
Ascension has a minion!

Reincarnate the Neutral Achi

Legacy Name: Ascension

The Hydrus Paralix
Owner: Selphina

Age: 14 years, 7 months, 2 weeks

Born: September 6th, 2009

Adopted: 14 years, 7 months, 2 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: September 6th, 2009 (Legacy)

This pet has been nominated for the Pet Spotlight!


  • Level: 35
  • Strength: 87
  • Defense: 88
  • Speed: 80
  • Health: 80
  • HP: 80/80
  • Intelligence: 129
  • Books Read: 125
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Mirror Holder


profile template (c) helix (get it)
story and character (c) Selphina
profile tweaks (c) Selphina
background from God of War PS4

Tales of Ascension

Book of Chronicles

Tale of Legends

In a realm where the skies touched the seas and the stars whispered secrets to the earth, there existed a celestial being known as Ascension. She wasn't just a dragon, but an embodiment of enlightenment, redemption, and resurrection. Her radiant scales glimmered like stardust, shimmering in a mesmerizing dance of celestial hues. Her eyes held galaxies within them, each twinkle conveying wisdom beyond mortal comprehension.

From her celestial perch high above the world, Ascension observed the ebb and flow of life. Her powers waxed and waned with the sun and moon, their rhythms shaping the very essence of her being. With the dawn of each new day, her wings unfurled, carrying her on currents of wind that whispered ancient tales of creation. When the moon adorned the night sky, she glided across constellations, a guardian of dreams and aspirations.

The balance of nature and elements was her charge. She watched over the world with a vigilant eye, ensuring that the fragile threads of existence were not unraveled by recklessness or greed. Storms, fires, and earthquakes were under her guidance, channeled to cleanse and renew rather than destroy. Her presence was a reminder that humanity was but a thread woven into the rich tapestry of life, and to prosper, they needed to care for each other and the world they inhabited.

Tale of Redemption

One fateful evening, as the moon bathed the world in its silvery glow, a lone figure ventured into the depths of a dense forest. This figure was Reincarnate, a young woman burdened by guilt and sorrow. Her steps were heavy, weighed down by memories of mistakes that had cost her dearly. She had heard tales of Ascension, the dragon who could offer redemption to those who sought it with a pure heart.

Deep within the heart of the forest, Reincarnate found herself in a tranquil glade. It was there that she felt a presence, a warmth that washed away her doubts and fears. Ascension materialized before her, her form a symphony of radiance against the moonlit backdrop.

"Child of the earth," Ascension's voice resonated like a celestial melody, "why do you seek me?"

With tearful eyes, Reincarnate poured out her regrets, her voice carrying the weight of her remorse. Ascension listened, her eyes reflecting the depths of compassion and understanding that surpassed mortal comprehension.

"Redemption is a journey, not a destination," Ascension spoke, her words like stars forming a map to guide Reincarnate's heart. "To seek it is to embrace growth, to acknowledge the past while forging a brighter future."

Under Ascension's gaze, Reincarnate's heart felt lighter, as if a burden had been lifted. She pledged to mend her mistakes, to work toward a world where the balance of give and take was honored.

As the sun rose, Ascension's wings unfurled, casting a brilliant light across the world. Her flight carried her across mountains, rivers, and oceans, her presence a beacon of hope and transformation. Her purpose was clear—to remind all beings that they were capable of change, of renewal, and of finding light even in the darkest of times.

And so, the world continued to turn, guided by Ascension's watchful eyes. Through storm and stillness, her influence remained, reminding all that nature's delicate dance required harmony, and that true enlightenment could only be achieved by embracing the journey of redemption and resurrection.

In the end, Ascension's legacy wasn't just written in the stars or etched in the tales of generations—it was woven into the very fabric of existence, a reminder that even celestial beings understood the beauty of life's struggles and the power of second chances.

Tale of Virtues

The world was a tapestry woven with threads of light and shadow, of chaos and harmony. At its heart stood Ascension, a dragon of ethereal grace, embodying enlightenment, redemption, and resurrection. Her iridescent scales gleamed with the wisdom of ages, shimmering like starlight against the canvas of the cosmos. From her celestial vantage, she surveyed the realms below, where life's delicate dance unfolded.

In a realm hidden from the bustling lives of mortals, a council of ancient beings convened. These beings, known as the Virtues, were the embodiment of virtues that sustained the balance of the world: Wisdom, Compassion, Courage, Harmony, and Renewal. They gathered in the ethereal Hall of Virtues, a place where the fabric of reality was stitched with the threads of their essence.

"Virtues," said Wisdom, her voice a gentle breeze carrying the echoes of ages. "The balance of the world is shifting. Disharmony brews, and darkness threatens to swallow the light."

Harmony, radiating tranquility, spoke, "Our realm thrives when virtues flourish in the hearts of mortals. Yet, we sense unrest, a discord that taints the harmony we weave."

From the depths of Courage's resolute gaze, he added, "In times of challenge, virtues are tested. Our world needs a beacon of hope, an embodiment of the virtues we hold dear."

Compassion, with eyes brimming with empathy, murmured, "And a force that guides the lost souls towards redemption."

Renewal, radiant like the dawn, concluded, "A source of resurrection, to nurture life's cycle of growth and transformation."

As their words echoed through the hall, a shimmering portal manifested. Ascension stepped through, her presence illuminating the sacred space. The Virtues inclined their heads in acknowledgment, recognizing the celestial dragon who had been watching over the world.

"Ascension," Wisdom's voice resonated, "the world requires your guidance. Mortals stand at a crossroads, and your embodiment of virtues can tip the balance in favor of harmony."

Compassion added, "You have witnessed their struggles, their potential for growth. Through your eyes, we have seen the seeds of change."

Ascension dipped her head, acknowledging the council. "I am but a guardian of the balance, an observer of their journey. How can I play a role in shaping their path?"

Courage stepped forward, his presence unwavering. "You shall descend to the realm of mortals, take on a mortal form, and guide them through their trials. Be the embodiment of virtues, a living testament to what they can achieve."

Harmony's voice caressed the air, "Your journey shall echo in their hearts, reminding them of the virtues they possess."

Renewal's gaze held a promise, "And through your presence, the world shall find renewal, redemption, and enlightenment."

And so, Ascension descended from the celestial heights, her wings carrying her into the world she had watched over for eons. As a mortal, she embodied the virtues, and her actions radiated wisdom, compassion, courage, harmony, and renewal. Through her guidance, lost souls found redemption, and the balance of nature and elements was preserved.

Her mortal form might fade, but her legacy endured—a chapter in the book of time, written in virtues and woven with the threads of existence. And as the sun and moon continued their dance, Ascension's influence continued to wax and wane, a reminder that even the mightiest of celestial beings believed in the power of virtues to shape destinies and mend the fabric of the world.

Pet Treasure

Cece Keyed Up Necklace

Book of Aeromancy

Sands of Time

Ye Royale Proclamatione

Nostalgic Paralix Toy


Stone of Elements

Forgotten Magic

Seashell Extract

Dragon Breath

Enchanted Lantern

Delicate Gold Hair Decorations

Pan Pipes

Sun Gem

Gold Crescent Moon Relic

Dragon Tear

Water Soul Stone

Soul Stone

Earth Soul Stone

Fire Soul Stone



Dragon of Autumn


Little Treasure Hunter


Zodiac Dragon Spirit


Ye Royale Proclamatione

Book of Pyromancy

Book of Aquamancy

Tattered Old Book

Book of Life

The Happy Fortune Cult

Red Envelope

Pet Friends