
Legacy Name: Berkita

The Reborn Kumos
Owner: LillaTaura

Age: 14 years, 5 days

Born: June 20th, 2010

Adopted: 14 years, 3 days ago

Adopted: June 22nd, 2010


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

"Aphrodite, Goddess of Love, was my mother?"

[WIP Character info, just a basic skelly for now..]

Name: Berkita [Burr-key-tah] Kaila [K-eye-lah]

[Nicknames: Kit, Kita, Kai, Kaila -people at her school sometimes called her by her last name]

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Appearance: Berkita has long, platinum blonde, slightly curly hair that flows to her waist. She’s got a very slender, curvy body but she’s also got muscle tone because of her athleticism. She tends to go back and forth with dressing casually and dressing with extreme formality. She usually keeps with formal clothes upon first meeting people, it’s how she grew up, so she can sometimes be seen in prom-like dresses. But she’s mostly found in casual-type clothing, such as shorts, tank tops, and converse. She’s found that she has no need for make up, unless she wants eye shadow, because she’s somehow managed to never have to deal with acne or blemishes of any sort and her eyelashes are very elegant, long, and thick so mascara would be pointless. In her English Literature class in 9th grade they studied mythology and people told her she could resemble a modern-day version of the Goddess of Love, Aphrodite, but she simply rolled her eyes and laughed at the carious statements.

Personality: Berkita can be very shy at times but after you have a good conversation with her she opens up quickly. She can be mean but for some reason she’s never understood she, no matter what, has strong, caring feelings for people. She loves easily and is easy to love but she won’t stand for rude people. She doesn’t like hurting people and hates fighting.

History: Berkita grew up in a small town until the end of her 5th grade year, when she had just turned 11. Her father landed a huge job in New York City and after a few months, they were, literally, millionaires. Berkita was stunned when she was forced to a strict, private school by her parents but it helped shape who she is today. The people she met there had never been to a public school and had nearly ‘purchased’ their friendships. She wouldn’t show it, but it saddened her to know that there was no one in the school who didn’t seem brainwashed by money. She was, however, the girl to be at the school. Because of her happy, sweet, and gentle personality, everyone became her friend for one reason or another. As just a freshmen in high school, she was on the varsity cheerleading squad and varsity soccer team. When she got to be a Junior she was co-captain on the soccer team and was a captain on the cheer squad, the first time a junior had even been considered for either position on both teams. Unfortunately, the year before her parents had the need to leave on some sort of business trip so they left her the house and plenty of money. They have yet to come back. After graduating when she was 17, she’d skipped 7th grade, she found that she had plenty of free time because, even though she was accepted to many colleges, she didn’t know what she wanted to do with her life. She’d simply spend time in Zoos in various places and parks and such because of her photography hobby. Her favorite park was, of course, Central Park and she visited there often. That’s where she met the boy who’s like a brother to her, Jambres. They seemed to have some sort of special bond the moment they’d made eye contact and he always seemed to bring a smile to her face and she has never been, nor will she ever be, one to judge people, and he no exception. She’s tried to get him to move into her house with her so he wouldn’t have to wander the streets at night but he refuses for reasons she’ll never understand. When two of the same invitation to a ‘camp’ showed up in her mailbox, she was simply confused. And when one of them had Jambres name on it, it didn’t help her confusion. It was some sort of special camp and because they both got invites, they decided they’d go together.

Other: Her relationship with Jambres is like sibling love.

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Oh Jimbo, you're sooo overprotective but I love you anyhow.