
Gradic has a minion!

the Anubi

Legacy Name: Gradic

The Common Experiment #8001
Owner: Minotaur

Age: 13 years, 1 month, 1 week

Born: May 2nd, 2011

Adopted: 13 years, 1 month, 1 week ago

Adopted: May 2nd, 2011


  • Level: 4,410
  • Strength: 6,795
  • Defense: 6,830
  • Speed: 7,301
  • Health: 6,304
  • HP: 6,300/6,304
  • Intelligence: 5,404
  • Books Read: 1223
  • Food Eaten: 137
  • Job: Director of SAI

Long ago I counted myself amongst the dragons of the land. A proud history surrounds our past enduring the most extreme of trials others have forced upon us. Breaking free of the dragon enslavement by the intolerable humans, the eradication wars spurred by the gryphons, and the territorial wars against the rabbits. Through these impossible struggles we came out on top and still continue to endure. A rich heritage was my claim... that was until the truth was revealed in my dying moments. The demons had ransacked out last stronghold belonging to the original empire. Everyone staked their lives in defending the stronghold only to be eventually overrun. I cant remember what happened exactly but I do remember waking up in the bloodied aftermath unsure of how or why I was still alive. The demons were running rampant as they cut down our last remaining defenses. Across from me I called out to a friend looking him in the eyes but when I stood up I saw his neck was cut deeply. His face stared blankly at me before I collapsed in exhaustion giving in to my injuries. Was this the end? Had we finally been beaten? As I felt myself begin to slip away I was held back by something. A voice called out to me. A voice I couldn't recognize but by the tone I understood who it was. A demon approached my self conscious holding me back from my demise. From there it was revealed that our history was flawed, and this war was filled with transparent truths. He told me of the true world and how the dragons had turned against it all. He offered me a second chance, a chance to live and make it right if I turned to their side. I accepted.

Pet Treasure

Blue Special Coin

Shinwas Bow

Shinwas Amulet of Flight

Magma SubetaBall

Dusk Box of Tissues

Sun Lain Plushie

Ice Mage Amulet


Gold Special Coin

Thirteenth Child

Shore Burrowing Bungleblat

Shinwas Lightblade

Rainbow Mage Amulet

Blue Special Coin


Shinwas Coal

Shinwas Birdie

Pewter Special Coin

Shinwas Helper

Shinwas Helper

Ring of Flight

Shinwas Amulet of Mercy

Rabbit Foot

Black Bunny Tail

Gryphon Heart

Green Dragon Scale

Bloodred Dragon Tail

Red Dragon Scale

Long Black Dragon Horns

Zodiac Dragon Spirit

White Bunny Tail

Blue Dragon Tail

White Bunny Ears

Minotaur Horn

Captured Pixie

Dillema Corrupted Soul

Darkmatter Endeavor Plushie

Endeavor Gauntlets

Purple Celestial Flask

Shinwas Shield of Reflection

Item Hunters Bomb

Gender Berry

Shinwas Amulet of Mercy

Dragarth Skull Faceguard

Pet Friends

Malus Immortal
You have granted me a second chance. Your have shown me the truth and error of my past. And for that I owe you everything

Satsu Jin
Enemy. You maybe my brother in kind but your thoughts are flawed and for that your power will soon belong to Immortal Master Malus.

Safiraa Enemy. The one who lead my kind into near extinction. I will see to it your species is forever expelled in return. Perhaps then they will see the light over the shadow of lies you have cast over their eyes.