
Adriatic has a minion!

Porco the Piggly Pig


The Custom Aqua Blob
Owner: Protected

Age: 3 years, 9 months, 2 weeks

Born: August 29th, 2020

Adopted: 1 year, 11 months, 4 weeks ago

Adopted: June 18th, 2022

Pet Spotlight Winner
May 8th, 2023


  • Level: 100
  • Strength: 110
  • Defense: 55
  • Speed: 95
  • Health: 85
  • HP: 85/85
  • Intelligence: 1
  • Books Read: 1
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed


profile template (c) helix (get it)
background credits to Studio Ghibli
pet & minion overlay credit to dalice
movie review credit to Protected

movie review

Studio Ghibli. I mean...need I say more?

So you know exactly what to expect: stunning, impeccably detailed animation, dramatic aerial scenes, the Adriatic Sea come to life. You get loveable characters, fascinating history, and a lesson.

There's a quote that talks about how the sea plane pilots of the Adriatic are "braver than sailors and more proud than regular pilots" because "their hearts are washed clean by the sea and sky", and, oh, you can feel that.

Have you ever imagined what it might be like to weave through the percolating tops of billowing cumulus clouds or speed over the sparkling, deep blue waves of the Adriatic sea?

Well, now you don’t have to imagine, they show it to you.
And it's so peaceful.
What I love so dearly about this story is that our protagonist is a little bit not good but the littlest bit more good, and that's everybody.

Porco is us.

Have you ever thought yourself less than what you are?
Have you ever been proven right?

Have you ever lost faith, lost your money, your self-worth, your prized possessions?
I certainly have. I've been less than I know I can be...I've hurt people and carried that shame and guilt. Felt it was only just when I was hurt in turn.
But I think that's humanity. I think that's all of us.

And we can all choose what we do, how we move forward.
Will we learn our lessons well?
I hope that for me. And I hope that for you.


Porco Rosso was released in 1992 by Studio Ghibli

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