
Craeth has a minion!

Betty the Dust

Legacy Name: Craeth

The Bloodred Wyllop
Owner: KingstonA

Age: 16 years, 6 months, 4 days

Born: December 11th, 2007

Adopted: 16 years, 6 months, 4 days ago (Legacy)

Adopted: December 11th, 2007 (Legacy)


  • Level: 17
  • Strength: 43
  • Defense: 43
  • Speed: 43
  • Health: 44
  • HP: 44/44
  • Intelligence: 8
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Name: Creath


Preference: Gay (though he keeps a female skeleton he calls his wife Betty)

Attitude: Creath lives in a graveyard with the bones and dead, so naturally he has obtained a morbid sense of humor. He doesn't look at things in the same way as most people and it's because of that, that most people tend to shy away from him most condemning him of being a monster. Creath has more of an inward personality and is a bit socially awkward due to the lack of friendship or guidance from other humans. He will go out of his way to speak to others as he yearns for more human contact. Due to the lack of intimacy from others Creath also has a hard time understanding the rules of normal society and had been called many times over a pervert for walking without clothes or watching others preforming acts of intimacy such as kissing cuddling and *cough* umm other things.

Human Looks: Pale with short black hair spiked slightly and tumbling messily down the sides of his face. He has piercings, ears, eyebrow, nose, and lip. He has a slender somewhat feminine build to him his arms and legs showing the most muscle. Lengthy form about six foot, lean, wearing mostly older gothic style clothing or whatever he can find on a corpse.

Anrtho:Varies in look sometimes He keeps his ears and tail out and looks for the most part human, but when he chooses he can also have a more animal like snout his flesh turning the midnight like soot color while maintaining some of the human like features.

Animal looks: He looks much a like a rat but a little more slender like that of a mouse with a tuft of fur at the end of his tail and ears. He is about the size of a chinchilla in this form and can jump, run, and react much faster due to his smaller size.

Rp Status: OPEN/ closed

Artist love:Art by User not found: karie308
(Could not find the artists name who drew this for me if it was you please let me know so I may give the proper credit)

Pet Treasure

Skeletal Serpent

Skeletal Cat

Skeletal Rat

Shallow Grave

Burnt Sooty Ash Pile

Pile of Ashes

Bottle of Blueberry Pumpkin Juice

Green Voodoo Doll

Mini Gelatin Figurine


White Skull Bow Tie

Pet Friends

With death we shall dine.