
Amano Ginji has a minion!

Tocco the Tacochi

Amano Ginji
Legacy Name: Amano Ginji

The Golden Jollin
Owner: AmanoGinji

Age: 14 years, 3 months, 2 days

Born: March 15th, 2010

Adopted: 14 years, 3 months, 2 days ago

Adopted: March 15th, 2010


  • Level: 12
  • Strength: 14
  • Defense: 14
  • Speed: 12
  • Health: 17
  • HP: 17/17
  • Intelligence: 1
  • Books Read: 1
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Beach Comber

Ginji is Ban Mido's partner and formerly the fearsome Lightning Emperor (Raitei) and the leader of a gang called "The VOLTS" in the Infinity Fortress.

He received the title Lightning Emperor because of his ability to control electricity. This control grants him several unique abilities such as amazing regenerative power as well as the ability to become a human magnet and battery. Despite Ginji's dark past, his demeanor is one of an unassuming, energetic, and friendly boy with a strong sense of justice. He makes friends easily, often without trying — and is trusting and open to an almost naive extent. But when exposed to remnants of his past, he has a tendency to revert to his darker "Lightning Emperor" persona. He's frequently beaten up by Ban (comically) for doing stupid things. Little of his past is known. We do know that his childhood guardian is Takeru Teshimine, then ruler of the Infinity Fortress. Before his departure, Ginji founded "VOLTS", a gang led by The Lightning Emperor, and "The Four Kings of the VOLTS" to protect the Infinity Fortress from the monsters of the Beltline.

When transformed into Raitei, Ginji glows with a brilliant light and has bolts of electricity (even orbs of plasma at times) flowing around him. Although sharing the same body as that of Ginji, Raitei is the polar opposite of the happy-go-lucky Ginji; his features will harden and he will be merciless towards almost anyone. He first came into being when Ginji was a young boy, as the Beltline Monsters invaded the lower levels of the Infinity Fortress. Ginji and a friend were attempting to escape from the hunters, when Ginji's friend was struck by an arrow. It took less than the time it takes to blink, but the whole invasion force was annihilated in an instant. From that point on, whenever Ginji is confronted with a difficult situation, emotionally or physically, Raitei appears to make everything that troubles Ginji disappear. However, this ultimately causes more pain for the peaceful Ginji as death is the last thing he ever wants.

Pet Treasure

Sausage Pizza

Lightning Bolt

Stun Gun

Pet Friends

Ban Midou
Ginji's best friend and babysitter