
Malus Immortal has a minion!

Zakk the Darghness

Malus Immortal
Legacy Name: Malus Immortal

The Darkmatter Kanis
Owner: Bunny_Warrior

Age: 13 years, 2 weeks, 6 days

Born: June 4th, 2011

Adopted: 13 years, 2 weeks, 6 days ago

Adopted: June 4th, 2011


  • Level: 6
  • Strength: 16
  • Defense: 12
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

#pet_image {background-image: url(; width: 200px; height: 200px;} History

A long time ago, many many millennial, there was born a male black rabbit. He was a normal rabbit, huddled with his little safe from predators in the nest and as he grew older, occasionally going outside. When he was older, he and one of his sisters left the nest and traveled to find better burrows than the cramps ones where they lived. While digging in what had seemed an ideal spot for a burrow, his sister found herself digging deeper. Something was calling to her. The black rabbit also felt the tug, and so he began to dig with her. They dug many miles under the earth until finally they uncovered it, a glowing stone. The female rabbit was wary of it, but the her brother was curious. Stretching his nose closer, he touched it. Suddenly, he was aware.He took a step back, trying to comprehend what was going on when his sister, who became too curious as well, also touched her nose to the stone. 'What is this!? what's happening!?' he heard her cry, yet not cry. It was as if she spoke into his mind. 'I don't know!' he responded. He looked down at his paw. Black, that was the color, like shadows. 'Well, I don't think we have names, do we? I'm gonna call myself Shadow. What about you?' His sister blinked, 'Me? I-I always like the color of the sky, blue, but I know there are gems that are blue. So maybe Saphira.' /Gems?/ Shadow wondered to himself. He knew what they were now, but before... What was happening. He loked to the stone which had gone dark and begun to crumble. ' I wish others could see as we do,' Saphira said. Before Shadow could protest, he felt other minds growing and swelling with intelligence and trying to connect with him. He could see Saphira's ecstasy at the joining of other minds, but Malus... he didn't like the intrusion. And so he figured out a way to connect as well as temporarily sever himself from the consciousness of the others that was eventually referred to as the Collective. This was how the rabbit became a sentient race.

Shadow was not pleased. Yes, he had discovered his powers of shapeshifting, as his sister Saphira had. In fact they were the most powerful mind-channelers of the rabbits. Mind-channeling was the ability to affect the world around you with your mind, and even control other beings, although it was harder the higher their intelligence was. It was tied in with their telepathic speech and had been discovered very quickly. This was why his race was developing quickly Already they had made their first enemies with a race that had often used them to train their young how to hunt, the gryphons. But this wasn't enough. Shadow wanted more, and he was angry that he was not on the ruling council, nor was his sister. Without them, the rabbits would have never developed their underground cities. He had some who would back him, but they were afraid because while he was powerful, he was no match for their whole race. 'You want pooooower? We can giiiiive it to you... hissed a voice in Shadow's mind. 'Who are you, what do you want!?' demanded Shadow. Weeee want powerrrr... Weeeee want booodies. You beee our masssssster, releasssse usss from our hideoussss prisssson. We will fiiight for you. Shadow thought this over. Yes(to be continued)

Pet Treasure

Inverted Galaxy Orb

Dark Creepy Thing

Book of Demonic Names

Dark Flame Fist

Pet Friends

My Trusted Second-in-Command. You are still disposable if you step out of line.

Loyal Minion. I am pleased with what you have become, and with your loyalty.

Tenetive Ally. Do you think I don't see your hidden motives? I have my own. I respect your intelligence but also will turn on you the second you become a hazard.

Enemy. You inherited my sister's power and mission. I will snuff you out like a candle!

Enemy. Do you remember me? Because I am quite sure you used the same trick as my sister to stay alive!

Enemy. You... Do you really think you can stop me? You barely know anything about your own race anymore!