
Legacy Name: Jambres

The Glacier Popoko
Owner: LillaTaura

Age: 16 years, 1 month, 2 weeks

Born: May 10th, 2008

Adopted: 14 years ago

Adopted: June 25th, 2010


  • Level: 40
  • Strength: 100
  • Defense: 100
  • Speed: 100
  • Health: 100
  • HP: 100/100
  • Intelligence: 100
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

"Poseidon, God of the Sea, was my father?"

[WIP Character info, just a basic skelly for now..]

Name: Jambres [Jam-breeze] Riiko [Reak-oh]

[Nicknames: Jam, Jimbo, Riiko, Barnacle -not a ‘nice’ nickname, refrain from using it-]

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Parent: Poseidon

Cabin: Poseidon

Appearance: He’s a very athletic, muscular build because of his years of football and lacrosse in high school. He stands at 6 feet tall and wears baggy dark grey blue jeans with black high top converse covering his feet. His shirts are usually simple button downs, as he only likes showing off his body if he’s going swimming. His hair is shaggy and surfer-like and is colored dark brown. If he stands in the light a certain way, the random strands of silver seem to shimmer in the light. For some odd reason he’s never been able to figure out he has barnacles that randomly grow on his body. When they fall off, the next day more appear in the same spot. He’s been to many doctors but they’re all stunned and dumbfounded by it.

Personality: Jambres is very protective and he’s not afraid to hurt someone. He does, however, have a very loving and caring side and it only shows after he’s figured out others. He doesn’t like hiding things but he does it anyway. As a whole, he has a decent personality but no one is perfect.

History: He doesn’t remember his childhood very much, it’s simply a blur in his memory. All he knows is that until he was 6 he lived in an orphanage but on his 6th birthday a family adopted him. They weren’t a rich family, but they certainly weren’t poor either. They were simply middle class. His ‘barnacle disease’ didn’t phase them a bit, as a matter of fact, it almost made them love him more. He was so special in their eyes. About two and a half years ago, a fire in the kitchen burned their house down. He survived but his family did not. He refused to leave the house until he knew he’s gotten his adoptive parents and their 2 cats out of the house safely. The cats never made it and his parents died in the hospital hours later because of severe burns and the smoke in their lungs. He managed to receive a few scratches and such but he wasn’t burned. He even told the firemen he literally ran through fire and he should’ve died right there with his family. They were as dumbfounded as doctors were about his ‘disease’. Ever since that day he’d simply been a ‘street rat’. After a few months he met a girl, Berkita, and they’ve been the best of friends since. He was drawn to her by her beauty but he’s never understood why they’ve always felt some sort of ‘connection’. Now that he’s received this invitation to this ‘camp’, he’s hoping some things will be figured out. What dumbfounded him was the fact that not only he had received one but Berkita did as well.

Other: His relationship with Berkita is like sibling love, if that wasn’t already obvious.

Pet Treasure

Pet Friends

Oh my dear sister Kita, you're so pretty, you don't understand why I have to protect you!