
Raphaello has a minion!

Mabel the Helpful Hedgehog

Legacy Name: Raphaello

The Common Archan
Owner: ChinaMina

Age: 15 years, 2 months, 3 weeks

Born: April 4th, 2009

Adopted: 15 years, 2 months, 3 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: April 4th, 2009 (Legacy)


  • Level: 3
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 4
  • Books Read: 4
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Raphaello, ahh doesn't that name bring back memories. In fact I remember the day we met. I want to tell it to someone. Hey you're someone. I'll tell it to you.It all started on a rainy cold icky day. I happened to be on the Darkside mountains, just headed to get some potions from Apocalyptic Apothecary, when suddenly the mountain got steeper. The rain then made the mountain slippery. "AHHHHH!!!", I screamed as I lost my grip on the mountain. Iceilan could have saved me, if he was there instead of at home sleeping. It was late and he had fallen asleep and I didn't want to wake him up. He sometimes gets cranky when he doesn't get enough sleep.I fell and rolled down the mountain. Just when I was about to fall into a pit of spikes a Common Archan jumped in front of me grabbed me by my shirt collar and climbed to the top of the mountain then he set me down. "You took a pretty dangerous fall there. You alright?", he asked me. "Yeah, thanks to you, if you hadn't saved me I would have fallen in that pit. Ouch that would be so painful I don't even want to think about it!" I exclaimed. "Awwww, it was nothing", he said blushing. "OH MY GOSH ARE YOU KIDDING!!! It was everything!", I cried. "Ok ok enough! Look I gotta go", he yelled. Before I could ever say anything he was gone. I went to the Apocalyptic Apothecary store, then headed home and went to sleep. The next day when I woke up I went to my door to get the newspaper but when I opened the door, the Archan was on the ground in front of the door holding the paper in his mouth like a dog might do. "What are you doing here?", I said taking the paper from his mouth. "I was wondering if I... well maybe if you wouldn't mind..." he paused. "OH JUST SPIT IT OUT!!!", I screamed "If we could live together", he answered. "AWWWWWW!!! How sweet! I would love to have you live here with me. BUT... you would have to leave with Iceilan ' The King of Snores'. Is that alright?" I asked. "Yes, that's alright. So is that alright with you?", he said curiously. "Hmm I'll have to think it over... just kidding! Come here you big Archan, I said happily." "My name is Raphaello", he said informing me. "Raphaello... really?", I said questioning him. He nodded. "Welcome to the family Raphaello!", I yelled, forgetting Iceilan was asleep. "What's going on?", Iceilan said trying to get his eyes to open, still sleepy. "Iceilan I need to tell you a story", I said to him. I told him the whole story and he said, "Cool, a new big brother for me to play with!" Raphaello also comes on all my trips, unless he's asleep. Raphaello is strong, friendly, loving, and at times selfish and rotten, but that is just the way he is and I wouldn't want him any other way

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