
Hyookai has a minion!

Benji the Doogle

Legacy Name: Hyookai

The Glacier Serpenth
Owner: KatTheMongoose

Age: 15 years, 6 months, 2 days

Born: December 24th, 2008

Adopted: 14 years, 1 month, 4 days ago

Adopted: May 21st, 2010

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Serious | Quiet | Strategic

Birthday: December 24th

Simply known as Kai amoungst his friends, he spent his youth as an officer for Centropolis. He excelled on the many cases he was handed, until one day, one case seemed to take the best of him. It was Kai's duty to find out of 'Welkshire Whiskey' was actually a fair whiskey factory, or a bootlegging operation. As Kai assumed he was gaining ground on exposing the Welkshire's industry, his accusations managed to fall.

But not to one...

In all honesty, Arthur V. Welkshire was actually surprised that Kai had made such progress on exposing his family's secret that he was intimidated, and saw Kai as a possible threat to his income. One day, Arthur invited Kai to his office, and after a long conversation; offered him a hefty sum of currency to keep him from informing others of what he knew. Disgusted, Kai refused and stormed out of the office; though not before he noticed the doors were locked from the outside. The next thing Kai remembered was having some sort of liquid shoved down his throat.

Then, darkness...

A few days had passed before Kai regained consciousness. Quickly, he recognized that it was dreadfully cold. Lurching upward in bed, he found himself in an isolated cabin up in Arctic Frost. Those back at Centropolis automatically assumed that their young officer was most likely murdered by one of Arthur's men, or someone else in the bootlegging industry whom was worried that Kai would approach them next. Little did they know, Kai had been placed in his new environment by Arthur; this being confirmed by Kai upon reading a note left by the said industrialist, stating: "Enjoy your new work environment, officer."

Kai's cabin was placed in one of the most desolated areas of Arctic Frost. So isolated from the main hot spots that Kai had to rely on his surroundings for survival. The years passed before Kai deemed himself 'a ghost' and that he no longer wishes to return back to his hometown. Instead, he makes it his business to help lost hikers or tourists whom manage to get themselves terribly lost. One of those 'lost tourists' was a Doogle with the name 'Benji' on his collar. Since then, both serve as company for each other.

"I am merely a specter of my former self, although I will not deny that you are in need of my services..."

Arthur V. Welkshire || Dizayble

Pet Treasure

Rugged Survival Kit

Bed Roll


Pet Friends

I don't think I can ever forget this face...