
Demone_Dellamore has a minion!

Minion the Glowy

Legacy Name: Demone_Dellamore

The Bloodred Dragarth
Owner: Trinkuh

Age: 14 years, 5 months, 4 weeks

Born: December 24th, 2009

Adopted: 14 years, 5 months, 4 weeks ago

Adopted: December 24th, 2009


  • Level: 4
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 1
  • Books Read: 1
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Name: Demone Dellamore
Posting color: Red
What name means: Demon of Love
Name is: Italian
age: 21
Birthday: April 19th
Gender: Female of course!
Sexulaity: Bi (Even if she hates to say it)
Status: Swinger/Single
From: Italy (Duh)
A little brother half: La Luna
Mother & Father: dead
Style: Gothic or punk
Hair: Short and a redish brown with neon red tips.
Eyes: A one of a kind green
Hieght: 5'4
Personality: She comes off all well as a well swinger maybe because she doesnt stay with a guy for more then a week because she gets bored so she trades him in but really she is looking for that one guy who can tame her wild heart but good luck with that.She thinks very little of her self but this is from years of a abouse and she knows she good at one thing and thats singing.She sings to get what she wants which is a cute boy for the night.
Background: Demone and her little half brother Luna where raised in Italy and they loved there home but her father died when she was young and her step father died with her mother in a car accident so she now takes care over her brother but her choices are the....worst.She could careless what he does as long as he doesnt go to jail and her herself has had a horrible string of abusive boyfriends after anther.Most because she thinks it just the way things are and this is what leads her to thinking she is usless ans such.This lowness really started when her parents died and she almost lost her brother to foster family.She acts like she doesnt care but she does.So they moved to the US in hopes of a better life but her habbits didnt change any.One thing she would even amit to is that if she had the money she would be surgey addicted as well.
Likes: +Blood
+Sexy time XD
+Alone time
+BOTDF (The band)
Dislikes: =Reading
=rude people
Somethings: She normaly can found at the local bar or casion singing and trying to get some cute guy's eye.If she not doing that you can find her woundering around looking for something to do.She is a symple girl after all.
Job:Singer at random places that will pay.
Theme song: Scream for my icecream-Blood on the dance floor((It is on my profile.))
Fanart:demone by-lollydove

Pet Treasure

Hairdryer Of Melty

Pet Friends

Eh he's my lil' Brother.I have to take care of him.

red ripper
Feels safe with him.