
Keadnu has a minion!

Century the Graymalkin

Legacy Name: Keadnu

The Darkmatter Kumos
Owner: Bingo

Age: 17 years, 3 weeks, 6 days

Born: May 19th, 2007

Adopted: 17 years, 3 weeks, 6 days ago (Legacy)

Adopted: May 19th, 2007 (Legacy)


  • Level: 122
  • Strength: 124
  • Defense: 125
  • Speed: 58
  • Health: 134
  • HP: 131/134
  • Intelligence: 830
  • Books Read: 822
  • Food Eaten: 3
  • Job: Tribune Investigative Journalist

css by bingo
Crime News
— Minion
Species —

About Keadnu –

Journalist. Working for the Tribune on the Investigative section, plus a side job which requires some battle training. More

Century, the Graymalkin –

He likes to call himself a small tiger; he is much rather a slightly overgrown cat. Not only able to talk, but unable to stop.


Look for Zack to know more about our work; If you want to get personal, then look for Kraed instead.

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Recent disturbances happening in the Westernmost parts of the Arctic Frost have been appointed to be in direct relation with known fugitive Blear and his partner Bernard. The latter is very recognizable for his pure white fur (which he might be using to his favor amidst the snowy lands of the Frost), and while there are still no records of Blear's facial features, he is said to be sporting his usual bone mask and dark, feathered cape.

Please contact your local police department with any kind of information on the case. We are compelled to warn our readers to NOT APPROACH and NOT HARM either of the fugitives, under risks of grave danger.


KNELL BÉRANGER, 13, passed away this Tuesday, October 18, of causes yet unknown.

Witnesses appoint to his involvement in a fight that broke out at a tabern in Centropolis, in the early evening of said day, and which resulted in the collapse of the building. His body was removed from the debris by survivor (and the victim's personal friend) Zayx Vaughan, who has declined to comment on the incident.

Knell is survived by older brothers Kraed and Keadnu Béranger, with whom he did not maintain close relations. There are no records of other surviving family members.


As of this issue, the Investigative Section has been officially passed on to a new editor: Keadnu Béranger, 19, CNU graduate with degrees in Law and Journalism. The appointment was made by the previous editor, Gerard Yisad himself, who appoints Keadnu as his "most promising intern”.

The Tribune has no doubt of Mr. Béranger’s outstanding abilities, and wishes him all of luck in his new position and in his career.


You FOUND 'em!

Pet Treasure

Subeta Tribune Special Issue VII

Subeta Tribune Special Issue II

Subeta Tribune Special Issue VI

Crime Anthology

Tape and Glass and a Crime Unsolved

Blank Parchment

Incomplete Manuscripts

Discarded Paper

Unholy Pages

Vintage Typewriter

Pemberley Letter Writing Set

Raven Feather Quill Pen

Blue Building E-Book

Worn Out Library Card

SAI Junior Agent Badge

Declassified SAI Documents

SAI Morse Code Legend

Subeta Tribune

Effective Journalism

Obsessive Manual

Rumpled Pages

Unholy Pages

Atebus Rumor Report

Stained and Torn Family Album

Decrepit Keening Songbook

Damaged Book

Scarred Leather Record Book

Badly Neglected Book

Corrupted Book

Tattered Old Book

Well-Loved Beat-Up Book

Handbound Book

Gearbound Journal

Bound Doctors Journal

Subeta History

A History of Dark Matter

A Revolution History

Atebus Murder Mysteries: Part 1

Atebus Murder Mysteries: Part 2

Ziara: A History Through Headlines

Atebus Penal Code

Pet Friends





