
Faros Es-Kalin has a minion!

Kaz the Bitter Minotaur

Faros Es-Kalin
Legacy Name: Faros Es-Kalin

The Galactic Endeavor
Owner: Minotaur

Age: 13 years, 1 month, 2 weeks

Born: May 4th, 2011

Adopted: 13 years, 1 month, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: May 4th, 2011


  • Level: 77
  • Strength: 191
  • Defense: 197
  • Speed: 194
  • Health: 216
  • HP: 216/216
  • Intelligence: 7
  • Books Read: 6
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Those outside the minotaur species can speak but a few words of my kind. But even that is less known but to a few who even know of our kind. So in turn I will shed but a fraction of light as to our history, our legend, and even what part I par take in it to give others both understanding and gratitude should one happen to cross paths with a horned one.

Many a century ago and scores of generations long gone past, humans were of a unique status. Uncorrupted by outside influence, greed, or power. What occurred exactly to change this however, is lost to the ages. But in the last vestiges of that fleeting generation a small number of noble humans struck out on their own to escape this corruption seeking refuge. Upon doing so, and traveling in-numerous miles of land and sea they found an island most ideal for their needs. However, something from the heavens above descended that night while all rested. Morphing and changing them in both body, spirit, and mind. Thus, the first minotaurs were born.

Fast forward dozens of generations, and this is where my story begins. I am Faros, one of the last breathing members of the house of Kalin. My brother, Slivac and I have been training since we were but mere calf's' barely able to stand on our own hooves. Through every fight and battle we fought both alone and together we rose through the ranks of the minotaur coliseum as gladiators. A many great warriors fell before our hooves. Perhaps it was ignorance, or pure denial in that one day we were destined to fight one another. Pieing for the top warrior champion amongst the lands.

The great battle started midday and continued on throughout the night. Blow against blow, none of our weapons caught purchase. Sweat matted fur soon gave way into drenching the sand beneath our hooves. Slivac and I were too greatly an even match. We had both undergone the same training, knowing each others tactics, strengths, and weaknesses. It got to the the point where our swords, battle axe's and shields shattered against the stress. Stripping ourselves of our armor to give respite and mobility as we fought paw against paw in the last hours of the sunlight the following day.Finally, our bodies gave way to exhaustion in ragged shortening breaths. A match having never so evenly fought for so long in all of our history the champion was decided upon who was the last to fall, to which I awoke victor.It is customary for the failure of one to result in the forfeiture of their life by the paws of the victor. However, in this case my brother was exiled from our lands. Set never to return under punishment of death. I therefore have not seen him since that fight.

I do not possess the knowledge of his whereabouts nor whether he still draws breath. So now I set out having earned my freedom in search of my lost brother. For it is he who is the only family I have left.

Pet Treasure

Battle Wings

Pet Friends

My young long lost brother if you still live, what has become of you I cannot fathom to guess. But do know that I will not stop looking for you!