
Slivac has a minion!

Icycle the Starckel

Legacy Name: Slivac

The Bloodred Paralix
Owner: Minotaur

Age: 13 years, 1 month, 1 week

Born: May 2nd, 2011

Adopted: 13 years, 1 month, 1 week ago

Adopted: May 2nd, 2011


  • Level: 469
  • Strength: 1,178
  • Defense: 1,173
  • Speed: 1,179
  • Health: 1,178
  • HP: 1,178/1,178
  • Intelligence: 217
  • Books Read: 208
  • Food Eaten: 5
  • Job: Computer Specialist

There are stories and there are legends of which I am both to which of whom any mortal comes to know me as the WereDragTaur. By birth I am minotaur, by might I am dragon, and by blood I am werewolf. Trespass me not for there are indeed much worse things than death of which I am capable of inflicting upon your soul. Do not hunt me, do not seek me... do not call upon me, and do not bounty me... but above all of these do not get in my way! For many of a righteous mindset have sought to seek their own type of vengeance or honor in my blood but have only succeeded in cleansing my own claws and fangs with their own.

I seek no alliance other than to serve my own interests and theirs alone. Any alliance I look to have is but temporary until my goals are met whereupon then I cut loose any ties I have.

I seek to conquer all yes that is true... little by little I take down those who threaten that very ideal. I care naught for sides be they good nor demon for I have killed on both sides quite the equal proportions.If you have not heard of my name count it as a blessing for as soon as word passes lips to ears around, away is ones fate but by a clocks ticking sound.

History: (more soon to come)

Combat kills:
15 Dragons
45 Gryphons
64 Rabbit Warriors

Pet Treasure

Kumos Skull Faceguard

Telenine Skull Faceguard

Book of Demonic Names

Battle Wings

Pet Friends

Malus Immortal
You suit my needs... for now. Once all is said and done however, I will take over.

Enemy. Get in my way and I will see to it your end comes painfully slow.

Enemy. Too weak a gryphon to even consider a threat. Keep your feathers in line least they be plucked one by one.

An old outdated and repeatedly defeated demon who seems yet to live. For that I give credit. If this were a game I would think you were cheating?

Satsu Jin
Enemy. Test me not, lizard. Least I have your tail to add to my collection.

Faros Es-Kalin
Look at me now older brother. Look at what Ive become and all that stands within my grasp. Are you not proud of me now?