
Naerys has a minion!

Jasmine the Teapup

Legacy Name: Naerys

The Glade Torrey
Owner: Pichuzilla

Age: 13 years, 1 day

Born: June 17th, 2011

Adopted: 12 years, 10 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: July 24th, 2011


  • Level: 15
  • Strength: 23
  • Defense: 17
  • Speed: 14
  • Health: 21
  • HP: 21/21
  • Intelligence: 76
  • Books Read: 75
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

"This brew is as good as the cafe acclaims it to be. Don't you think so too, Jasmine?"

A dainty teacup was lifted carefully and slowly; the steaming verdant liquid inside it moved only the slightest bit. A butterfly drifted past the cup, flapping its vermillion wings as it danced around the swirling steam emanating from the tea.

A small puppy jumped up to paw at the butterfly, but instead fell bottom-first back onto the ground. Jasmine sat up grumpily as she rubbed her bottom, shaking her head at the Glade Torrey sitting on the iron-wrought chair.

Naerys sipped delicately at the tea, sighing in content. She inhaled the smell of the tea, appreciating the fresh scent of the oolong tea.


Naerys had always been a peaceful person by nature. She preferred solitude amongst most things, and was a big advocate of the culture of tea. Raised in an orphanage from a very young age, she first discovered the magical call of tea when she was walking by an open cafe one day. Having smelt the rich, aromatic scent of jasmine that a customer was enjoying, Naerys insisted on having a pot of tea with the director of her orphanage.

She'd been hooked since then.


Where was that errant Lain?

Narrowly missing being bowled over by an enthusiastically dancing couple, Naerys sighed as she inched her way closer to the refreshments table. Obsidianfeather had brought her along as a plus-one, since they were both from the same working-class background, and he didn't want to stick out like a sore thumb. The beautician had disappeared, though, as soon as he announced that he was going to look for the friend who had invited him to the lavish ball.

Naerys helped herself to the tea provided; she grinned as she studied the tantalizing shade of the black tea swirling in the cup from the slight movement of her hand. As much as she didn't like being among affluent people, she certainly couldn't say no to free, high-quality tea.

Sipping carefully at the black tea, Naerys was too engrossed in analyzing the flavour, and failed to noticed the man walking backwards into her direction until his elbow knocked the cup out of her hands.

"Ouch!" In her attempt to save the falling cup, she'd forgotten about the heated surface of the china, and scalded her hands. She winced at the ugly crash of the porcelain cup; she'd dropped it in reflex action.

Seeing the wasted tea lying in a sorry pool on the marbled floor, simply put, pissed her off. She glared furiously at the culprit. One of the rich noblemen... obviously, they didn't know how hard it was for the people of her social class to pay for tea and china that had just been wasted. "Well, aren't you you going to apologize? You just wasted a perfectly good cup of tea!"

The Montre seemed to have lost his power for speech, gaping for a few, useless moments before he managed to say, "I apologize, Miss...?"

"Naerys," she was pleasantly surprised by the sincerity of his tone. She had expected him to just walk away as if nothing had happened, but instead, he had bent down to help her clear up the mess. Maybe he wasn't as bad as she had originally thought.

This night is flawless; don't you let it go,
I'm wonderstruck; dancing around all alone,
Amaedeus I'll spend my whole life, wondering if you knew,
I was enchanted to meet you...

Pet Treasure

Leafy Tea Party

Rose Hair Pins

Silver Lace Sugar Bowl

Rose Hair Pins

Silver Lace Sugar Bowl

Chipped Tea Set

Cinnamon Fireside Teacake

Tea Book

Fancy Antique Mug of Chai Tea

Spiced Pumpkin Tea Bag

Pumpkin Teacup

Silver Lace Teapot

Silver Lace Teapot

Silver Lace Teacup

Silver Lace Cream Pot

Porcelain Lace Teapot

Porcelain Lace Sugar Bowl

Pet Friends

Doesn't like tea very much.

I was enchanted to meet you too.