
Velen has a minion!

Vesna the Verdant Skeleton

Legacy Name: Velen

The Glade Noktoa
Owner: FoxSake

Age: 6 years, 8 months, 1 week

Born: October 18th, 2017

Adopted: 2 years, 10 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: August 4th, 2021

Pet Spotlight Winner
July 24th, 2022


  • Level: 50
  • Strength: 125
  • Defense: 125
  • Speed: 122
  • Health: 125
  • HP: 10/125
  • Intelligence: 149
  • Books Read: 148
  • Food Eaten: 1
  • Job: Landscaper

Keeper of Avernus Garden

"There is no such thing as death. In nature nothing dies. From each sad remnant of decay, some forms of life arise so shall his life be taken away before he knoweth that he hath it."
- Charles Mackay

For the stuff of lore and myths, it was kind of disappointing. This was The Garden after all, wasn't it? The legendary entrance to the underworld? The fabled source of the Elixir of Immortality? You had some preconceived notions of what to expect; some fire and brimstone maybe, with that classic sulfuric smell - or even a frozen wasteland with the souls of the damned trapped in ice. Whatever you expected, it certainly wasn't something this... ordinary.

It was just a metal gate, overgrown with vines and shrubbery, with "THE WAY" spelled across the bars. You glance around, maybe this was the wrong place after all. Out of the corner of your eye, you catch some movement coming from the foliage besides the entrance. In fact, it seemed like the foliage itself was moving. Caught by surprise, you forget to breathe until the vines and branches stretched out to the sides to reveal themselves as wings to what appears to be an owl made of vegetation. Its feathers so closely resembled the leaves around it that it was practically indistinguishable from its surroundings. The bird rose with a yawn before snapping its beak shut and swiveling its head slowly towards your direction. The movement disturbed a couple of butterflies fluttering about its giant moss-covered antlers, which you previously mistook as branches, that adorns its head. Again, the beak opens, but rather than a hoot, you hear the wind whisper into your ear:

Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate."
Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.

Igne natura renovatur integra.
Through fire, nature is reborn whole.

Vulnerant omnia, ultima necat.
Every hour wounds, the last one kills

Omnes una manet nox.
One night awaits us all.

Acta deos numquam mortalia fallunt.
Mortal actions never deceive the gods.

Then, the noktoa's eyes begin to widen as it lets out one final warning. As you stare into them, its eyes begin to fade into the colors of harvest: first, the brilliant embers that light the trees and warm the crisp air. Then, the shades of rot and decay as the once crimson apple lays dull and neglected upon the ground. Its previously taut and inviting shell now cracked and broken away, exposing the vulnerable flesh now riddled with holes from insects that have bored their ways in. And finally, a strange stillness. Finally, before you sink further in its gaze, a low screech escapes its throat:

Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc.

We gladly feast on those who would subdue us.

The gate swings open as the noktoa folds its wings tight against its body and tucks its head underneath, returning to its camouflaged slumber, swallowed once again by the surrounding vines and branches.

y / n


adopted from: Alphazi
profile template (c) helix (get it)
story images:
story: me FoxSake

Pet Treasure

Secret Garden Key

Jar of Dappled Light

Night Blooms

Pressed Flower Frame

Cherrium Blossodid


Fallen Wisteria Blossoms


Pink Hibiscus

Yellow Hibiscus

White Hibiscus

Lilac Hibiscus

Black Hibiscus


Leaf Fruit

Leaf Engagement Ring

Tangle Plant


A to Z Plant Encyclopedia

Peka Glade Tree Blub

Veta Lake Tree Blub

Atebus Tree Blub

Fairgrounds Tree Blub

Delphi Beach Tree Blub

Fallen Dogwood Blossoms

Shinwas Flower of Morning

Sun Fruit

Blooming Fruit

Pitcher Plant

Luffle Ruffle Goo Fruit

White Rose Watering Can

Phaloroceas Leaf Charm

Sun Gem

Sun Mosaic Tile

Star Soul

Dancing Damsel Orchid Seed

Putrid Arania Seeds


Sunlit Graveyard Sticker

Banana Plant

New Growth Branch

Magical Pear Tree

Magical Orange Tree

Magical Cherry Tree

Praying Mantis


Carnivorous Flower

Homegrown Peka Glade Vanilla

Bleeding Rose of Deepest Blackness

Rotten Bone Hair Spray

Rotten Bone Pomade

Biology Textbook


Floral Beanbag Set

Pastel Bone Digger Beanbag

Skull and Flower Hair Clips

Blossoms and Bones Beanbag

Gourd Witch Rose Skull

Gourd Witch Rose Small Skulls

Gourd Witch Pumpkin Flower Small Skulls

Gourd Witch Bat Flower Small Skulls

Gourd Witch Spider Lily Small Skulls

Autumn Vine-Wrapped Skulls

Overgrown Mammal Bones

Overgrown Avian Bones

Tome of Life

Gourd Witch Bone Chimes

Pouch of Small Wing Bones

Shadowed Memory Fruit

Oddly Heavy Egg

Simple Seed

Ghostly Egg

Dull Blue Egg

Egg Seed

Dented Egg

Empty Egg

Jar of Fairy Dust

Pet Friends

A master tea sommelier

The finest nitrate provider

Bringer of Death