
LaLunaCacciatori has a minion!

Minion the Clyde

Legacy Name: LaLunaCacciatori

The Bloodred Hikei
Owner: Trinkuh

Age: 14 years, 6 months, 2 weeks

Born: December 8th, 2009

Adopted: 14 years, 6 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: December 8th, 2009


  • Level: 4
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 13
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 0/10
  • Intelligence: 15
  • Books Read: 14
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Attendant

Name: La Luna Cacciatori
Posting color: Blue
What name means: The Hunters Moon
Name is: Italian
age: 17
Birthday: February 14th
Gender: Male....kinda
Sexulaity: bi but leans more to guys
Status: single
From: Italy
A older half sister: Demone
Mother & Father: dead
Style: emo
Hair: black emo cut with blonde streaks in it.
Eyes: A one green and the one covered by his bang it red
Hieght: 5'8
Personality: Hes really and i do mean really shy and soft spoken when you first meet him but after he gets to know you he is really quiet the cute lil' sweet heart. If he loves you he will do anything for you. If you make him mad you'll see the blood red side of him...The side of him who like to rip puppies heads off.
Background: Luna and his older half sister Demone where raised in Italy and they loved their home but their parents ended up being killed.So now he is looked after by his older sister.To say the lest life with her is...Well hard.With her boyfriend all being crazy and she being crazy it just makes things....well crazy.Not to mention the long line of abusive boyfriends that he has had him self but really he'll go toward anyone or anything that takes him away from his home life.
Likes: =Singing
=His job
=Skinny jeans
=My Sister
Dislikes: #Being alone
#Being hit
#My Sister
Somethings:He can normally can be found wondering around town or at work at the bar.He is all most never home if he can help it.
Job:He is a waiter at the local gay bar.
Theme song:Puppies-J Bigga
Fanart: By-My friends at Gaia's i-zunes.

Pet Treasure

Apple Candle Holder


Snowflake Candle

Pet Friends

She is my sister what else can i say?