
Meilleur has a minion!

Lure the Watcher

Legacy Name: Meilleur

The Graveyard Paralix
Owner: Dragon_Cloud01

Age: 17 years, 3 months, 1 week

Born: March 13th, 2007

Adopted: 17 years, 3 months, 1 week ago (Legacy)

Adopted: March 13th, 2007 (Legacy)

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 9
  • Strength: 24
  • Defense: 23
  • Speed: 24
  • Health: 23
  • HP: 0/23
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Subject Identification
Named Meilleur, has been part of the Medical side of the Facility for about thirteen years.

Subject species
Meilleur is a Paralix covered in scars and slght discoloration from the many times he had been cut open and amputated. Each time he has regenerated and healed himself.

Subject Therian Type Level
Type three borderline type four Paralix therian.

Humanised Form Stats
--Height 5 foot 7 inches
--Weight 60 pounds

Animalistic Form Stats
--Height 2 foot 7 inches from the shoulder to the floor.
--Weight 60 pounds

Other information
From a Medical research facility that was researching into the regenerative abilities that salamanders and some Paralix share. Any tissure that was surgically attached to Meilleur that matched his blood type, was healed and regenerated then cut out once again. This was again investagated where he grew an extra leg when one was amputated.
Was taken to the Phycology department a year ago to special request. Hides himself under cushions in the Common room and is not liked by many other therians. If touched on a limb, often sheds it to get away. Does not like being touched and does not speak.

-~-{Therians explained}-~-

The Facility classes these Therians as follows;
Type1 The least severe, These therians show the least amount of traits that identify them. Usually 2-3 Traits, and they can appear as a normal human by withdrawing all their traits. This Type is considered to be Human Dominant.
Type2 These theirans show slightly more traits that the Type 1 Therians and can withdraw almost all their traits. Usually 4-5 traits, with one remanant trait that cant be withdrawn. This Type is considered to be Human Dominant.
Type3 This is less serious than Type Four, but the person cannot appear as a normal human. Usually ears, tail and fangs are still apparent when they are more human in appearance, they can shift to a complete animal form. This Type is considered to be human Dominant, not animal.
Type4 The Most severe case and the most rare of the types, Type 4 therians still display most of their animal traits in a humanised form but they cannot maintain this form for long. As their internal structures are mainly animalistic. They must be in their animal form to recover. They are considered by the Facility to be not-human, even though they can change to a humanised form they still are more animal like in beheaviour. Therian-Human rights activists condiser them human and the Facility has seen its fair amount of attack over this classification. This Type is considered to be animal Dominant, not Human.

Pet Treasure

Fox Fire


Pet Friends

*hides behind the short researcher*

*Squeaks in fear and buries under the pillows*

Claudius Trask
*Rests head on his lap*