
Tangi_459 has a minion!

Ryu the Armadillog

Legacy Name: Tangi_459

The Hydrus Kumos
Owner: Roja

Age: 13 years, 5 months, 3 weeks

Born: December 26th, 2010

Adopted: 13 years, 5 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: December 26th, 2010


  • Level: 12
  • Strength: 30
  • Defense: 30
  • Speed: 30
  • Health: 30
  • HP: 30/30
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

"You're a watch dog! Your greatest ability is your sense of smell. When you smell evil, then attackĀ". Tangi remembered those words. He was told this while he was still a pup. He was born with certain instincts, but he was not a one-track type of Kumos. He was also loving and playful. Thankfully, because when Tangi was 2 years old, a new pup was brought into the family. A playful joker of an Armadillog, named Ryu.

Tangi was then living with a human, a young woman named Roja. She had a tendency to get herself into trouble, but she had always taken good care of Tangi, who was given to her when he was only a pup. Tangi was playful as a pup, but he had the ability to take serious things ... well, seriously. He started with his training early, by running long distances and his muscles grew fast. The Kumos discovered his ultimate enemy when he watched Roja be attacked in the apartment they lived in, by a vampire. It started to smell like sulphur as Tangi's rage grew inside him, and the growl that came from the, then small body, filled the room, as if he was enormous. The vampire backed away and Roja was safe. Tangi looked at the vampire from the window. He needed to be more alert. They had been attacked in their own home, which was his responsibility to protect.

Ryu was a one of the biggest pups Roja had seen. She had been given Tangi as a gift, but she was gonna pick out Ryu herself. When she looked at the Armadillogs puppies, one in particular caught her eye. One of the biggest of them, the goofiest one, and the one most interested in her, he was the one she picked up. Automatically she named him Ryu.
She carried the little, but still very heavy Armadillog, inside and let him down on the floor. The pup looked at the Kumos standing in front of him. He tilted his head back and forth, then he shot forward like a bullet and crashed into him, fuelled by joy. The Kumos pushed him away and made an annoyed sound. That wasn't an appropriate way of greeting another dog. Ryu didn't pay much attention to him, though, and started to run around him in a circle. That's how they first met.
Now they are both older and Ryu has begun his own training. He's shorter than Tangi, but heavier. Nothing could bite though the armour he carried with him, which provided him with a go-lucky attitude. Tangi does play with Ryu, when he has time, and the pup did have a positive effect on him. He was still a watcher and brave warrior, but now he had a powerful soldier with him. He knew Ryu would step up if it was needed. He had seen Ryu roll evil creatures down and how bullets and knives bounced off the armour plates. He himself had a scar across the left eye. A vampire left that before the monster turned to dust.

They are quite a pair and you might smile when you see them outside. The proud, well-trained warrior of a Kumos, and the goofy, playful and colossal Armadillog that noone can touch. As funny as they might look, you would be better of having them on your side.

Watch out, evildoers!
Profile, overlay and art by Roja

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