
Zainael has a minion!

Havock the Darkwing

Legacy Name: Zainael

The Bloodred Paralix
Owner: The_West_Wind

Age: 14 years, 5 months, 5 days

Born: December 26th, 2009

Adopted: 14 years, 2 months ago

Adopted: April 1st, 2010


  • Level: 93
  • Strength: 232
  • Defense: 233
  • Speed: 231
  • Health: 232
  • HP: 195/232
  • Intelligence: 33
  • Books Read: 33
  • Food Eaten: 5
  • Job: Unemployed

"Hey Zain, about your minion..."
"Stow it Azzie. I know I didn't spell Havock's name right. I did it on purpose, okay?"

~Under Construction - all info is Subject To Change~


Full Name: Zainael Ravvik

Alias: Zain

Gender: Male

Age: 21 years

Orientation: He's open - pretty much anyone who can get to know him, deal with him, and still love him.

Height: 6'2"

Build: Well-built, with some obvious muscle, but not burly.

Eyes: Left is gold, right is crimson.

Hair: Red (--STC)

Other Notes: He used to be in a gang, but was kind of kicked out, and kind of ran off. It's kinda complicated...
(The rest is coming... sometime. Eventually.)
He also has a new obsession with 'Free Running'.


- sparring - especially with Blindsight, because she's good
- rock music
- guitar
- dancing - mostly hip-hop and rave
- free running
- being active
- Tabinin - no, not that way. She found him wandering in the forest and saved his sorry butt, is all.
- Havock, his aptly-named, trouble-making Darkwing. (Yes, it is misspelled on purpose.)

- being pushed around
- losing - but he's getting used to it, sparring
with Blindsight. Of course, it helps that she's not at all a sore winner...
- crying, especially in front of others
- losing his temper
- when people won't listen to him, or don't
care about what he has to say
- people with demanding/controlling/obsessive
- sitting still; not moving around
- being confined

Pet Treasure

Single Twilight Sprocket

Flamin Hot Guitar

Purple Gladiola

Ballerina Music Box

Pet Friends

Hey, I owe you one.

Sure, I can sparr with you...

I won't hurt them. Why won't you trust me?