
Myrha has a minion!

Kafei the Keets

Legacy Name: Myrha

The Nuclear Sheeta
Owner: Angel_Goddess

Age: 14 years, 8 months, 2 weeks

Born: October 10th, 2009

Adopted: 14 years, 8 months, 2 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: October 10th, 2009 (Legacy)

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 7
  • Strength: 14
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 18
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 3
  • Books Read: 3
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Coolest Nuke in Town
"Sup, guys, I'm Myrha, how's it shakin'? Earthquakin', eh? Sweeeet. Those are some tight mountains down there, I wanna check 'em out; see if there's any hotties down there, y'know? Haha, jk guys, I've already got my horns wrapped around somebody. Hey, now, don't be thinking nasty thoughts there, dawg, I'm cleaner than a windexed window. Haha! Funny story behind that one: Tallows flew into one'a those once, delivering a present! Poor kids inside looked shocked, but oh goodness, it was amazing. Let's go chillax at the pad, mk?"

Myrha likes:
Street dancing
Showing off
Acting like he knows what he's doing

Myrha dislikes:
Sleezy girls
Foul language
Bad things

Favorite Foods:

And this is my story.

Death really is just like sleep. You die, time passes and before you know it you're awake again. Though, unlike it's shorter counterpart, death does things to a person. It...changes them. First, it takes away the pain. Then the memories. It takes you to a place where, soon, you will be reborn. And then BAM. You're awake, some stranger is holding you-- handing you to others. The worst part? You can't even see them! Death also brings a short burst of blindness, once you're reborn. Now I've seen the process a good amount of times, children of my own, family of mine, friends... but all of those are never the same as mine.

I remember, every aspect of it. Of all of them. Except for the long period of sleep. I remember the first time I was born: to a commoner. She's really the reason I am who I am, not what. However, it was in her care that I made this incredible change.

I had stumbled into an odd testing grounds along the outskirts of the town. The people there asked me if I was hungry, and being a growing boy? Of course. So they gave me an apple. Mind you, in that time period people didn't poison one another...purposefully. However the genetic make-up of the apple twisted strands of my DNA. Of course, it didn't change what I looked like right away. But the apple didn't just change my appearance. My brain was able to trick death into letting me keep my memories, and my intelligence.

Once I died in that life, I was reborn again into an even more run down environment. A tribe of hunters out in the African plains. I fit in with them then, my skin dark to match theirs. At the time I figured it had to do with my parents, but I'd know better in years to come.

The next thing I know, I'm in the Victorian Era, in England. Boy, did I stick out there. My mother was pale as porcelain and my father was an immigrant from Spain, and they were rather high up on the society food-chain. So imagine when, I-- a charcoal gray skinned child-- was born, it tore the family apart. My new father accused her of adultery, and before I knew it they had separated, my mother pushed into exile along with me.

The next few births I had were animalistic, first a fish, who was owned by a small girl. I died quite quickly. Then I was reborn as a lion, quite close by to my second-life-hometown. Needless to say, when I tried checking out all the changes a group of hunters began chasing me down. They had fallen; in my time with them, lions were Gods. I had two children with a beautiful lioness; my first offspring. I was glad to see they weren't odd colored like myself, but I couldn't help wonder if they'd have this odd life of mine. A fire broke out on the plains and I was killed trying to save the others. That's what I get for being a hero.

And then I'm born in your world, to a middle class family. They weren't dark of skin like me, but technology showed them I just had a 'birth defect', and I was indeed their son. They gave me unconditional love, and they were the only ones I shared my secret with. They accepted it, amazingly, and together we worked up enough money to go to all the places I had been born. At an African Zoo, I found a dark furred lion cub, and-- though it took a lot of legal work and whatnot-- I got possession of her, my daughter. I guess she did get my crazy gene after all, though she stayed her original species, I wondered if that would change in time, too.

And now here I am, a Sheeta-- a great one at that if I do say so myself. I've learned to live with it, quite gracefully. My daughter has yet to be reborn again, but I know she's out there somewhere. If you find her, take good care of her, or I'll haunt you forever, cause I can do that kinda stuff. Also, show her to me, I wanna see her again.

I've got my eyes on a prize, and I'm quite loved by my human here. This cyberspace is pretty awesome, if you know what I mean. I gotta say thanks, for reading all of this though! Have a great life, it only lasts so long.
Pet Profile by SubetaHQ

Pet Treasure

Survival Bouquet of White Lilies

Gold Knit Scarf

Music 101

Pet Friends

The Crush

The Shy girl

The Little Brother