
Akaio has a minion!

Morrigan the Bean Sidhe

Legacy Name: Akaio

The Nightmare Celinox
Owner: Mistakes

Age: 13 years, 10 months, 3 weeks

Born: August 2nd, 2010

Adopted: 13 years, 10 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: August 2nd, 2010


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Beach Comber

Pardon me while I burst
Pardon me while I burst

A decade ago, I never thought
I would be at twenty three
On the verge of spontaneous
Combustion, woe is me
But I guess that it comes
With the territory
An ominous landscape
Of never ending calamity
I need you to hear, I need you to see
That I have had all I can take
And exploding seems like a definite possibility to me

So pardon me while I burst into flames
I've had enough of the world
And it's people's mindless gamesSo pardon me while I burn and rise
Above the flame
Pardon me, pardon me
I'll never be the same

Full Name: Akaio Zann
Nickname: Kaio
Age: Unknown; appears about 25
Race/Nationality: Demon
Orientation: Pansexual
Standing: Single

Roleplay Status:


Anthro or Human

Kaio's life began in strife. He was born as the weaker child in a set of twins to two cruel parents, Mahzun and Vesta. They operated as a pair of thieves and dealers upon the mortal world, selling their wares and causing death at a whim. Their abusive ways naturally chafed away at the twins as they grew, making them weak and subservient. They only bore down harder upon their children once gifts emerged in both of them. His sister, Akane, could call upon fire to serve her. At a whim, Kaio's mind would brush against another's. If welcomed in, his thoughts and feelings were available to view and without protection, so were the other's. Gladdened by this discovery, Mahzun wasted little time in turning his son into a tool to spy upon victims and drive them away from their belongings and his daughter into a weapon to the disobedient.

Tiring of their rule, Kaio and Akane planned. They made scenarios leading to the deaths of their parents, debated over their chances of running and being free, and wondered what living a normal life would be like. Finally, they set themselves upon a path of action that would waste them in the end. At the time, the family had retreated into the depths of Hell but had refused to surrender their ways. They set themselves upon the house of another demon, the plan calling for Kaio and Akane to call the sleeping servant of Wrath out and for the others to slip in behind him. Instead of distracting the other demon, Kaio waited until his parents were within the house before alerting the demon to their plot. Enraged, the servant sped back into his home and attacked the pair. Vesta died by his hands, but Mahzun escaped. In passing, he attacked his children fro their betrayal. Knocking out his daughter and throwing her over his shoulder, he fled the scene as the servant made a second appearance. Kaio fled his own way, but led back by the need to be with his sister, Kaio returned to their current home camp days after the attack.

Here he confronted his father, attempting to murder him with nothing more than a simple, worn dagger. His ploy ended in failure, as Kaio was overpowered easily by the older man. Driven by disgust, Mahzun made the decision to dispose of the boy. Attacking his son with a dagger, Mahzun inflicted many wounds upon his child in his twisted form of retribution before finally cutting the boy's throat four times. Feigning unconsciousness, Kaio laid still while his father gathered the goods he wished to keep and departed, abandoning his son and his camp. Kaio has luck on his side; Mahzun had grown bored with his torments, and at the end hadn't been paying particular attention to his slashes. His final attack had narrowly missed the boy's jugular, though it had scarred his throat and damaged his vocal cords. Despite his weakness, Kaio searched high and low for his sister, unable to call for her. Dropped in a ditch near their camp, he did find his sister. Little comfort was to be gained at the sight of her battered corpse.

Leaving her behind, Kaio left his former life and entered another path with many branches. He gave himself over to the care of a charitable magician and apprenticed him for a short time. Unable to use magic well, he gave up and left suddenly one night, all of his old master's money in his pocket. Kaio joined a band of demonic travelers, learning music and other ways to badger money off of the demons they'd meet in cities. Here he first laid hands upon a violin. Trained by a friend, he excelled in the craft and soon was able to earn extra income for the band by playing. All this time he maintained the secret of his gift, fearing their reaction. All was to come crashing down one day, though. Driven by the same temper that had once owned his father, Kaio attacked another member of the band over a trivial matter or money. Entering the man's mind, Kaio planted old memories of pain and suffering, supplementing the mix with his imagination's pictures of the man ending his life. Driven nearly mad by the barrage, he pulled a gun and ended his existence. As others of the band drew closer, Kaio seized another person to protect him as they tried to punish what they saw as a murderer. Realizing the true depths of his power, they labeled Kaio a "monster" and drove him off.

Perversely happy with this title and pointedly ignoring the fact that he had fallen into his father's footsteps, Kaio's life came to revolve around using his mental abilities to cheat, steal, and hurt upon the mortal's world. Though quiet and content to stay out of the spotlight, the monster rears his head whenever a need strikes him before vanishing into the backdrop of life once again. He exists as a wanderer, alienating himself from his targets. The few that meet him in his travels usually walk away, confused and quite a bit poorer. Despite his attempts to not commit wanton murder, those that set off his rage may walk away for a short while, but then disappear without warning. Such is the danger of upsetting this beast.

Originally coded by: dreamsky
Edited by: Mistakes

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If only you were a tad more frightening..

You're not the most sane souce to trust.

Little Librarian, do you think your path is safe?