
Legacy Name: Anastasi

The Arid Neela
Owner: Melon

Age: 8 years, 10 months, 2 weeks

Born: July 13th, 2015

Adopted: 8 years, 10 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: July 13th, 2015


  • Level: 69
  • Strength: 89
  • Defense: 79
  • Speed: 76
  • Health: 89
  • HP: 45/89
  • Intelligence: 113
  • Books Read: 99
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Scribe to the Goddess

's younger half brother.

Ana is standoffish, quiet and really sort of heartless on the surface since he works for Yaeger, a renowned drug lord and king of the underground. He's very socially awkward and masks his kind deeds and desire to help those in need with passive aggressive comments. However, he likes birds and he collects old military stuff, like guns, bullets, coins..etc. He is still deathly afraid of the dark and has nightlights strewn throughout his house. His brother used to affectionately tease him-a memory he holds onto with fondness.

Very athletic, works out a lot but he's naturally got a lithe build, so he is toned but he cant get bigger lol. He runs a /lot/. He has a huuuuuge winding salt water fish tank that takes up a wall of two rooms. He is also insecure about his look/not being good enough. He was abused at his orphanage by an older kid, he still has flashbacks. Him and his brother Bastijn luckily were rehomed together. The boy from the orphanage is now a big so called man who owns a big corporation and blackmails him/sometimes is creepy. He cringes if strangers call him Ana or Stasi. It's Stas or bust.

Pet Treasure

Winsome Rogue Gun Holsters

Ripped Teddy Bear Plushie

Engraved Heart Lock

Pet Friends

....What? I was just looking at that thing behind you.

Get out of here, runt.

Sure thing, boss.

...hey, if you can hear me out there...I miss you.