
Beauregard has a minion!

A token of bondage, the Unnervingly Cheery Skull

Legacy Name: Beauregard

The Field Qrykee
Owner: Baklava

Age: 13 years, 10 months, 2 weeks

Born: July 27th, 2010

Adopted: 10 years, 3 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: February 21st, 2014


  • Level: 10
  • Strength: 25
  • Defense: 35
  • Speed: 24
  • Health: 22
  • HP: 22/22
  • Intelligence: 45
  • Books Read: 46
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Surfboard Rental Clerk

Creature of the Deep
"I sold my soul to the devil, and this is the price I paid."

Beast/Hades inspired, cajun style

- around two hundred years old

- knowingly sold his soul to the devil, voodoo crossroad style

- generally transforms every full moon, as well as winter

- watched his family all pass of old age from a distance

If you hear a knock at your front door and you get up to answer it only to find no one there, open the door wide for a couple of seconds and then close it. This will let a good spirit in. But don’t open it again if there are more knocks. Not even if they continue for the rest of the night. You might just be inviting an evil spirit into your home. And if there are three knocks the first time around, don’t open the door at all! If there is a knock at your back door, it is the devil himself looking to come in.

Broken Bones - Kaleo

Pet Treasure

Empty Flask

Squid Ink

Elegant Antique Coffee Set

Raven Feather Quill Pen

Corsair Waterproof Boots

Black Slacks

Vintage Sewing Machine

Empty Hourglass

Monkey Paw

Tattered Old Book

Cogwork Key

Upright Piano

Classic Literature

Vintage Typewriter

Ship in a Bottle


Gilded Saheric Tome

Dressed to the Nines Blue Attire

Krampus Swampy Microcosm

Antique Mild Fainting Couch

Corsair Sash

Rustic Antique Grooming Set

Green Alligator Plushie

Poison Apothecary Bottle


Death Dice


Delicate Tarnished Pocket Watch

Scrimshawed Flask

Golden King Cakebaby

Pet Friends

"There did not seem to be any hope left for my life."