
Widdle has a minion!

the Crochet Chicken


The Nostalgic Wyllop
Owner: SweetSugaryStars

Age: 6 months, 1 week, 6 days

Born: December 12th, 2023

Adopted: 6 months, 1 week, 6 days ago

Adopted: December 12th, 2023

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


It's asked whether the chicken came before the egg, or the egg came before the chicken. I suppose it doesn't matter when the end result is all the same. My existence came from just wanting to be here, so here we are! One row at a time, strand by strand. The clicking of needles brings forth a creation built from love and yearning. That's all we really need, isn't it? Just some love and some time to build ourselves up?

I like to knit, crochet, and generally work with my hands on crafts involving string! I like to make friendship bracelets especially. They can work any sort of way, on humanoids and pets!

Pet Treasure

Rabbit Yarn Bowl

Box of Black Buttons

Hand Sewing Needles

Red Knit Leg Warmers

Vibrant Knitted Cardigan

Plushie Makers Kit

Violet Craft Beads

Rift Crochet Patterns

Ikumoradeekanox Wood Crochet Hook

Blue Craft Beads

Yarn Cupcakes

Crochet Ikumoradeekanox Plushie

Purring Feli Doll

Woodland Earth Yarn

Flower Pincushion

Dusk Plush Stuffing

Yellow Yarn Octopus Plushie

Polka Dot Quilt Scrap

Green Scrap of Fabric

Purple Glass Beads

Knitting Basket

Crochet Bee

Crochet Lil Froggy

Knitting Needles

Double Pointed Knitting Needles

Circular Needles

Stitch Markers

Green Hamster Plushie

Candytastic Yarn

Blue Seam Ripper

Embroidery Hoop

Knitted Feli Plushie

Knitted Ruffie Plushie

Chartreuse Craft Beads

Needle Threader

Pet Friends

My best friend! He runs around a lot, enjoying the breeze. I hope he's doing okay out there. Could you check on him for me when you get the chance, please?