
Dusty has a minion!

the Dandybunny


The Cream Legeica
Owner: SweetSugaryStars

Age: 6 months, 1 week, 2 days

Born: December 16th, 2023

Adopted: 6 months, 1 week, 2 days ago

Adopted: December 16th, 2023


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 17
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 8
  • Books Read: 8
  • Food Eaten: 13
  • Job: Unemployed


profile template (c) helix (get it)
other credits go here


The sun is bright, but I don't mind as I run through the desert, the dust behind me and on my hooves. The wind whips around me, moving my mane and tail. As long as I can keep running, I don't care. I don't have much to say on myself. A creamy Legeica who runs, what a surprise! That was sarcasm by the way. I hope my buddy has a meal for me like he always does when I come in. I'm out for hours, but he knows I know how to take care of myself, so he told me he won't worry for me too badly. It makes me worry for him in return, since his anxiety brings up his blood pressure. Wait. Shoot. I overshared. Dang it, how am I supposed to be mysterious now? Bah, whatever. Don't tell him I said all that, hah.

Pet Treasure

Pine Marten Fire Rock Totem

Orange Rock Candy

Weirdly Shaped Rock

Strangely Shaped Rock

Oddly Shaped Rock

Sacred Lands Sand Vial


Painted Owl Rock

Smarmy Rock

Bobcat Fire Rock Totem

Crow Fire Rock Totem

Goose Fire Rock Totem

Mouse Fire Rock Totem

Pheasant Fire Rock Totem

Bearded Dragon Fire Rock Totem

Oriole Fire Rock Totem

Petunia Potted Cactus

Porcupine Fire Rock Totem

Red Squirrel Fire Rock Totem

Owl Fire Rock Totem

Rabbit Fire Rock Totem

Snake Fire Rock Totem

Cougar Fire Rock Totem

Jar of Dirt

Block of Sandstone

Desert Sand

Rose Potted Cactus

Plain Potted Cactus

Violet Potted Cactus

Bluebell Potted Cactus

Daisy Potted Cactus

Lily Potted Cactus

Pet Friends

My buddy who worries about me. He's soft (literally) and cries easily. I heard through the grapevine that he's making me a sweater. I wonder how he does it with how small he is...