
Tallows has a minion!

Flae the Brrowl

Legacy Name: Tallows

The Glacier Lain
Owner: Angel_Goddess

Age: 14 years, 8 months, 2 weeks

Born: October 10th, 2009

Adopted: 14 years, 8 months, 2 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: October 10th, 2009 (Legacy)

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 6
  • Strength: 14
  • Defense: 15
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 11
  • HP: 10/11
  • Intelligence: 73
  • Books Read: 73
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

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"I am Tallows, Tallows am I.
I enjoy to speak in riddles, I hope that you can
Keep up with my pace, as I never quite slow.
I'll be here forever, I hope that you know,
Tickets are 5sp, and I hope you enjoy the show.
I love talking in rhyme,
and don't fall out of time
When I say I am a poet."

Tallows enjoys:
Messing with your mind

Tallows does not enjoy:
Eating Plants

Favorite Foods:
Charred Fish on a Stick
Salmon Roe Canape
Gulper Eel
Can of Worms

Pet Profile by SubetaHQ

Frozen Dreams

Tallows is a middle aged bird who
grew up with her mom and a wild
imagination, near Veta.

One year, in a migration to the
Sacred Lands, the two got
seperated in a storm, and she
ended up stranded in the frosty
dunes of the Arctic Frost.
Eventually, her cyan blue feathers
molted away into pure white ones,
her eyes darkening.
It was a cold and bitter
life up there, all alone.

She eventually gained enough strength
to fly to Centropolis.
There, though she stood out--
save for the haughty glacier Anyu--
she was befriended by an equally
alone poor woman. She quickly
sympathized with her and
took her under her wing,
pardon the pun.

Once the woman was convinced with
Tallows's good deeds,
she revealed herself.

Angel, a worker of the clouds.

Her dream was just about to take off,
and she had been looking
for kind souls to assist her
in making Subeta a 'beta' place,
if you know what I mean.
So her life started in helping
around the clouds.
As more joined the ranks,
she took over Trophy duty,
though she had a lot
of free time to spare.
Books became her life
once she learned how to read though,
always on the constant hunt
for a good read.
She's tried her best to help you,
and she definitely wouldn't
mind an offering of a book
she has yet to read.

Pet Treasure

Cloud Watching

Book of Poetry

How to Write II

Sketch Book

Snowflake Sticker

Pet Friends

The Weather goddess

The Best Friend

The Baby