of life is brief
And once a page is read
All but life is dead
That is my belief

And yes I know, how lonely life can be
The shadows follow me
And the night won't set me free
But I don't let the evening get me down

Gift from love Aydan drawn by User not found: ultor♥ || [[url=""]+[/url]]
Gift from JC ♥ || [[url=""]+[/url]]
Gift from User not found: haaryn ♥ || [[url=""]+[/url]]
from JaNae ♥ || [[url=""]+[/url]]
drawn by Akku gift from loveAydan♥ || [[url=""]+[/url]]
by Toki_chan || [[url=""]+[/url]]
by User not found: mutter || [[url=""]+[/url]][[url=""]+[/url]][[url=""]+[/url]]

Special thanks to User not found: zafiro for giving me Javier ♥

Pet Treasure

Small Navy Mesh Boxers

Small Teal Mesh Boxers

White Lace Boxer Briefs

Black Lace Boxer Briefs

Blue Lace Boxer Briefs

Engagement Ring

Twilight Kumos Plushie

I Heart My Boyfriend T-shirt

Turquoise-Encrusted Malticorn Plushie

Red Wine

Lemon Snow Cone

Cat Adoption Papers

Cat Grooming Kit

Charmed Cat Collar

Kitty Litter







Bottle of Body Oil

Gift of Fashions Past

Cute Brown Nerd Glasses

Cute Orange Nerd Glasses

Black Comfy Slippers

Professor New Old-Skool Cap

Soldier Boy Turtle Neck

Delish Pi Jacket

Delish Pi Scarf

Flashback Wild One Boots

Kei Tight Pants

Buster Caffeine Shirt

Hero Tighty Whiteys

Delish Ion Contact Case

Blob Kitty Fanboy Hands-Free Device

Small Floppy Disc

Insane Programming Volume 1

Subeta Word Processor

Subeta Web Design

USB Memory Stick

USB Adapter

Black Battery Backup System


Black PC

Black Laptop

Steamwork Laptop

Mini Keyboard

Orange Precision Gaming Mouse

Portable DVD Player

Blank CD

Blue Webcam

Blue Wireless Router

EPICon Lanyard

Mini Arcade

Orange Gaming Headset

Orange Rad Wireless Controller

Builder Battle Robot


Original Gamer Control

Zims Professional Gamer Sticker

Illegible Invaders Instructions

Illegible Detrix Instructions

Illegible Ping Instructions

Purple Rad Game System

Heart Pasties

Giselle Kinkylove Tassels

Twilight Box of Tissues

Clear Slime

Clear Slime

Orange Mankini

Cream Covered Cherries




Sticky Cinnamon Bun

Fig Leaves

Single Fig Leaf

Censor Heart

Censor Bar

Censor Dot

Gay Road Sign

Gray and Tan Argyle V-Neck Sweater

Navy Two Pocket Checked Shirt

Blue Button-down Shirt

Programmer Shirt

Server Upgrade 2007 T-shirt

Lost Schoolboy Suspenders

Rainyday Rainstorm Mirror

Mirror of Darkness

Hastily Written Invitation From Georgiana

Hastily Written Invitation From Cassandra

Snowy Village Directors Chair

Butlers Underwear

Red Thong

Pink Thong

White Thong

Black Thong

Chipper Manthong

Length of Black Cotton

Length of White Cotton

Red Panties

Old Wizard Panties

Blue Panties

Succubus Winged Panties

Black Panties

Succubus Panties

MayQ Tweet Garter Panties

Cherub Panties

Muffin Man Lovely Boxers

Underwear Hat

White Lace Panties

Red Lace Panties

Orange Lace Panties

Green Lace Panties

Teal Lace Panties

Lavender Lace Panties

Pink Lace Panties

Brown Lace Panties

Black Lace Panties

Skelly Boy Boxers

Red Boxers

Blue Boxers

Black Boxers

Black Boxer Briefs

Olive Boxer Briefs

Navy Boxer Briefs

Blue Boxer Briefs

Beige Boxer Briefs

White Boxer Briefs

Red Boxer Briefs

Gift Wrapped Novelty Pouch

Stallion Novelty Pouch

Monkey Novelty Pouch

Tiger Novelty Pouch

Third Leg Novelty Pouch

Rabbit Novelty Pouch

Snake Novelty Pouch

Mini Kilt Novelty Pouch

Nelly Novelty Briefs

Lacy Racy Fishnets and Knickers

Peekaboo Pearlessence Frilly Knickers

Kumos Panties

Heart Print Boxers

Santa Baby Boxers

Snow Boxers

Keiths Boxers

Keiths Darkmatter Boxers

Black Tux Boxers

Purple Tux Boxers

Dark Pink Tux Boxers

Black Tux Thong

Purple Tux Thong

Dark Pink Tux Thong

Iron Cosmic Panties

Lead Cosmic Panties

Tin Cosmic Panties

Nickel Cosmic Panties

Gold Cosmic Panties

Red Gold Cosmic Panties

Copper Cosmic Panties

Bronze Cosmic Panties

Santa Baby Panties

Giselle Kinkylove Frilled Panties

Peekaboo Boink Knickers

Giselle Kinkylove Mesh Pants

Colonial Lace Undies

Red Sparkle Undies Bag

Orange Sparkle Undies Bag

Yellow Sparkle Undies Bag

Green Sparkle Undies Bag

Blue Sparkle Undies Bag

Pink Sparkle Undies Bag

Purple Sparkle Undies Bag

Black Sparkle Undies Bag

Red Striped Underwear

Yellow Striped Underwear

Lemon Lime Striped Underwear

Green Striped Underwear

Teal Striped Underwear

Baby Blue Striped Underwear

Pink Striped Underwear

Purple Striped Underwear

Brown and Blue Striped Underwear

Navy Striped Underwear

Gray Striped Underwear

White Striped Underwear

Pet Friends

Rene Pelletier
[online friend] *blushes*that's what friends are for *smiles*

Every time I stare at you. I-I can't help but feel that I'm falling in love with you all over again. *presses his lips against his*