
Soren has a minion!

Thor the Thunderbutton


The Storm Devonti
Owner: Darwin

Age: 4 years, 3 months, 1 week

Born: January 23rd, 2020

Adopted: 4 years, 2 weeks, 2 days ago

Adopted: April 19th, 2020


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 8
  • HP: 10/8
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed


Art, character, and story by Darwin.

Profile coding by helix.

Background pattern made with COLOURlovers.


Name: Soren Roy

Age: 24 years old

Gender: Cis-Male

Orientation: Demi

Species: Dall Sheep

Hair: Thick and long, usually kept in a bun or ponytail and groomed meticulously to keep it neat. Hair is off white, close to silver in shade, and has a healthy sheen to it.

Fur: Thick and pure white in color, normally kept rather short in the summer and a bit longer during the winter.

Eye Color: Storm Gray

Height: 6 ft 4 in [193 cm]

Weight: 200 lbs [91 kg]

Build: On the taller side for his species and broad-shouldered with a somewhat fit physique.

Other: Several scars along the crook of where his neck meets his shoulder- appears to be a bite scar.


[+] Dignified/ Intelligent/ Pragmatic

[o] Maverick/ Pensive/ Taciturn

[-] Cynical/ Repressed/ Sensitive

If Soren learned one thing growing up, it was that appearances were everything. He was raised with class and sophistication thanks to his upper-class upbringing and carries himself in a very polished and refined manner due to this. This sheep is rather serious in demeanor and spends a considerable amount of energy when it comes to his overall presentation. Clever and quick-witted, Soren is well educated and a pretty shrewd fellow in general. He is intuitive and perceptive, able to read others fairly well and turn many situations in a way that work in his own favor. His resourcefulness and ability to remove his emotional state from his thought-process make him a rather sharp man and very useful in many circumstances. Prudent and rational, he tends to think things through several times over before acting on it. Sensible and down-to-earth, Soren is a practical man who tries to be realistic when it comes to his decision making. He puts on a very no-nonsense, businesslike aura- especially when a situation is dire.

Soren is a bit of a rebel and if he feels that the rules or guidelines of something are holding him back he may just disregard them. This part of him has helped him discover more and more about the world around him but these tendencies also force him to constantly reinvent the wheel and distrust established rules. Soren's independent nature makes him able to work well on his own, though he tends to have difficulties when it comes to groups or asking for help when he needs it. Introspective and reflective Soren spends much of his free time stuck in the world within his head, making him rather absentminded at times. He is an extremely reflective individual who will often spend hours of his time simply thinking about his past decisions and future course of action. Not a day goes by where he does not contemplate his actions both past and present, and he often spends much of his time second-guessing his decisions. Some see him as a wise, enigmatic fellow due to this whilst others peg him as stuck-up or spacey due to his lack of being in the present. A man of few words, it is uncommon that he will go out of his way to socialize or converse with others. A bit of an introvert, he prefers keeping to himself rather than relying on others. Quiet and reserved, some see him as shy whilst others see him as cold. Truth be told he prefers the latter of the two just so others will give him space.

Between his upbringing and the state of the world, Soren has little reason in his eyes to be optimistic. He would rather remain dubious and be pleasantly surprised than risk being disappointed more so than he already has. Deep down he is a distrusting and somewhat depressed individual who has long-since become disillusioned and bitter. On a day to day basis he constantly internalizes his feelings and struggles until it overwhelms him. He does this to protect himself as well as others from his own emotional state and this shows through his inhibited mannerisms and reservations around others. Soren is independent and reclusive; he feels a strong sense of detachment from the world around himself. Though some assume this is just because he is hardhearted the truth of the matter is that he is afraid to forge connections with others lest it be lost in some way, shape, or form. Deep down he is an emotional and feeling creature who is incredibly vulnerable to criticism and conflict. This is one of the primary reasons he goes out of his way to avoid getting too emotionally invested in others or just getting involved in any conflict in general. Letting fear rule his life, only time will tell if he can ever release its hold for the chance to live a life he truly thinks is worth living.

Primary Occupation: Studying Masters of Music at Noxbury University [NU].


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Pellentesque commodo odio lacus, quis scelerisque lorem pellentesque id. Suspendisse tincidunt vitae tortor nec mollis. Donec ut enim sit amet orci suscipit semper. Praesent congue vehicula euismod. Donec nec sodales justo. Praesent sem dolor, feugiat tristique molestie sed, consectetur et ante. Pellentesque fermentum nisl vestibulum eros aliquet adipiscing. Aenean vel ipsum a lacus ultrices elementum ut eu odio. Nullam pretium ante a nulla mattis, nec feugiat elit mattis.

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Suspendisse non odio rhoncus, vulputate sapien vitae, tempor ipsum. Nulla molestie lectus nec magna euismod mollis. Quisque egestas, libero sit amet vestibulum sagittis, magna turpis lobortis mauris, tempor hendrerit tellus metus a nibh. Aliquam dui orci, sollicitudin eget nulla ut, adipiscing ultrices ipsum. Pellentesque porttitor, lorem ut volutpat accumsan, nunc eros consectetur diam, ac molestie erat nibh sit amet enim. Aliquam cursus ipsum eu dui sodales commodo. Maecenas pretium, velit nec tincidunt sollicitudin, elit eros placerat ligula, sit amet vestibulum arcu magna ac dolor.

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