
Averly_942 has a minion!

Minion the Clear Slime

Legacy Name: Averly_942

The Common Darkonite
Owner: Caitdango

Age: 12 years, 7 months, 4 weeks

Born: October 4th, 2011

Adopted: 12 years, 7 months, 4 weeks ago

Adopted: October 4th, 2011


  • Level: 4
  • Strength: 17
  • Defense: 18
  • Speed: 17
  • Health: 18
  • HP: 10/18
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

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Averly Kingston

Unknown; appears to be in his mid-20s in his human guise.


Coming soon!

Coming soon!

General fire manipulation; ability to shift between human & draconic forms.

Will also be added soon. 8| But he's cheerful, kind of oblivious, not very capable or reliable. Unless you call his pride into question or manage to provoke him, in which case he can prove to be quite reliable- although still less than capable. He likes to goof off on the job, loves human food and culture, and especially loves napping in the sun like some kind of overgrown cat.

Averly Kingston, although by no means a member of the human race, came to find himself living among them one day. Or rather, injured and dying among them; bloodied in a park (which he'd mistaken as some sort of safe haven) with a growing ring of spectators about him.

Although he lost consciousness at some point and doesn't remember it, he was found by a very specialized organization which was quite adept at dealing with the overlap of the fantastic and horrific with humanity. Taken to their compound, he was expertly treated by their medics and was eventually given a clean ticket of health. They considered him lucky to have survived such injuries; lucky that an operative had happened to be on lunch break in the park when he fell.

And lucky he is. Obliviously so, in fact. Unfortunately, this innate luck seems to come at the cost of those close to him. With few other options, he underwent training to become a field agent for this mysterious organization. It was only this 'luck' of his that got him through the training-- it would later become evident that he certainly was not very good at his job.

The mechanics of shooting a gun, especially, seemed to be far beyond him. Yet, somehow when he was on the case, things seemed to get done. Of course, no lucky breaks came free of cost. His first partner ended up in the hospital wing several times before finally requesting reassignment, and his second partner ended up in the morgue.

Briefly, under the policy that no field agent is to operate without a partner, Averly was taken off assignment. It took a bit of searching, but eventually the higher-ups found him a suitable partner- one that neither the most terrible misfortunes nor the clumsiest mistakes could kill. Freshly paired up with Javed, Averly returned to active duty. However, new partner or not, his work ethic hasn't improved in the slightest. And neither has his shooting.

Originally coded by: dreamsky
Edited by: Caitdango

Pet Treasure

Chinese Take-Out

Miso Soup

Pork Bao

Pet Friends

Oops, sorry! Did I just shoot you again? :'c

Clair Harmless
Something about your associate seems really weird...

Sooo, think you could pull some strings with your dad to get me out of here? ;D

... so why can't I live outside the compound again? :| I'm so full of human knowledge now...