
Tabinin has a minion!

Akari the Red Rreignling

Legacy Name: Tabinin

The Nightmare Celinox
Owner: The_West_Wind

Age: 14 years, 5 months, 2 weeks

Born: December 14th, 2009

Adopted: 14 years, 5 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: December 14th, 2009


  • Level: 9
  • Strength: 20
  • Defense: 20
  • Speed: 20
  • Health: 20
  • HP: 20/20
  • Intelligence: 3
  • Books Read: 3
  • Food Eaten: 5
  • Job: Unemployed

Ever she wanders,
Both day and night.
Follows in her wake
A soft little light.


~Under Construction - all info is Subject To Change~


Full Name: Unknown (--STC)

Aliases: Wanderer, Watcher, Shade, Tabi, Tabs (if you`re Blindsight)

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown

Orientation: Not (currently) interested

Height: 5`11" in her human form; feline form varies greatly

Build: She is very light, with an ethereal quality about her. Build is light and slim in both forms - again, with a very ethereal essence to her.

Eyes: pure black (sclera included) in both forms (-- STC)

Hair: Blended silver-grey/light brown/white in human form, and rather long. Feline form is mostly darker greys, browns, and black, with lighter tones blended in - sometimes has white spots or patterning on her coat.

Other Notes: She has the ability to become incorporeal at will, though she almost always has a ghost-like appearance, even when completely corpreal, and she seems almost to float rather than walk.
She prefers the dark and travelling at night - which doesn`t impede her, because she has perfect night vision (this is also why she prefers the dark; bright light tends to cause her pain and blurs her vision). She is almost constantly travelling - always on the move. She never stays in one place for very long, and even when she comes home she has never stayed for more than a few months at a time.
As she wanders, she finds those that are lost and helps them to find their way again - protecting them until she feels they are safe. She has also found a few lost souls and brought them home; the latest of these being Zainael. Despite her rather frightening appearance, she is actually a kind, caring soul.


- exploring
- deep forests
- darkness/night
- silence, stillness
- helping others
- mist
- basking in the sun (feline form)
- collecting interesting/weird things
- Akari - he helps her out, and he goes everywhere with her
- Blindsight - they're best friends

- staying in one place for too long
- enclosed spaced (somewhat claustrophobic)
- is somewhat agoraphobic
- loud noises
- getting sun-burnt (human form is very fair-skinned)
- when others loose their temper
- fighting
- seeing others hurt

Pet Treasure


Dream Journal


Illumis Marsh Staff

Clear Glass Square Bottle

Dowsing Pendulum

Shaman Buck Totem





Ground Dragon

Dusty Coalyote



Wooden Scrying Bowl

Wooden Mortar and Pestle

Marble Mortar and Pestle


Cats Eye

Dark Moonrock

Blue Plumeria Anklet

Pet Friends

Thank you for the flower.. it looks beautiful.

Don`t try going easy on her - you`ll wind up with your face in the dirt.